Issue 45December 2014


Greetings and Merry Christmas,


     Join us in respect for life during this season of joyful hope as we celebrate and anticipate the birth our Savior, Jesus Christ. Together and through the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity  we become united as a people of life for life in a continuous mission to serve.


Peace and blessings to you.

Respect Life


Celebrating Advent

The Advent season is a time of preparation directing our hearts and minds to Christ's second coming at the end of time and also to the anniversary of the Lord's birth on Christmas. Below is a list of things you can do to make Advent a wonderful time for all in your family or parish.

Blessing Of An Advent WreathThe use of the Advent Wreath is a traditional practice which has found its place in the Church as well as in the home. The blessing of an Advent Wreath takes place on the First Sunday of Advent or on the evening before the First Sunday of Advent. When the blessing of the Advent Wreath is celebrated in the home, it is appropriate that it be blessed by a parent or another member of the family.

Blessing Of A Christmas TreeChristmas light or candle that symbolized Christ, the Light of the world. According to custom, the Christmas tree is set up just before Christmas and may remain in place until the Solemnity of Epiphany. The lights of the tree are illuminated after the prayer of blessing.
In the home the Christmas tree may be blessed by a parent or another family member, in connection with the evening meal on the Vigil of Christmas or at another suitable time on Christmas Day.

Festival Of Lessons And CarolsThe Festival of Lessons and Carols is a service of Scripture and song that dates to the late 19th century.  We listen to nine Scripture lessons which recount the Fall, the promise of a Messiah, the Incarnation, and the Great Commission to preach the Good News.  Each lesson is followed by a carol or other song that reflects on the lesson's message and a brief prayer.

The "O Antiphons" Of Advent - The Roman Church has been singing the "O" Antiphons since at least the eighth century. They are the antiphons that accompany the Magnificat canticle of Evening Prayer from December 17-23. They are a magnificent theology that uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Old Testament to proclaim the coming Christ as the fulfillment not only of Old Testament hopes, but present ones as well. Their repeated use of the imperative "Come!" embodies the longing of all for the Divine Messiah.




Light in the Darkness


By Aaron Matthew Weldon

This is a time when we remember all who have died and A person might choose to have an abortion, or to commit suicide, for a variety of reasons.  A single woman may not feel that she can afford to take care of a child.  A terminally ill husband may not want his wife to watch him suffer.  People are driven to these tragic acts for deeply personal reasons.  But there is more going on here.  In these painful stories, where people choose against life, a pervasive emptiness, a spiritual darkness, comes into view.  That emptiness is not limited to individuals, but is a part of our contemporary culture.  An underlying despair threatens to permeate our modern secular society today.

A spiritual malaise has fallen across the culture of the West, diminishing the natural human desire to preserve one's life, to struggle against death, and to exert the effort necessary to build a stable world for future generations to enjoy.  Secularization is a major factor here.  The loss of a hope in something eternal, of faith in a reality that transcends the mundane, has created a void that can make the struggle against death seem meaningless. 

Read More


The Respect Life Office Invites You To Attend
Untaming the Gospel of Life to Find the Treasure in the Joy of the Gospel

The Gospel of Life provides a foundation of understanding for all to live the Joy of the Gospel. Join us for spiritual enrichment as we discover how both the lives of Catherine Doherty and Dorothy Day reflected this understanding with courage and fortitude. 



Tuesday December 9, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 



This event is free, register by 

December 2nd


Seminary of the Immaculate Conception

440 W Neck Rd, Huntington, NY 11743


"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased." Luke 2:14

Have a Wonderful
Blessed Christmas

In the Spotlight
Life Matters: An Adoption Love Story

My husband Bill and I have been married for six years. Having children and raising a family had always been our expectation. By the time we were married, most of our siblings and friends already had children, so of course we were excited and ready to be parents ourselves. We soon learned, however, that having children of our own might not be so easy. 

We made a few trips to multiple cities to be treated by wonderful doctors who have helped so many couples conceive, but everything we tried was unsuccessful. We felt so hopeless at times. Words can't even explain this experience of loss.

Fortunately, our marriage only grew stronger, because we were there for each other and continued to rely on God


          Address of Saint John Paul II

To the Participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life ,Wednesday 27 February 2002.


Broader Reflections on:"The Nature and Dignity of the Human Person as the Foundation of the Right to Life."


Dear and Illustrious Members of the Pontifical Academy for Life, once again we hold a meeting that is always for me a source of hope and joy.This week you are participating in your eighth General Assembly and for this reason, coming together from many countries, to address a crucial subject, in the context of a broader reflection on the dignity of human life:  "The nature and dignity of the human person as the foundation of the right to life. The challenges raised by the approach of contemporary culture". This distinctive nature is the foundation for the rights of every human individual, who has the dignity of personhood from the moment of his conception. 
This objective dignity, that has its origin in God the Creator, is founded on the spiritual nature that belongs to the soul, but also extends to the corporeality that is an essential component. No one can take human dignity away, rather all must respect it in themselves and in others. It is this dignity that is equal for all and that remains entire at every stage of the individual human life. Read more or Download Printable Document

We all are God's children, made in his image and likeness, and that wherever life was threatened - violence, poverty, hunger, discrimination, abortion - God's People defend it.

