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In This Issue: September 2013
Conversations on Europe: A Virtual Roundtable Series
Finding Money for Europe Workshop
EUCE Brussels Program Report
Viadrina Exchange
FLAS Applications
Conversations on Europe:
A Virtual Roundtable Series 

Thursday, September 26  11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., SAC 2.302


"Conversations on Europe" is a virtual series hosted by the European Union Center of Excellence at the University of Pittsburgh.  Leading experts on the EU and European topics participate via videoconference from other EU Centers nationwide.


Join us for the first in the series:

"The German Elections: Outcomes and Impact"

Featuring UT faculty: Drs. David Crew (Department of History), Per Urlaub (Department of Germanic Studies) and Peter Rehberg (Department of Germanic Studies).

Additional faculty from Pittsburgh, Wisconsin-Madison, and North Carolina Chapel Hill will also be participating.


The event is free and open to everyone but seating is limited and registration is required.
Click here to register.

Euros falling from sky TEST FLAS
How to Get Money for Research and Study in Europe

October 7  1:30 p.m. -3:00 p.m., CLA 1.302E


Interested in studying, researching, or teaching in Europe but don't know how your going to find the funding?


Join us for a discussion about the perils of the scholarship process and steps to take to prepare. Specific information will include opportunities offered by the Fulbright Schuman Award and others.  The presentation will include award details, the application process and examples of successful proposals and potential host institutions. Attendees can also expect to learn more about current trends in EU studies- as seen through the award applications Fulbright Schuman receives- and the program's prestigious alumni.


Presented by Erica Lutes, Executive Director of the Fulbright Schuman Program, and Larry Carver, Director of UT's Liberal Arts Honors Program.


The workshop is free and open to all!


Sponsored by the Center for European Studies/EU Center of Excellence

EUCE Brussels Program


As an EU Center of Excellence, CES participates in the EUCE Brussels Program, an annual organized trip to Brussels open to UT undergraduate students and Texas K-12 teachers. The trip offers opportunities for participants to meet EU officials and learn about the history and structure of the EU.


This year's trip included visits to European Commission Headquarters, European Parliament, and the US Mission to the EU. Briefings and discussions were held on topics ranging from the foreign policy of the EU and the role of the European Parliament to the current state of Islamaphobia in the EU and the current state of the euro crisis.


Mark Harrington, a high school teacher at Seagoville High School in Dallas and one of this year's Program participants, wrote: "What at wonderful, wonderful, experience.  I am so grateful for this opportunity.  I learned so much about the EU, and about Belgium.  When I left Dallas, my understanding of the EU and its component parts was weak.  Having spent the week with folks from the various organizations, I feel that I am much better informed, and much more competent to teach my students about the EU."


The next EU Brussels trip is planned for June 2014. All UT undergraduate students and Texas K-12 teachers are eligible to apply, so be sure to watch the CES website in January 2014 for an announcement about the open application period! 


Viadrina Exchange: Germany Meets UT
A Report from Kit Belgum

Viadrina 1

"The UT faculty exchange with the European University - Viadrina (a small university located in Frankfurt/Oder on the German-Polish border) has been operating for about a decade. Each year a faculty member from Germany comes to UT in the spring and a UT faculty member teaches at the Viadrina in May and June.


The Viadrina has a pretty international student body and my seminars this summer reflected that: the majority were Germans, but I also had students from Finland, South Korea, Turkey,  Canada, Singapore, and even Kansas. The Viadrina wants visiting faculty to teach in English because all students in Liberal Arts there have to take two content courses in a foreign language. That's a great challenge and the same kind of thing we like to see our European Studies majors do.   Viadrina 2


The Viadrina and the city of Frankfurt/Oder are much smaller than UT and Austin, and so some students there knew each other before my courses started. Although Frankfurt is small a lot of students take advantage of being close to the exciting city of Berlin; some even live there."  




FLAS Applications open mid-November

The applications for the Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships from European Studies will open in mid-November and are open to all undergraduate and graduate students at UT.
Summer Fellowships are available for intensive study of a modern European language. The academic year Fellowships are for full-time study and must include a modern European foreign language and an area studies course that primarily focuses on a European topic.
We will be hosting an information session on November 8 at 9:00 a.m. in CLA 2.606, so please plan to attend if you are interested in applying.
For FAQs about the FLAS Fellowships, please visit the Funding Opportunities page of our website. 
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