Church Campaign Services
Issue: #5April 2013 
In This Issue
Is your church ready for a capital campaign?
How should you promote your capital campaign?
Connect with us!
Happy Spring!


Is your church ready for a capital campaign? Fundraising campaigns need planning - and lots of it. Even if your church has a need, you must clearly articulate the vision and mission in a Case for Support. Your leadership must be identified and promotional materials created in order to inspire support of the campaign.


In this issue, you'll learn how to evaluate your church's readiness for a capital campaign and get tips for successfully promoting the campaign.

Is your church ready for a capital campaign?
Conducting a readiness assessment

You've decided you need to raise funds to remodel part of your church, build a new structure, or pay down existing debt. But how can you be sure your church is ready for a campaign?


Before you even think about asking for that first dollar, answer the following questions:

  1. Is it easy to articulate what a successful campaign will mean to your church's mission and ministry?
  2. Have you been able to capture the campaign's predicted impact in a compelling case statement?
  3. Does your church have a strong donor pool to be able to raise funds?
  4. Does your church have committed volunteer leadership as well as spiritual leadership?
  5. Is your church prepared to do the campaign right?

If your church is able to give a resounding "Yes!" to all of these questions, then you're probably ready to begin the capital campaign process. If you are uncertain in any of these areas, please contact CCS to conduct a more thorough Campaign Readiness Assessment to identify areas that need further attention.

How should you promote your capital campaign?
Inspiring your members to give.


Your members want to know about benefits. How will your capital campaign help the church and its congregation? And different members are motivated by different reasons. You may need to communicate a unique message to each generation.


For more detailed information about how to communicate the benefits of your church's campaign, read our blog post How To Inspire Support For Your Capital Campaign.

Contact Church Campaign Services today at 888.558.6873 to talk more about your church's capital campaign readiness and the steps to promoting a successful campaign.


And, join us on FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter for the latest updates, campaign advice and more. 


Yours in Christ,


Bob Kukla 
Church Campaign Services