For more information on the March for Life and for materials visit

If you need individual transportation to the march for Life please contact  Respect Life Office - Diana Tellis: (516) 678-5800 x 626, [email protected]

Spiritual Adoption Program

The Purpose of the Spiritual Adoption Program is threefold:

  • Encourage parishes, schools and other communities to pray for babies in danger of abortion.
  • Educate adults and children about the development of the pre-born child.
  • Provide mothers in need with assistance at a 'baby shower' of donated baby gifts, or simply celebrate with a 'birthday party' at the conclusion of the program. In some schools a crib was bought with monetary gifts and the children filled a crib with gifts for expectant Mothers.

This is done by encouraging people to "spiritually adopt" an unborn baby, and to follow their baby along the path to being born. read more

Prayer for the Ministry of Project Rachel


Father, source of healing and forgiveness, we pray for all parents overwhelmed by grief and sorrow at the loss of their son or daughter to abortion: 


You never abandon those who hope in you; so we pray that the hearts of those wounded by their abortion might be open to your Divine Mercy that they would know the grace of repentance and so experience the embrace of the Father.

We pray that Jesus, the Good Shepherd,
so rich in love and compassion, may hear the cry and see the tears of each of these mothers and fathers so He may heal their broken hearts and restore them to life.

Give these grieving mothers and fathers the consolation of believing and trusting that her child is now living in the Lord that this may soothe the terror of their soul.

We pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of all tenderness and our Mother,
may strengthen their faith in You.

We ask this through Christ our Lord,
who conquered sin and death,
and who lives with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 


Printable Prayer 8.5 x 11 . Printable Prayer Card



Untaming the Gospel of Life to Find the Treasure in the Joy of the Gospel
December 9th at 6:00 PM 
Seminary of the Immaculate Conception
440 W Neck Rd, Huntington, NY 11743
Register Today



25th Annual National Night of Prayer for Life

Join in Unity of Prayer cross America to Restore Life, Liberty, The Faith & Peace

December 8/9, 2014 at 9 p.m. Monday to 1 a.m. Tuesday

More Information



 Maternity/Act of Kindness Program for Advent

The Respect Life Office's annual Advent program helps support young mothers in maternity homes on Long Island who have chosen life.

March for Life 2015

We all are God's children, made in his image and likeness, and that wherever 

life was threatened - violence, poverty, hunger, discrimination, abortion 

- God's People defend it.

Come to Washington DC for the 42nd Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. 

Join us to witness to life."The birth of every child changes the world; let every 

child be born for a better world". 

More Information

Word of Life Palabra de Vida 



            English                                   Espa�ol   


Liturgical Prayers for Life 


Including a Prayer for a Mother Before Childbirth and Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for an Expectant Mother 


"Blessing for a Child in the Womb" to buy (click here)

Please include these in your Sunday Bulletin.   

Life Matters - All Year Long

English                                      Espa�ol





Allison O'Brien, Director

S. Elizabeth A. Geraghty, CSJ Project Rachel Ministry Coordinator

Diana Tellis, Ministry/Dept. Assistant



Ashley Foster, Part Time Assistant 

Haylee Greenwood, Respect Life Office Volunteer




50 North Park Ave.

F: (516) 536-3473

Rockville Ctr., NY 11570

P: (516) 678-5800

Exts.626 & 381



Connect With Us 

 Just another way for you get more information on Respect Life issues. 



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Information Meeting-World Meeting of Families


Natural Family Planning


"For a child will be born to us, a son 
will be given to us; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." Isiah 9:6-7

Letting Mercy Himself  flow through and heal our hurting souls.

Days of Prayer and Healing

from abortion. for those suffering 


Please e-mail the Sisters of Life at [email protected] or call toll-free at 866-575-0075 for more informationtion.  


January 17, 2015

February 14, 2015

March 21, 2015

May 2, 2015

June 6, 2015


 Respect Life Contest 2015
This years Respect Life Program theme  
"Each Of Us Is A Masterpiece 
Of God's Creation"
To view the winners of last years Respect Life Contest or for more information visit:

Masterpieces of God's Creation by Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley

A new blog by Sister Elizabeth A. Geraghty, CSJ, updated weekly
click here to read this weeks post.

Suggested Winter Reading 

From The Respect Life Office 


This winter is a wonderful time for a leisurely read while your relaxing indoors, by the fireplace, or in a cozy bed, check out our recommended list for great winter reading. View List 


Bulletin Inserts - For Parish Respect Life


Click Here For Information