Chamber Connection
"And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been"
- Rainer Maria Rilke  
January 7, 2014
Welcome Back!!!
We hope you enjoyed a relaxing holiday break and/or did not work too hard 
over the holidays. We at the Chamber are rested, rejuvenated and 
ready to start off 2014 with a big bang! 
We hope you are still on-board to join us in continuing our efforts to 
help Hartsville grow into the most desirable South Carolina city in which to 
live, work and play!!  

With new beginnings being welcomed by the passing of 2013, we are excited to highlight our very own, Sonoco CEO, Jack Sanders' guest appearance on the Carolina Business Review. If you have about 26 minutes to spare, we encourage you to watch this video. Chris William asks questions of his panel to which the answers provide insight into key business needs such as EDUCATION that produces qualified and trained workforce; INFRASTRUCTURE to get people and products in and out; and a TAX CODE that is fair for businesses. 

We are lucky to have, right here in Hartsville, the PULSE and International Baccalaureate Programs in our public schools; Governor's School for Science and Mathematics; and Florence Darlington Technical College to help fill that skills gap.  As far as infrastructure goes, the City is working real hard to get our streets fixed and to improve our entry corridors.  And if you are curious as to how South Carolina's tax rates compare, Sanders explains the impact on business in the video. We cannot help but share our favorite quote from the video. Sanders quotes a tech company's CEO from the days of early internet growth.  This truth applies to so much more than just business!
ʺPeople tend to overestimate the speed or pace of change 
and underestimate the overall magnitude of change.ʺ 
In order to better serve you, we will be asking a poll question in our weekly Chamber Connection. We hope you will participate so we can develop an understanding as to your needs, opinions, desires and preferences. Do you have suggestions for survey questions? Email us your ideas! The poll question will always be found beneath this intro section. 
Today's Poll: A few of you responded with interest in a QuickBooks training. Would you be interested in Microsoft Excel training if offered through the Chamber?  Click Here
What's Inside?

For more information about any of the above events please click the link.

The Sideline
Coker College


1/8 Women's Basketball vs Queens HOME at 6pm


1/8 Men's Basketball

vs Queens HOME  at 8pm


Emmanuel Christian


 1/11 Boys and Girls Basketball vs GSSM HOME at 5pm


1/13 Boys and Girls Basketball vs Kings Academy HOME at 5pm


1/14 Boys and Girls Basketball vs South Pointe Christian HOME at 5pm


Florence Dar. Tech


Governor's School



Hartsville High

1/10 Boys and Girls Basketball vs Marlboro County HOME at 6pm
1/11 Wrestling Tournament HOME at 9am
1/11 Boys and Girls Basketball vs Wilson AWAY at 4pm
1/14 Boys and Girls Basketball vs Lakewood HOME at 6pm
1/14 Wrestling vs Eau Claire AWAY  at 6pm
Sales, Deals & Discounts
R & B Beverage
650+ Beers
300+ Wines
Make your own specialty 6 pack
Raceway Ford Cheverolet
$23.95 Lube, Oil & Filter Change
Hartsville and Darlington Locations Call 332.0185 
Prescription Drug Card
Compliments of the Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce
Save up to 75% on brand and generic medications
Stop by the Chamber and get yours today!
Chamber Members,
to have your Sale, Deal or Discount included 
Email Us  with promotion details.
(Service Corps of Retired Executives) 
SCORE provides FREE business counseling to existing and start-up businesses.  The Hartsville SCORE operation is available to help local business owners who are trying to optimize business: expand, add a new product line, increase profit, reduce cost, or add market share.
Do you have a business idea to fill the empty store-fronts in downtwon Hartsville?  Or maybe you have been contemplating starting your dream business.  Or maybe you would benefit from some assistantce related to:
  • Accounting and Taxes
  • Business & Personnel Management
  • Buying or Selling a Business
  • eCommerce,
  • Customer Relations
  • Business & Marketing Planning 
  • Financing/Capital
  • Technology/Computers
  • Legal Issues
SCORE is a division of your Chamber and a free resource for your business.  Utilizing SCORE services increases the potential for business success.   SCORE volunteers are experienced, retired, business professionals and offer mentoring, training, and business problem solving.
To make a counseling appointment contact the Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce at 843.332.6401 or 
SCORE... Helping Businesses Improve   
Good Living Marketplace:
6th Annual Chili in the Park Cook-Off
Who:  Main street Hartsville
What:  Marketplace of various craft, accessories, food and organic vendors
When: Saturday, January 11th 10am- 2pm
Where: Cargill Way, Downtown Hartsville
How:  Free and open to the public

Vote and shop local artisan's booths, including local produce, organic meats and cheeses, fine arts, crafts, coffee, fresh baked treats & more!


Purple Glove Day
Dance Team Application Deadline
January 18
The American Cancer Society is seeking
Dance Teams!
Praise Teams, Cheerleaders, Krumpers, Hip-Hoppers, Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Dance Hall, Pop-Lock, Folk, Clog, Step, Mime, Fraternities, Sororities, anyone with rhythm!
Who: American Cancer Society
What:  Half-time dance performance teams at the March 8 Pee Dee Viper Game.  Dancers will celebrate cancer survivors and raise awareness.
When: Deadline for dance team submissions is Saturday, January 18
How:  Click here for more information 
MLK Celebration  
A commemorative service honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr is free and open to the public followed by a light lunch sponsored by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority of Hartsville  
Who:  People to People of Hartsville
What: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Service featuring Keynote speaker Mr. Bhakati Larry Hough
When: Monday, January 20, 12/Noon
Where: Kay Branch Missionary Baptist Church,
1801 N. 5th St
In-Lobby Display
Hartsville Memorial Library
147 West College Ave 
Phone: 843.332.5115
Fax: 843.332.7071
Library Hours
Monday-Thursday: 9am-8pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm
Sunday: 2pm-5pm
Job & Interview Preparation Class
January 25th
-Instruction on resume
-appropriate interview attire
-interview techniques
1 of 6 Monthly Seminars
A thank you from the Darlington County Disability and Special Needs Board Click Here
Pilot Club of Hartsville:
Caregiver of the Year  Nominations are being accepted by the Pilot Club of Hartsville with a deadline of January 13Click Here for the application.
Rotary Club of Hartsville:
Citizen of the Year  Nominations are being accepted by the Rotary Club of Hartsville with a deadline of January 3.  Click Here for the application.
Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce:
Will Woodham Business Person of the Year Nominations are being accepted by the Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce with a deadline of January 3.  Click Here for the application.
"Let's Meet Up"
Toastmasters of Hartsville:
Next Meeting: January 13th All meetings will be on the
2nd and 4th Monday on the 1st floor of the Black Creeks Art Council beginning at 7:00pm
Hospice Care of SC Grief Support:
Next Meeting: January 21st Grief Support is a special monthly support group to help cope with the loss of a loved one. This group meets every 3rd Tuesday at 4:30pm at Hospice Care of SC.
To have your group or organization's meeting included here Email Us with details.


Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce | 843.332.6401 |
214 N. Fifth Street
PO Box 578
Hartsville, SC 29551

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