Issue No. 34
November 2013
"You are the salt of the earth. . . 
You are the light of the world. . . your light must shine before others, that they
may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father" (Matthew 5: 13, 14, 16). 
This campaign raises funds to support maternity residences in our diocese- especially 'Catholic Charities' Regina Maternity residence. Please remember that these homes provide shelter, education, and care for young women and their children for up to two years. The economic requirements of this ministry are substantial and your active assistance would be greatly appreciated.  We only have 1000 Boxes  and 500 coin holders available.


Download Flyer and Order Form




During this month of Thanksgiving, the Respect Life Office would like to thank you all for your continued readership and for your support. Please take action on matters that effect human life and religious freedom. During this month of Thanksgiving continue to "Open Your Hearts to Life" that we may Belong more Deeply during this Year of Faith.

Thank you,

Respect Life Office

3 Minutes: National Prayer Vigil for Life
3 Minutes: National Prayer Vigil for Life
The National Prayer Vigil for Life is an all-night pro-life prayer vigil held 
on the eve of the March for Life each January. Over 20,000 pilgrims 
from across the nation pray through the night for an end to 
and a greater respect for all human life.
Prayer and Witness in the Public Square

Catholic Hospitals, Charities, Universities and Schools are at risk.

Please come and join us in a

Rally for Religious Freedom

at the Mercy Medical Center, Rockville Centre, NY 


                                                                                     Wed., Nov 13, from 2:30 to 3:30 (Read More)

Cardinal O'Malley, Archbishop Lori to Congress: Adopt Policy of Health Care Conscience Rights Act

"Preserving religious freedom and the right of conscience for all who take part in our health care system" is an increasingly grave concern as Congress considers "must-pass" legislation in the days ahead, said the chairmen of two committees of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). "Protection for conscience rights in health care is of especially great importance to the Catholic Church, which daily contributes to the welfare of U.S. society through schools, social services, hospitals and assisted living facilities," wrote Cardinal O'Malley and Archbishop Lori. (Read More)

Protect human life and religious freedom, take action.


In the Spotlight


New York's abortion law, enacted in 1970, bans abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy unless it is deemed necessary to save the life of the mother (Penal Law Article 125). The abortion industry doesn't believe this law sufficiently allows for abortions in the third trimester of pregnancy. They say the law has a "chilling effect" on both abortionists and patients who seek later-term abortions. (read more)

January 22nd: March for Life
Don't forget to book your bus: Suggested bus list
Come to Washington DC for the 41th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Join us to witness to life."The birth of every child changes the world; let every child be born for a better world".     
RVC Diocese will be in three different locations:  
  • Youth Rally - The Verizon Center. 8 am
  • 7th St.and Madison Drive at 11:15 am
  • Prayer Service. & Blessings at St. Joseph on Capitol Hill from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 
My thoughts: Man and Woman He Redeemed Them. The Theology of the Body Continued

S. Elizabeth A. Geraghty, CSJ 


The Sermon on the Mount, "you have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery in her in his heart." Matt.5:27-28
               The virtue of purity-means that we come to an ever greater awareness of the gratuitous beauty of the human body, of masculinity and femininity. Purity is the glory of the human body before God. It is the glory of God in the human body. Through which masculinity and femininity are manifested. 
               The redemption of the body is the foundation of everything John Paul 11 teaches in his Theology of the Body. It refers not only to the hope of resurrection at the end of time, but is a power at work in us now able to do far more than we think or imagine. It is able to transform our experience of the body and sexuality. 
                The truth about man's destiny "cannot be understood as a state of the soul alone, separated from the body, but must be understood as the definitively and perfectly integrated state of man brought about by a perfect union of soul with body.
                In the resurrection, we will fully participate in the divine nature as redeemed human persons. What God is by nature we will become by sheer gift of grace.
Marriage exists as a sacramental sign, as an earthly participation in the foreshadowing of the "Marriage of the Lamb" In the resurrection the sacrament will give way to the divine reality.
               Celibacy is not a reject ion of sexuality, but a living out of the deepest meaning of sexuality- union with Christ and His Church. Only through the liberation from lust do the Christian vocations of celibacy and marriage make sense. Only through this liberation are we capable of living the Christian vocations as God intends.
Life Matters: 
Respect Life Program 2014
Roe Plus 40

Forty years later the United States continues to have one of the most extreme abortion regimes in the world. Yet we're often led to believe that Roe v. Wade merely legalized abortion in the first three months of pregnancy. The trouble is that the Roe Court actually said abortion must be allowed for any reason in the next three months as well. It then said laws against abortion must have a broad health exception even in the final "trimester," but only described its breadth in the little known companion case, Doe v. Bolton, decided the same day. In Doe, the Court announced that health, for the purposes of late-term abortion law, would be synonymous with the mother's "physical, emotional, psychological, familial ... wellbeing"-in other words, every reason a pregnant woman could give for seeking an abortion in the first place.

