12th Year For Alive After FiveŽ
After 11 years of Friday night Main Street summer celebrations, things will be a little different this year. The event this summer will be held on four Thursday nights--July 11, July 25, August 8 and August 22. The rain date is September 5. Suffolk police requested the change of day to Thursdays. The Chamber is still working on plans for the event. We look forward to having another successful summer festival. Vendor applications will be available soon.
NAPA Building is Blizzard Casualty
The blizzard which struck on Friday, Feb. 8 and dumped up to 33 inches in the area caused wide spread disruption and a difficult clean up that lasted several days. One casualty of the storm was the former NAPA building at the corner of Rider Ave. and East Main Street. The heavy snow and water from rain that fell on Monday collapsed a portion of its roof on Tuesday and caused the east side wall to bulge. An immediate partial demolition was required.
The Industrial Coverage Building at South Ocean Avenue and Church Street was red for Valentine's Day but the colors at the former Union Savings Bank vary nightly. The LED lighting project was partially funded by a state facade improvement grant obtained by the Business Improvement District.
Spring is just around the corner and the chamber is busy preparing for this year's events and activities for Patchogue.
This month, the Business Promotion Committee is hosting "The Party at the Playhouse". Come and enjoy a performance of The Best of Broadway, A Cabaret Show on February 21st at 8pm. Tickets are $20 and are available for purchase through The Colony Shop or the Chamber office.
To begin the St. Patrick's Day festivities, the Passing of the Sash ceremony and Irish Soda Bread Contest will be on Sunday, February 24th at 1pm. Come down to Harbor Crab to support this year's Grand Marshal, Mike Rau from Tires, Inc. on East Main Street. This year, the parade is on March 17th and begins at 12:30pm. Enjoy Pipe Bands, floats, twirlers and much more and remember everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day!
SAVE THE DATE! On March 20th we will be celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the Greater Patchogue Chamber of Commerce. We will honor this milestone at Lombardi's on the Bay with food, drinks, dancing and raffles.
I would like to thank Neil Weingarten from Conference Associates, Inc. for speaking at the January General Meeting about the Affordable Care Act.
Have a successful month!
-Jacqueline Hensley
A Message From The Marketing Committee
Hey Chamber Members! If you have any events, specials or discounts coming up that you would like a little extra publicity for, send them to us for Facebook and Twitter. We are here for you! Email your information and/or flyers to Melissa Kuehnle at mkuehnle@sjcny.edu. We will post your information for you.
And, remember to "like" us on Facebook (Patchogue Chamber) and follow us on Twitter (@Patchogue)!
-Melissa Kuehnle
Foundation sponsored Irish tenor Ronan Tynan will be at the Patchogue Theatre at 8:00 PM, Feb. 23.
Get your tickets at PatchogueTheatre.com.
Chamber Board
Temple Beth El
8:00 AM
Thursday, Feb. 21
Business Promotion Committee Fundraiser
Clare Rose Playhouse
Best of Broadway,
Cabaret Show
8:00 PM, $20
631-475-0070 for tickets
Saturday, Feb. 23
Ronan Tynan Concert
Patchogue Theatre
8:00 PM
Sunday, Feb. 24
St. Patrick's Grand Marshal
Passing of the Sash
Barefoot Princess
Harbor Crab
1:00 PM
Michael Rau, Tires Inc., Grand Marshal
Music by Bangers & Mash
Tuesday, Feb. 26
Chamber General Meeting
Country Kitchen
8:00 AM
Breakfast: $15
Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Kalimi, Southside Hospital
Friday, March 1
Due Date for Brookhaven Chambers of Commerce Coalition Small Business Grant Application
Call the office for details
Sunday, March 17
St. Patrick's Parade
and 5K Run
Main Street
Race: 12:20 PM
Fun Run: 12:25 PM
Parade: 12:30 PM
Wednesday, March 20
Chamber Gala Cocktail Party
Celebrating 90th Anniversary
Lombardi's On The Bay
6-9 PM
Aboulafia & June CPAs, PC, Diane June, 317 Middle Country Rd., Suite 3, Smithtown, NY 11787, 631-724-1020, www.ajcpas.com
Wisteria Lane/ The Cheese Patch, Tracy Kaspereit/Paige Pfeifer, 11 N. Ocean Ave., Patchogue, NY 11772, 631-438-0414/438-0393, www.wisterialaneny.com