Issue 44November 2014



  We are renewed each day with the gift of faith, hope and love so that all of our actions, and all that we say and can be for the greater glory of God. Join us as we enter the season of Joy and continue the mission to serve, support and defend the precious gift of life. Prayer, advocacy, education, service and you are the foundation for respect life ministry.


 With Peace,                                                                      

Respect Life


The Respect Life Office Invites You To Attend
Untaming the Gospel of Life to Find the Treasure in the Joy of the Gospel

The Gospel of Life provides a foundation of understanding for all to live the Joy of the Gospel. Join us for spiritual enrichment as we discover how both the lives of Catherine Doherty and Dorothy Day reflected this understanding with courage and fortitude. 



Tuesday December 9, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 



Seminary of the Immaculate Conception

440 W Neck Rd, Huntington, NY 11743


This event is free, register today.
Click for more information

Precious In God's Eyes


By Kimberly Baker


Every year on November 2, the Church observes the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day). This is a time when we remember all who have died and commend their souls to God. It also reminds us that we all will face death someday, yet hope that by God's grace, we will be welcomed before the face of the Lord. This can be a motivation to reflect on the present direction of our lives and how we are using our time in this world. It heightens awareness of the preciousness of our lives.

Every soul is precious to God, who creates each person to share in his love and goodness. The psalmist profoundly captures the beauty and mystery of each person's origins under God's watchful care: "You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know.... Your eyes saw me unformed; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be" (Psalm 139: 13-14,16).

When we reflect, for even just a moment, how precious we are to God, it changes our perspective on how we live out each day and use our time. What a beautiful and comforting thought to know that from all eternity, God was already thinking of us, that he knew our names, that he knew everything about our lives already. Each one of us was created because of God's love, and he has a special plan for each of us to know, love, and serve him in our own unique ways. The more we discover that plan and follow it, the happier we will be, the more we become our true self, the person each of us was meant to be. Read More
In the Spotlight
Life Matters:
Advance Medical Directives: Planning for Your Future

Rosa* knew from experience the difficulties and expenses of watching a loved one die. She was totally devoted to her husband as he suffered and died from cancer eight years earlier. The idea of high medical bills, "tubes" and pain upset her, and even though she had not viewed her husband as a burden, she feared being one to her family.

Then, Rosa was hospitalized with a terrible urinary tract infection which made her dehydrated, weak and confused. Her daughter Teresa had been appointed as her health care agent. Teresa met with the medical staff, who helped her understand that the proposed treatments would not cause an undue burden to her mother. In fact, they would be temporary and appropriate care in Rosa's situation. Teresa was grateful that the medications, nutrition and hydration that Rosa was given, all through "tubes," cured her infection. Rosa is now as active as she has ever been and realizes that there are certain situations that can't be anticipated when illness comes. It's best not to refuse future care that may turn out to be very welcome. Read More


The Respect Life Office's Annual Maternity Advent Act of Kindness Program helps support young mothers in maternity homes on Long Island who have chosen life. Please order your collection boxes and advent calenders, they are free of charge. Deadline for Orders is November 14, 2014


How to order:

A new blog by Sister Elizabeth A. Geraghty, CSJ, updated weekly
click here to read this weeks post.

Spiritual Adoption Program

The Purpose of the Spiritual Adoption Program is threefold:

  • Encourage parishes, schools and other communities to pray for babies in danger of abortion.
  • Educate adults and children about the development of the pre-born child.
  • Provide mothers in need with assistance at a 'baby shower' of donated baby gifts, or simply celebrate with a 'birthday party' at the conclusion of the program. In some schools a crib was bought with monetary gifts and the children filled a crib with gifts for expectant Mothers.

This is done by encouraging people to "spiritually adopt" an unborn baby, and to follow their baby along the path to being born. read more

Prayer for the Ministry of Project Rachel


Father, source of healing and forgiveness, we pray for all parents overwhelmed by grief and sorrow at the loss of their son or daughter to abortion: 


You never abandon those who hope in you; so we pray that the hearts of those wounded by their abortion might be open to your Divine Mercy that they would know the grace of repentance and so experience the embrace of the Father.

We pray that Jesus, the Good Shepherd,
so rich in love and compassion, may hear the cry and see the tears of each of these mothers and fathers so He may heal their broken hearts and restore them to life.

Give these grieving mothers and fathers the consolation of believing and trusting that her child is now living in the Lord that this may soothe the terror of their soul.

We pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of all tenderness and our Mother,
may strengthen their faith in You.

We ask this through Christ our Lord,
who conquered sin and death,
and who lives with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 


Printable Prayer 8.5 x 11 . Printable Prayer Card


Mary of Nazareth
November 19th at 7:00 PM 
 St. Agnes Cathedral, in 

the Monsignor James Kelly Parish Center.

More Information



25th Annual National Night of Prayer for Life

Join in Unity of Prayer cross America to Restore Life, Liberty, The Faith & Peace

December 8/9, 2014 at 9 p.m. Monday to 1 a.m. Tuesday

More Information



 Maternity/Act of Kindness Program for Advent

The Respect Life Office's annual Advent program helps support young mothers in maternity homes on Long Island who have chosen life.

March for Life 2015

We all are God's children, made in his image and likeness, and that wherever 

life was threatened - violence, poverty, hunger, discrimination, abortion 

- God's People defend it.

Come to Washington DC for the 42nd Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. 

Join us to witness to life."The birth of every child changes the world; let every 

child be born for a better world". 

More Information

Life Matters - All Year Long

English                                      Español





Allison O'Brien, Director

S. Elizabeth A. Geraghty, CSJ Project Rachel Ministry Coordinator

Diana Tellis, Ministry/Dept. Assistant



Ashley Foster, Part Time Assistant 

Haylee Greenwood, Respect Life Office Volunteer




50 North Park Ave.

F: (516) 536-3473

Rockville Ctr., NY 11570

P: (516) 678-5800

Exts.626 & 381



Connect With Us 

 Just another way for you get more information on Respect Life issues. 



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Coping With The Holidays for the Divorced or Separated


Chosen - A Day of Formation Mini-Evening Session

Chosen - A Day of Formation Full Day Training Session


First Sunday of Advent

Letting Mercy Himself  flow through and heal our hurting souls.

Days of Prayer and Healing

from abortion. for those suffering 


Please e-mail the Sisters of Life at or call toll-free at 866-575-0075 for more informationtion.  


November 15, 2014

January 17, 2015

February 14, 2015

March 21, 2015

May 2, 2015

June 6, 2015


 Respect Life Contest 2015
This years Respect Life Program theme  
"Each Of Us Is A Masterpiece 
Of God's Creation"
To view the winners of last years Respect Life Contest or for more information visit:

Masterpieces of God's Creation by Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley

Bulletin Inserts - For Parish Respect Life


Word of Life Palabra de Vida 



             English                                  Español   


Liturgical Prayers for Life  

Including a Prayer for a Mother Before Childbirth and Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for an Expectant Mother 


"Blessing for a Child in the Womb" to buy (click here)

Please include these in your Sunday Bulletin.   

Suggested Winter Reading 

From The Respect Life Office 


This winter is a wonderful time for a leisurely read while your relaxing indoors, by the fireplace, or in a cozy bed, check out our recommended list for great winter reading. View List