Saint Clement Day of Reflection
Stories of Stewards
Opportunities to Pray.Serve.Give.
Did You Know?




Saint Clement Day of Reflection


On October 19, Saint Clement parishioners met for a Day of Reflection - Sacraments, Healing and CommunionThe theme was inspired by the Archdiocesan Year of the Sacraments: Pope Francis' Vision of Healing and Communion. 


Pastoral Associate Christina Bax began the afternoon helping us to consider the chain of Sacramentality. She explained Catholic understanding of how God comes to us through Jesus, the Church, and the Sacraments. We then looked at several ways to think about each Sacrament as a reality that conveys God's grace.


Director of Catechesis Mary DuQuaine led a meditative prayer that included mixing together and blessing all of the ingredients that go into a loaf of bread. This experience launched us into a study of a pastoral letter on the Liturgy of the Eucharist authored by Cardinal Bernardin.


Craig Scanlon, a teacher from Saint Clement School, then led us in a presentation on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This was an interactive lesson filled with lots of participation and even included a video of Pope Francis speaking about the sacrament and going to Reconciliation himself.


If you'd like more information about the resources on the Year of the Sacrament, please visit the Archdiocese's dedicated webpage.


Stories of Stewards

As part of our ongoing engagement process, we have come to realize the importance of parishioners sharing their personal stories of how they have connected with Saint Clement as an important factor in their lives. As a feature twice a month, we share the stories and reflections of our engaged parishioners who are living a stewardship life of prayer, service, and giving. This week we hear from Kelly Foyle.


"St. Therese of Lisieux was once shown two vessels of differing sizes that were filled to the brim with water. When asked which one was fuller, she came to understand that even though one was larger than the other, each one could not contain any more. She realized that as people we are each filled with graces and talents as God sees fit, and we are to use these to our greatest abilities, not being jealous of anyone who may appear to have more.


I start off with this short story to illustrate what stewardship means to me - I may not have the greatest financial means or be a great lector, but what I can do is serve as I am able and give of what I do have...and to do it all with a joyful heart.


I came to Saint Clement Parish in the winter of 2012, at which time I was able to jump right in with the YAC community on the annual retreat. I felt so welcomed that I enrolled as a parishioner and started attending the 7:00 p.m. Mass regularly. The rest, as they say, is history. And those who have been at Clement for awhile can attest to it - this parish has a way of hooking you. Soon, I found myself training to be a Eucharistic Minister, helping to plan the next YAC retreat, participating in Service Day, and facilitating Strengths for the Journey. In fact, I always joke with friends that they can usually guess where I'll be any given night of the week: church.


As a Catholic school teacher (at ICSJ), I don't make a lot of "extra" money, but I firmly believe in the value of both this parish as well as the cause for Catholic education. Therefore, my first place to give money (after providing for food and rent) is, naturally, to the church, and I do that regularly through both the Sunday Giving commitment and the To Teach Who Christ Is Archdiocesan campaign.

 In my time at Saint Clement, I have come to realize that only when we empty ourselves as stewards in the service of others do we fully become who Christ calls us to be."


Opportunities to 
Pray Serve Give Learn Belong 
For more information on upcoming events, including our regular weekly opportunities, please view the parish's master calendar.
Saturday, November 1 @ 9:00 a.m.: All Saints Day Mass (Church)
Saturday-Sunday, November 1-2: Annual H.U.G.S.Collection (Hats, Underwear, Gloves, Socks) (Church Vestibule)

Sunday, November 2 @ 9:00 a.m.: Fair Trade Market (Centennial Hall)

Monday, November 3 @ 1:15 p.m.: Afternoon Book Club discusses Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (Fahey Center I); contact Rick Jones

Tuesday, November 4 @ 7:00 p.m.: Parish Engagement Committee hosts discussion on The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis (Centennial Hall)

Sunday, November 9 @ 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Parish Blood Drive (School Gym); contact Maggie Hanley with questions or to volunteer

Sunday, November 9 @ 10:00 a.m.: Faith in the Next Generation presents "From Earth to Heaven" Mass for Families (Cabrini Shrine); tour and lunch to follow; RSVP to Darlene Kelly

Sunday, November 9 @ 8:00 p.m.: Young Adult Community Wine & Cheese (Chapel)

Thursday, November 13 @ 7:00 p.m.: Eucharistic Minister training (Church); contact Flo Merkl-Deutsch

Sunday, November 16 @ 10:30: Annual Advent Workshop (Centennial Hall)
Did You Know?
Bookfair to Benefit Saint Clement School
Thursday, November 20, 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. 


Join the greater Saint Clement Family at the Barnes & Noble on Webster and Clybourn as we celebrate the 27th Annual Saint Clement School Bookfair. A portion of your purchase will benefit our parish school. 


Purchase books, games, puzzles, crafts, music, and more! This is a great time to start your holiday shopping. Saint Clement teachers will have "wish lists" -- feel free to choose a book to donate to the classroom.


Barnes & Noble sells much more than books, including as games, puzzles, craft kits, and music. This is a great time to start your holiday shopping. Purchases in the caf� also count toward our bookfair.


Make your donation go further by using a Barnes & Noble giftcard purchased through Scrip! Create an account at, set up a Presto Pay account using Saint Clement enrollment code F924BDF416459, and purchase ScripNow eCard to print and use at the book fair. You'll get the full purchase price on your gift card while Saint Clement School receives nine percent of your card's value. More information on Scrip can be found here.


New this year: Order a whole Cheesecake Factory cheesecake to pick up at the bookfair or on any day you choose! Order forms are available in the back of the church or at the church reception desk. 

Images courtesy Amy Boyle Photography


Photo credits: Top bar images 1 & 2 by John Zich,; image 3 & 8 by