Issue 52
July 2015


"As Christ's disciples, we have a further reason to unite with people of good will for the protection and defense of nature and the environment. Indeed, creation is a gift entrusted to us from the hands of the Creator. ... This doctrine of our faith offers us an even stronger impetus towards a responsible and respectful relationship with creation: in inanimate nature, in plants and in animals we recognize the imprint of the Creator, and in our peers we see His likeness. Living in close contact with nature ... does not only imply respect for it, but also commitment to contributing in a concrete way towards eliminating the wastefulness of a society that tends increasingly to discard goods that are still usable and could be donated to those in need."  - Pope Francis, Audience with members of Adult Scouts Movement, Nov. 8, 2014


Laudato Si: On Care For Our Common Home
On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si') is the new appeal from Pope Francis addressed to "every person living on this planet" for an inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. Pope Francis calls the Church and the world to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenges and to join him in embarking on a new path. This encyclical is written with both hope and resolve, looking to our common future with candor and humility. Read Encyclical



In the Spotlight
Integral Ecology
By: Aaron Matthew Weldon

"Everything is connected."  This phrase echoes throughout the recent encyclical from the Holy Father, Laudato Si. . . .  Pope Francis presents a comprehensive vision.  Our attitude toward our common home is inseparable from our attitude toward the unborn, poor, and all who are vulnerable.  The crises of our age have arisen because we refuse to receive created things in humility, simple joy, and awe at the work of God.

Francis proposes an "integral ecology" - an approach to creation care rooted in the Christian conviction that the earth, and everything in it, is a gift from our gracious Father.  Everything is connected, and so we must resist the temptation to see the problems that we face today as piecemeal. We can't build a culture of life and trash the planet at the same time. We can't clean up the mess left by a consumer society if we disregard the preciousness of human life. 

Care for creation flows naturally from our commitment to protect all human life.  For example, polluted drinking water causes birth defects.  We who march for life ought also to do our part to make sure that families have clean water for their children.  In our different places in life, we can build up a human ecology by taking account of how our actions affect the lives of the most vulnerable. Read More

Respect Life Upcoming Events

Untaming the Gospel of Life to Find the Treasure in the Joy of the Gospel

Immaculate Conception Parish, Westhampton Beach
August 13, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

The Gospel of Life provides a foundation of understanding for all to live the Joy of the Gospel. Join us for spiritual enrichment as we discover how both the lives of Catherine Doherty and Dorothy Day reflected this understanding with courage and fortitude. Brother Richard Contino will guide us through this enrichment as we look to live each day in faith, hope and love.

More information or to register

Back to Basics  Respect Life Ministry Training - Fall 2015

Fall training starts September 3, 2015

The Culture project is Coming to the Diocese. 
Presentations are given to youth on human dignity and sexual integrity.

October 25 - 31, 2015

Religious Education Programs, High Schools, Youth Ministry, College Campuses, Parish Communities, Ministries and Catholic Schools.

The Culture Project International is an initiative of young people set out to restore culture through the experience of virtue. Members of the team enter into a program where they live, pray in community, receive formation and are sent out on missions nationally and internationally. Presentations are given to youth on human dignity and sexual integrity.

More information or to register
View or download flyer

Assisted Suicide Legislation 


Human life is not a consumer commodity to be thrown away when it is less than optimal. Death is part of life; not a taboo. Were we to think, feel, say or act as if there was no value or meaning to death, we would be abandoning Christ on the cross. Jesus "loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end." (Jn 13:1 NABre) And that "end" was when he bowed his head on the cross and gave up his spirit.


Man of Steel

For information on assisted suicide visit or


You Matter:

"I am worthless! No one likes me...I don't matter!" These are the words that my beautiful 12-year-old sister said to me with tears running down her face, after being bullied at school. As an older sister, I looked at her with sympathy and shock. I asked why she felt this way and she explained how it was the "in thing to do, to not like her." She stated people made fun of her daily and ignored her in group conversations. I hugged my sister and explained to her that at this age teenagers could be insensitive and said a prayer with her for strength. However, later that month, my sister came back to me and stated two of her classmates came to her and confided in her about the same feelings. All three of these youth were age 12 or 13 and in Catholic school. Read More

National NFP Awareness Week
July 19 - July 25, 2015

The theme: 
All Natural! 
Natural Family Planning 
Good for the body. Great for the soul!

"Celebrate and reverence God's vision of human sexuality."Discover Natural Family Planning. 

What Is Natural Family Planning?


Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the general title for the scientific, natural and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancies.

NFP methods are based on the observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy.

Since the methods of NFP respect the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) nature of the conjugal act, they support God's design for married love!



