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February 2014
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Affordable Care Act Enrollment


We are thrilled to report very successful preliminary 2014-2015 Affordable Care Act enrollment results. Thanks to our Central Health Board of Managers for supporting a robust public information campaign, our leadership of the EnrollATX enrollment coalition and our continuing partnership with United Way for Greater Austin.


The graph below speaks for itself - but in short we can say this year's enrollment efforts were nothing short of amazing! Click here for additional reporting from United States Health & Human Services about state and national enrollment efforts. 

To put these numbers into context, this is a 49% increase over the 68,126 people enrolled in the Austin-RR MSA in 2014.  The San Antonio/New Braunfels MSA enrolled 110,000 people this year.

This number will increase as people "in line" on February 15th get enrolled over coming weeks.

Central health and CommUnityCare hosted HHS Secretary Sylvia Matthews Burwell on Feb. 13 at our Southeast Health & Wellness Center. Secretary Burwell was visiting Texas to promote enrollment in the final weekend, and to learn more about how local organizations such as Central Health were leading the charge within their communities to educate and assist residents with enrollment in health plans. It was truly an honor to meet with Secretary Burwell and to also give her a tour of the new SEH&WC, the "crown jewel" in Central Health's and CommUnityCare's health center system.

1115 Waiver 
If you're unfamiliar with our efforts to coordinate our six-county region in the 1115 Medicaid Waiver, there's probably no better introduction to the numerous projects, the various partners, and the lives touched as a result of this opportunity than the videos we're sharing below. Even if you do understand all the ins and outs of this program, you'll still be inspired by the stories being told and the people telling them. 

We created these five videos, the first in an eight-part series, to dig into specific projects being conducted within the region, focusing on how they are positively affecting the lives of real people every day. 

We think they're an amazing way to tell these stories and really shine a light on how we're all making a difference in our community.

"Jenny- Assertive Community Treatment for Intellectual Developmental Disabilities"
Servicios Médicos Móviles
Servicios Medicos Moviles

Nelda - City of Austin Adult Immunizations
Nelda - City of Austin Adult Immunizations

"Outreach" - ATCIC's Expanded Mobile Crisis Outreach Team

"Sean" - Hill Country MHDD Veterans Peer Support

We encourage you to share these videos through your personal social media channels and help us promote the great work being accomplished by our health care partners in the region.

Central Health Brackenridge Campus

Help guide the future of health care in Travis County!


We want to hear your thoughts on the Central Health Brackenridge Campus, the 14.3 acres of land where University Medical Center Brackenridge currently sits. 


In 2017 hospital operations will move across the street to the new Dell Seton Medical Center at The University of Texas. Central Health has begun the process of planning for the future of this property.


Please go online and take our brief survey where you will have the opportunity to answer questions and provide your own thoughts about this important project for our community.


Thank you for your time! 


Please take the survey by Friday, May 15. 


Our Year In Review


This past fiscal year, which wrapped up last September, was one filled with astonishing progress across the board. We've made many promises to you over the past couple of years, and demonstrating our success in keeping them is important to maintaining your trust in us. 

We presented a summary of our numerous accomplishments in this past fiscal year to our Board of Managers on February 4. Download a PDF of the entire presentation. Below are a few highlights from the report.

  • Total number of people served increased 8%. 
  • Specialty care visits increased by 54%. 
  • Primary care visits increased by 4%. 
  • Emergency Room visits by Medical Access Program (MAP) enrollees decreased by 9%. 
  • We moved from planning to implementation of the Community Care Collaborative (CCC).
Central Health

Texas leads the nation in people without health insurance.
Almost 20% of people in Travis County are uninsured.
That's more than 200,000 people.
That's why Central Health is here.

To learn more about Central Health and our mission, goals and accomplishments, visit CentralHealth.net.

With your help, Central Health is leading the way 
to better health for all Central Texans.