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California Missions FoundationSeptember 2012   
Latest News from California Missions Foundation


Dear Friends,


We have some wonderful news that we are really excited to share with you! At our meeting on Friday, September 28, the Board of Directors of the California Missions Foundation approved grants to 12 California missions and one associated mission site totaling $111,650 for much needed projects ranging from art conservation to security systems. Please read on to see how the missions are using the grants! We truly thank you for your support, as these missions would not have these grants if it weren't from individuals and foundations. 


Additionally, it's holiday time, and there's a plethora of fun, exciting things to do with the whole family this holiday season. From basket weaving at the local mission, to Christmas concerts, to a cruise celebrating Junipero Serra, we've got it all lined up for you!



Knox Mellon
Executive Director
California Missions Foundation



The grants, made possible by donations from individuals and foundations, are:


Mission San Antonio de Padua (near Jolon) -- $15,000 to restore a 19th century Mexican oil painting of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Mission San Buenaventura -- $11,400 for artifact conservation and a fire alarm system

Mission San Juan Bautista -- $11,000 for seismic retrofit of the Church and Convento

Mission San Luis Rey -- $4,350 for drainage repair and tree/vegetation removal in the Peyri Court

Mission San Rafael Arc�ngel -- $10,000 for archaeological test excavations

Mission Soledad -- $5,000 for archaeological work to precede excavation of two wings for site preservation

Mission La Purisima (near Lompoc) -- $2,500 for replacement of the clapper for the original bell in bell tower

Mission Santa Barbara -- $12,100 for Huerta Garden and collections management

Mission San Diego -- $5,000 for fire detection and alarm system

Mission Dolores -- $10,000 for museum data archiving

Royal Presidio Chapel (Monterey) -- $11,000 for painting restoration

Mission Santa Cruz -- $8,000 for conservation of a statue of San Miguel

Mission Santa In�s -- $6,300 for restoration and conservation of two 18th century paintings



[ Fr. Junipero Serra 300th Anniversary California Missions ]

Serra 300th Website Launched!

2013 marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Father Jun�pero Serra, founder of the California missions. The California Missions Foundation has created a special website, Serra300.org, to post the many celebratory events that will occur during this tricentennial year. Some are already underway, such as the California Mission Ride. Take a look when you have a moment and find out more about Father Serra and the upcoming celebrations of his life and work.  


November & December Featured California Mission Events 

basket weaving

Native American Basket Weaving 

Serra 300 Logo   

  Serra 300 Gala Reception 

Saturday, November 24 | 6:30-9pm 
Carmel Mission's Orchard House  
3080 Rio Rd. Carmel, California 93923 (map)
Tickets: $75/person & $150/couple; Please RSVP to Nicki Pasculli nicki@carmelmission.org by Saturday, November 17


Children on stage at Christmas at Mission

Saturday, December 1 | 5:30-8pm 
Mission San Juan Capistrano  
26801 Ortega Hwy. San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (map)   

Tickets$5/adults $3/children (ages 4-11) can be purchased during regular Mission hours (8:30am-5pm) at the Gate House (located on the corner of Ortega Highway and Camino Capistrano) or by calling 949-234-1300


La Purisima Mission State Historic Park  

Founding Day Christmas Concert 

Saturday, December 8 | 7-8pm

La Purisima Mission State Historic Park

2295 Purisima Rd. Lompoc, CA 93436 (map)

Tickets: $5/person; can be purchased here







Save the Date for Mission San Buenaventura Mission Cruise 2013

Reservation deadline is Monday, December 31!
Saturday, April 6 - Saturday, April 13, 2013
For tickets, contact Barbara Carpenter at Carpenter Travel 800-391-2796 or at carpentertravel51@gmail.com  


You can help us to preserve California's historic missions and all their cultural treasures! 

Call our office at (831) 622-7500 to donate by credit card, or click the button below to donate via PayPal!   


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About California Missions Foundation

Nothing defines California's heritage as significantly or emotionally as do the 21 missions that were founded along the coast from San Diego to Sonoma. Their beauty, stature, and character underlie the formation of California. All 21 missions are California Historical Landmarks; many have also been designated National Historic Landmarks. The missions are among the most popular tourist destinations in the state, attracting millions of visitors each year.

Founded in 1998, the California Missions Foundation was established with the objective of preserving and protecting the missions. The Foundation is the only statewide organization dedicated to the long-term preservation and restoration needs of all California missions and their associated historic and cultural resources for public benefit.

Visit us online at www.californiamissionsfoundation.org.
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