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We have talked about the importance of writing a Case for Support as you begin your church's campaign planning process. It is a valuable document for outlining the vision, mission and strategy that will guide your campaign.
In this issue, we give you 7 ways a Case for Support can be used, and we answer many of the common questions we receive about planning and executing campaigns.
7 ways to use a Case for Support
A crucial campaign planning tool
A carefully conceived and well-developed statement of your church's vision and campaign needs will assure that you:
- Secure agreement, understanding and commitment among your church leadership. This approach helps create total dedication to the cause and a precise focus on the church's objectives and goals.
- Develop a direction and a defined strategy for how to most effectively present your mission and your case to the church's members and friends.
- Inform leaders and volunteers of your ministry and your dreams. You also demonstrate how the success of the endeavor will work to the immense benefit of those your serve.
- Enlist new leaders - in sufficient numbers and at the proper levels to reach your goals.
- Have an early working document and cultivation piece for prospective campaign leadership and major donor gifts.
- Provide a document that helps others endorse and share the leadership's vision.
- Create a guide for the writing of subsequent publications, such as a brochure, fact sheets, newsletter articles and even videotaped presentations.
To learn more about writing a Case for Support, please read our blog post.
Answers to commonly asked campaign questions
CCS is here to help
What results can we expect from our campaign? Should we include a mission component? When should we call CCS? For answers to these questions and more, read our blog post Answers to Your Capital Campaign Questions.
Contact Church Campaign Services today at 888.558.6873 to talk more about the importance of a Case for Support and to get answers to your specific capital campaign questions.
Yours in Christ,
Bob Kukla