Church Campaign Services
Issue: #20September 2014 
In This Issue
Pillar Three of a Successful Capital Campain...
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In August, we shared the second pillar of capital campaign success: Two Financial Questions Every Member Shares. You can also read more about the first pillar: Inspiring Leadership.

In this issue, we present the third pillar of creating a successful campaign: Owning the Plan. We'll also provide tips on how to pass ownership of your campaign onto your congregation.
Pillar Three of a Successful Capital Campaign:

Owning the Plan

Every organization has been through the stages of growth. A church capital campaign is merely a fulfillment of a plan to build or maintain the facilities that house the discipleship development that is necessary for a community of faith to grow and discern their unique calling.


There first needs to be a dream or vision that calls us to be someone or something we currently cannot achieve. This usually starts with one or two members or staff who then gain supporters as they articulate their creative ideas.

The dream becomes a vision when a team rolls up its sleeves and determines just what facilities will be necessary and how they fit with their current physical plant. This is usually achieved by a strategic planning team and can be anywhere from three members to twenty.

And to achieve the goals of the vision and planning team, members need to fund the program through a capital campaign. The challenge of every congregation is to pass the buy-in or ownership of the plan to every member in every pew. Once the leadership, the workers, and the members at large accept and own the plan as their own, they will fund the plan.

Passing on the ownership of the vision and plan is achieved by first being able to articulate the plan clearly and demonstrate tangible evidence of how it will be achieved, as well as being transparent with all pertinent information. You must be open to suggestions and modifications and set reasonable giving expectations of what it will take to raise sufficient funds. Then, give every member in every pew the opportunity to succeed as a community.

How to Create a Sense of Campaign Ownership

For more tips on passing campaign ownership to your entire congregation - and to increase campaign giving - read our blog: How to Create a Sense of Campaign Ownership.

To learn more about how Church Campaign Services can help you create a successful capital campaign, please call us at 888.558.6873 or email us today.


Yours in Christ,


Bob Kukla 
Church Campaign Services 

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