Church Campaign Services
Issue: #22
November 2014 
In This Issue
5 Ways to Inspire Your Cautious Donors...
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Happy November!

Your capital campaign donors may have concerns about committing to giving levels. What if the economy takes a turn for the worse? Will I have enough money if something happens? Donors need to be reassured that it's okay to give generously.

In this issue, we talk about how you can inspire donors who may still feel cautious about donating. We'll also provide tips on how to create a culture of generosity in your church.

5 Ways to Inspire Your Cautious Donors

Reasons to Give in the Post-Recession Economy


Even though the future continues to look bright, your campaign donors may feel cautious about giving, especially those who generally pledge at the highest giving levels.


It's understandable that post-recession donors will behave and give differently than before. They have been forever changed by the worst economic times since the Great Depression. Everyone is a bit more nervous.


Your donors may feel supportive but are limiting their commitment. Or, they may want to wait before making a significant longer-term pledge. What can you do to move a campaign forward when your donors are feeling cautious?


Focus on the Case for Support

The Case for Support sets the scope of the campaign for all who participate. This document develops the direction and a defined strategy for how to most effectively present your plans to your church's members. Raising funds is about emotions every bit as much as it is about logic. That's why it's important that your campaign be presented in the best possible light.


Communicate the importance of the vision

By using the Case for Support as a guideline, you can present a compelling and persuasive vision and outline the need for the campaign. Your vision can be explained in a sentence or two. The vision should tie into the mission of the church.


Use campaign leaders to reiterate the message

It's not enough to have a vision.It must be shared and accepted to be effective.  Inspiring leadership can draw a line between the reality of today and prayer for tomorrow, and chart a course or path for others to follow. Visionary leaders create passion and spread it to the members and community around them.


Keep donors up-to-date on progress

Today's donors want information and want to understand the whole situation. They want to be kept informed about the plans, goals and progress of the overall campaign. If they understand the purpose of the fundraising efforts and can get behind it, they will become loyal and exuberant donors.


Give thanks for all support

Let donors know how much their support is appreciated. Give thanks for everyone's generosity and give it often.  

Cultivating a Culture of Generosity


Is your congregation's approach to stewardship stuck in a rut? For tips on how to encourage abundance and focus on the spiritual rewards of a generous life, read our blog: How to Create a Culture of Generosity.


To learn more about how Church Campaign Services can help you create a successful capital campaign, please call us at 888.558.6873 or email us today.


Yours in Christ,


Bob Kukla 
Church Campaign Services 

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