What Is Natural Family Planning? More Information on Natural Family Planning - En español

Catholic Teaching - En español

Articles - En español

Couple's Stories

Prayer Cards - En español

For more information, classes and more resources visit


Life Issues Forum: A Trend In The Right Direction
By: Deirdre A. McQuade

The number of abortions is declining almost everywhere in the United States. According to an Associated Press (AP) survey using the most recent figures available, the sheer number of surgical abortions nationwide dropped 12% since 2010. This trend, though much-discussed, is actually nothing new. Abortions have been declining for 25 years. 
What's behind the welcome news?
 Many may assume there are fewer abortions because there are fewer pregnancies. But the rate of unintended pregnancies has remained rather constant. Easy access to contraception has not had a noticeable impact on the pregnancy rate. Contraception is not - and has never been - a reliable way to reduce abortions. 
Are more pregnancies being carried to birth? The AP survey doesn't provide parallel data on birth rates in states where abortions went down. But it's certainly hard these days to deny the reality of the unborn human being. Ultrasounds, posted on social media as well as on refrigerators in many households, now provide a window to the womb. Those who were pregnant in the 1970's and 80's could more readily buy into the lie that their "products of conception" were just a "blob of tissue." For some time now, the child in utero - often named before birth- has had a claim on our empathy in a way that was not common before. 
 The pregnancy assistance movement is also strong. Pregnancy help centers and maternity homes in this country outnumber abortion clinics three to one, offering free, confidential assistance to women and their families in need. The kind staff and volunteers who provide women with emotional support and material resources offer them the freedom to choose life for their children.


For more information on crisis pregnancy visit our website

I would now like to say a special word to women who have had an abortion... do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope...the Father of mercies is ready to give you His forgiveness and His peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation."
 (Evangelium Vitae no. 99, John Paul II)

Project Rachel Hope After Abortion website or call the Respect Life Office's confidential hotline: 1-888-456-HOPE (se habla espanol) to begin healing after abortion loss.
Project Rachel Materials

Prayer for the Ministry of Project Rachel


Father, source of healing and forgiveness, we pray for all parents overwhelmed by grief and sorrow at the loss of their son or daughter to abortion:

You never abandon those who hope in you; so we pray that the hearts of those wounded by their abortion might be open to your Divine Mercy that they would know the grace of repentance and so experience the embrace of the Father.
We pray that Jesus, the Good Shepherd,
so rich in love and compassion, may hear the cry and see the tears of each of these mothers and fathers so He may heal their broken hearts and restore them to life.
Give these grieving mothers and fathers the consolation of believing and trusting that her child is now living in the Lord that this may soothe the terror of their soul.
We pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of all tenderness and our Mother,
may strengthen their faith in You.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,
who conquered sin and death,
and who lives with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. 



  • Project Rachel Prayer - Printable Prayer 8.5 x 11Printable Prayer Card
  • A Prayer To Our Lady Of Guadalupe (En Español)
  • Post Abortion book-list resource

  • Book Resources
    • Generation Roe: Inside the Future of the Pro-Choice Movement, by Sarah Erdreich
    • Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights, by Katha Pollitt
    • Every Third Woman in America: How Legal Abortion Transformed Our Nation by David A. Grimes M.D. with Linda G. Brandon
    Spiritual Adoption Program

    The Purpose of the Spiritual Adoption Program is threefold:

    • Encourage parishes, schools and other communities to pray for babies in danger of abortion.
    • Educate adults and children about the development of the pre-born child.
    • Provide mothers in need with assistance at a 'baby shower' of donated baby gifts, or simply celebrate with a 'birthday party' at the conclusion of the program. In some schools a crib was bought with monetary gifts and the children filled a crib with gifts for expectant Mothers.

    This is done by encouraging people to "spiritually adopt" an unborn baby, and to follow their baby along the path to being born. read more


    Please add these to your bulletin announcements. 


    If you would like more information on Gabriel's Courage visit our website,
    Now and at the Hour of Our DeathCatholic Guidance for End-of-Life Decision MakingBulletin Announcements

    For more information on Now and at the Hour of Our Death Catholic Guidance for End-of-Life Decision Making visit or 

    Respect Life 
    Art Sale

    New Adjusted Rates


    The Respect Life Office Art Sale is selling donated art work from Justine Jannace Lomenzo, a Long Island artist. 

    The proceeds will be used to help maternity residences and other Respect Life needs.


    For more information or to view paintings please visit our website

    View or download art sale flyer
    View or download about artist flyer
    Word of Life Palabra de Vida 

     English                                Español


    Liturgical Prayers for Life 


    Including a Prayer for a Mother Before Childbirth and Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for an Expectant Mother 


    "Blessing for a Child in the Womb" to buy (click here)

    Please include these in your Sunday Bulletin.   




    Allison O'Brien, Director

    S. Elizabeth A. Geraghty, CSJ Project Rachel Ministry Coordinator

    Diana Tellis, Ministry/Dept. Assistant



    Ashley Foster, Media Specialist




    50 North Park Ave.

    F: (516) 536-3473

    Rockville Ctr., NY 11570

    P: (516) 678-5800

    Exts.626 & 381





     Just another way for you get more information on Respect Life issues. 


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    All Natural!
    Natural Family Planning
    Good for the body. Great for the soul!

    3Spanish for Pastoral Ministries - Roosevelt
    6Manipulatives Matter

    Untaming the Gospel of Life to Find the Treasure in the Joy of the Gospel 



    Bulletin Inserts - For Parish Respect Life



    Suggested Summer Reading 

    From The Respect Life Office 


    Summer has come and we are blessed with this warmth and wonderful weather.  Enjoy this time by reading while your relaxing by the beach, pool or outdoors

    Check out our recommended list for 

    great summer reading. 

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