Mark your Calendar for Orientation!!!!
We look forward to welcoming our rising 9th graders on Thursday, July 31 beginning at 8:30am for Orientation and welcoming back our rising 10th, 11th, and 12th graders on Wednesday, July 30th.  More detailed information can be found in the July edition of the Raider Review.  Please remember to bring cash or checks to Orientation.  Credit Cards are not accepted.

Newcomers Orientation for Transfer Students

    If you are transferring into Walton this fall as a sophomore, junior or senior, we would like to welcome you into our Walton family.  We will have a special Newcomers Orientation session just for you on Friday, August 1st at 9:00.  Parents and students are encouraged to attend.  Watch for an invitation with more details but please mark your calendar and make plans to join us!



Walton High School needs the support of our entire family of parents, staff, students and surrounding community to continue its tradition of distinction. Learn how you can get involved and make WALTONSTRONG by following this link: Volunteer Opportunities


Look for the PTSA Summer edition of The Raider Review with more news and

important information for rising Freshmen.


Attention rising 9th graders:

English department study group available for Animal Farm assignment

Is your copy of Animal Farm tucked in your beach bag but not quite completed yet? Have you begun to work yet on the summer reading assignment for this novella? If not, you might want to consider signing up to attend a Walton help session provided by Walton 9th grade English teachers. In this two-hour study session, students will receive a basic introduction to the book and work in small groups to begin their theme board assignment. Register for the time that best suits your schedule. Bring the following: your copy of Animal Farm, an 8 � x 11 piece of card stock paper or regular computer paper, a glue stick, a pencil, and a set of colored markers (optional).  

Date for study group: Thursday, July 10th

Location: Walton High School

Times (choose one): 9:00-11:00 am or 12:30-2:30 pm

Register: Email your student's name and preferred time to 


Don't let the time slip up on you!  School starts back in less than 6 weeks.  If you haven't started working on your summer assignments, click here for details and kick start your preparation for your first grades for the 2014-2015 School Year!



Seniors, if you would like to receive a parking space for the fall semester you need to follow the instructions listed below precisely. Please note: Part of the registration will be completed online this year. Please click here to link to the Google Doc where you need to fill in all of the required information.  If you are missing information, you will NOT be assigned a parking space.


After submitting the document, you should print the parking application, parking contract, and tardy and truancy form.  These documents should be filled out completely and brought with you when you pick up your decal.  Failure to complete these documents will result in the delay in the processing of your parking application. 


Students will receive their decals on July 30th in the Commons.  On July 30th students should bring the parking documents listed above as well as a COPY OF YOUR GEORGIA DRIVERS LICENSE, CURRENT INSURANCE CARD and payment of $50 cash or check made out to Walton High School. Students who do not pick their decals up on July 30th will have to wait until the 2nd week of school to receive decals.


For more information, please see Senior Parking Info