June 9, 2015
Destination: East Africa

Arusha, Voi and Kitarini


Each is a city, town or village in East Africa. What do they have in common? Roger and I will be visiting and giving back in each location along with a team of four jewelers during the next two weeks in East Africa.


Arusha, Tanzania


Arusha is a big city (by African standards). They've surpassed 325,000 people and their first stop light was installed 2 years ago. The city has an international vibe since visitors have been drawn to it for centuries by Mount Kilimanjaro, various National Parks, safaris, and gemstones.


We will visit the Arusha Gemmological Training Centre, which we support financially through The Devon Foundation. We're investigating needs for additional funding and presenting them with a new professional faceting machine (pictured below).




Voi, Kenya


Our second stop is Voi, a town of 15,000 bordering Tsavo National Park, Kenya's largest National Park. Roger has encouraged his friend, Okeno, to start the first lapidary school in the area as a way for locals to add value to their gem rough by exporting a finished product. As a start-up lapidary school, books are in demand and industry friends have generously donated a suitcase-full of gemology and faceting books.




Kitarini, Longido District, Tanzania


Longido, in the northern portion of Tanzania close to the Kenyan border, is home to ruby mines, the Maasai, and the Kitarini School for Children. Longido is a sparsely populated area where herding and nomadic cultures dwell. The Kitarini School serves Kitarini village where Maasai ruby miners live. The Kitarini School wants to start a library and they need school supplies so we are excited to bring over 200 pounds of children's books and supplies. We'll also be investigating further needs.




We know the people are excited for what we're bringing. I think we're more excited for the giving and I can't wait to see their faces!



Roger and Ginger Dery
Spectral Gems

Roger Dery Gem Design 



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