The grants, made possible by donations from individuals and foundations, are:
Mission San Antonio de Padua (near Jolon) -- $15,000 to restore a 19th century Mexican oil painting of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Mission San Buenaventura -- $11,400 for artifact conservation and a fire alarm system
Mission San Juan Bautista -- $11,000 for seismic retrofit of the Church and Convento
Mission San Luis Rey -- $4,350 for drainage repair and tree/vegetation removal in the Peyri Court
Mission San Rafael Arc�ngel -- $10,000 for archaeological test excavations
Mission Soledad -- $5,000 for archaeological work to precede excavation of two wings for site preservation
Mission La Purisima (near Lompoc) -- $2,500 for replacement of the clapper for the original bell in bell tower
Mission Santa Barbara -- $12,100 for Huerta Garden and collections management
Mission San Diego -- $5,000 for fire detection and alarm system
Mission Dolores -- $10,000 for museum data archiving
Royal Presidio Chapel (Monterey) -- $11,000 for painting restoration
Mission Santa Cruz -- $8,000 for conservation of a statue of San Miguel
Mission Santa In�s -- $6,300 for restoration and conservation of two 18th century paintings