Read more in English or Espa�ol

The 2013 -2014  Respect Life Program
"Open Your Hearts To Life" 
The 2013 - 2014  
Features seven new articles on the challenges faced and foundations needed to build a culture of life, this year's title, "Open your hearts to life!," has been a favorite theme of Pope Francis.   
His witness as a faithful advocate of 
the Gospel of Life is a beautiful gift to the Church, and is of particular importance today in the growing shadow of the culture of death

The Catholic Medical Association is a national organization of pro-life, Catholic doctors committed to following the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Meetings are on the second Sunday of each month at St. Catherine of Siena in Manhattan and is a great opportunity for fellowship, ethics support and education for Catholic Healthcare Providers.  Students, nurses, and residents welcome.



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Spiritual Adoption


The Purpose of the Spiritual Adoption Program is threefold:

  • Encourage parishes, schools and other communities to pray for babies in danger of abortion.
  • Educate adults and children about the development of the pre-born child.
  • Provide mothers in need with assistance at a 'baby shower' of donated baby gifts, or simply celebrate with a 'birthday party' at the conclusion of the program. In some schools a crib was bought with monetary gifts and the children filled a crib with gifts for expectant Mothers.

This is done by encouraging people to "spiritually adopt" an unborn baby, and to follow their baby along the path to being born. (Read More)


Post Abortion Ministry 
Workshops and Retreats


Many don't realize that post-traumatic stress is the untold story of abortion. There are literally millions of women and men who, too often silently and alone, suffer some of the most serious psychological and spiritual consequences of contemporary society's disregard for the sanctity of human life and the sacredness of human sexuality.

Those who join this caravan of faith find hope and confidence in the fact that regardless of how long their healing takes, regardless of the battles fought, won or lost, they have a community of people to whom they can turn in time of need.

Entering Canaan consists of:
* Beginning the Journey: Monthly Days of Prayer and Healing
* Fighting the Battles: Monthly Gatherings
* The Land of Milk and Honey: Hope and Healing Weekend Retreats

* Celebration: Special Gatherings

For more information contact: 

Sisters of Life Hope & Healing After Abortion

toll free: 866.575.0075
Or visit the website:



Maternity Advent Project

Annual donation to assist Maternity Homes in our Diocese 

(Calendar & Order Form) 

Annual National Night of Prayer for Life
December 8, 2013
For more information
NFP: Natural Family Planning Seminar
December, 13, 2013

March for Life

January 22, 2014  

Suggested Bus Companies



Word of Life                                                         Palabra de Vida 


           English                                                                   Espa�ol      


Liturgical Prayers for Life  - Including a Prayer for a Mother Before Childbirth 

and Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for an Expectant Mother 

"Blessing for a Child in the Womb" to buy (click here)

Please include these in your Sunday Bulletin.  











Allison O'Brien, Director

S. Elizabeth A. Geraghty, CSJ Project Rachel Ministry Coordinator

Diana Tellis, Ministry/Dept. Assistant



Ashley Foster, Part Time Assistant 

Haylee Greenwood, Respect Life Office Volunteer




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50 North Park Ave.

Rockville Ctr., NY 11570

P: (516) 678-5800

F: (516) 536-3473

Exts.626 & 381



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Respect Life 
Youth Contest



"This guide clearly presents God's plan for life, love, dignity, and human sexuality, and opens the door to honest communication with your child in a way that is appropriate to your child's age and development. I hope it:will be an invaluable resource, leading all who use it to a deeper understanding of the freedom and joy that 
come from living a pure life according to God's plan." Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, September 2012
These Parent Guides will be made available to parents of students 
and religious education programs.
For more information about the Parent Guides or to order copies, contact: 
Kimberly Quatela, Chasity Education Coordinator 
of the Archdiocese of New York 
at: 646-794-3198   email:   
or visit


Project Rachel
Project Rachel
Respect Life Awards 2012
Respect Life Awards 2012
March for Life 2013
March for Life 2013