Church Campaign Services
Issue: #24
January 2015 
In This Issue
Transferring the Capital Campaign Vision into a Plan...
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Happy New Year!

You have your capital campaign vision and mission prepared, and you're ready to move forward with executing your campaign. Now is the time to make your vision for stewardship a reality.

In this issue, we discuss how to take your capital campaign vision and turn it into an actionable plan. We also give ideas for communicating your plans to your church members.

Transferring the Capital Campaign Vision into a Plan

How to Turn an Idea into Tangible Results

You've established a vision for how your capital campaign funds will be used to expand your church's stewardship and mission. You and your church leaders are inspired to turn the vision into reality.

How do you take an idea and create something that others can see? How do make it seem more tangible and achievable?

Here are 4 ways to turn your passion into campaign results:

Appeal to emotion - Share the vision

As human beings, we are moved by emotion. We can relate to others and their wishes on an emotional level. Make sure every member in every pew knows the benefits of your capital campaign, not just the needs you have recognized. It's critical that everyone involved is invested in the vision and sees how the campaign will impact the stewardship of the church.

Crunch numbers - Establish goals

Some people's minds work in a more logical or analytical way. By providing the facts, figures and numbers that tell your story, you can make the project more real for these members. Be transparent about how much money you want to raise and how it can be accomplished. When donors challenge themselves to give at their highest level, you can reach your goals together.

A picture is worth a thousand words - Show while you tell

Many people are motivated by visuals and what they can see or touch. Make your vision more tangible by sharing conceptual drawings of what you plan to accomplish. If members can see the new building or how the remodeled space will look, it helps make the vision real.

Reinforce the plan - Communicate frequently

Once your capital campaign is underway, it's important to keep your donors informed of the progress. It may take a few years to accomplish your campaign goals. By communicating frequently - through sermons, bulletins, social media, etc. - you can share your campaign accomplishments and spread the word as you reach important goals.

For a capital campaign to be successful, the vision needs to be transferred into a plan that is real and tangible for members. They need to feel it and be moved by it. They need transparency and to see the future on paper. And let members know their support is allowing the church to reach its goals!

How to Communicate Your Capital Campaign Plan

Grabbing Your Donors' Attention


To help turn your capital campaign vision into an actionable plan, it's important to communicate the tangible benefits to your members. To learn more, read our blog: How to Communicate Your Capital Campaign Plan. 


To learn more about how Church Campaign Services can help you create a successful capital campaign, please call us at 888.558.6873 or email us today.


Yours in Christ,


Bob Kukla 
Church Campaign Services 

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