September/October, 2013
Seeking Planet Super Heroes  
No Capes Required! 
2013 Educators at the base of a giant ceiba tree

If we've heard it once, we've heard it a thousand times...the future of the planet depends on the students sitting in our classrooms.  As educators, the task of nurturing this next generation to appreciate the role of science in addressing local as well as global problems often falls to us. At times this may seem like a super human task that requires a spandex suit and a cape. 


Happily, our 2013 Educator Academy in the Amazon  participants are redefining what it means to be a planet super hero.  They have traded in their capes for rain ponchos, field notebooks and i-buttons.  They are becoming role models for their students because they understand that as teachers they need to participate in science themselves in order to incorporate science methods in their classrooms. They need to use inquiry-based techniques in order to guide their students in the tools and skills of research. They need to experience critical ecosystems, such as the Amazon in order to teach about their importance to global health. 


Ever wonder what a typical day looks like for a super hero in the Amazon?  Middle school teacher, Melissa J, shares the magic that happens when Teachers Become Learners in the Amazon! 

The benefits of tarantulas on the ceiling and frogs in the shower

Let's be honest...looking for tarantulas on the ceiling before sitting down to dinner is not considered normal. Nor is checking for frogs in the shower before you shampoo.  But as many of our Amazon travelers will attest, there is an undeniable sense of pride and accomplishment when you can actually say you've done this! There are definite benefits to traveling to places in the world that take you to the edge of more

Classroom Connections
"Real Scientists Giving Real Data" 

Last summer, middle school teacher, Holly Makowsky participated in our 2013 Educator Academy in the Amazon.  This fall she returned to her classroom full of new ideas and inspiration.  She launched the school year with a "DonorsChoose" project request to raise money to purchase the equipment her students will need to become citizen scientists and collect environmental data for the  GLOBE program.  


"'I was inspired by the data collection I did as a participant in the 2013 Educator Academy and I want to share this excitement with my students at my school where 91% are designated as high needs due to low income status, English language learner status, or special education status.  By collecting data, using an exact protocol, and contributing to a scientific community, it is my hope that they will feel empowered and energized, just as I did in the Amazon."

~ Holly Makowksy, Lowell Community Charter School, MA


Yay Holly!  You are a Planet Super Hero for sure!  


Want more inspiration?  Read more Amazon Super Hero stories on our blog!  

We hope you've enjoyed this issue of Amazon Explorer. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.  Let us know how we can make future editions of Amazon Explorer even better.




Christa Dillabaugh, Education Director and the 
entire EcoTeach/Amazon Rainforest Workshops Team


© 2013 Amazon Rainforest Workshops 

In This Issue
Registration Now Open! 
2014 Educator Academy
Scholarships Available 
Space is Limited! 
Register Early to 
Secure Your Spot

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RAINFOREST EXPLORER and stay up to date with what's going on in the Amazon! 

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and get the scoop on how to use Amazon topics to teach inquiry, STEM, biomimicry and more! 
Lead an inquiry expedition for your Students!
 Be a an inquiry mentor and share the magic of the Amazon with your students. 
As a teacher leader you can jump start their passion for learning and discovery. 

With just 10 students your travel expenses are covered. 

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