Theology on the Rocks Summer Speaker Series
Stories of Stewards
Religious Education Registration Deadline Approaching
The Plaza Switches to Summer Schedule
Opportunities to Pray.Serve.Give.
Did You Know?




Theology on the Rocks Summer Speaker Series   

Theology on the Rocks Our annual Theology on the Rocks summer speaker and conversation series, geared toward adults ages 35 and up, provides a welcoming environment for adults to connect with each other and engage in discussions with leaders on topics pertinent to our faith.


On July 24, after time to socialize and enjoy drinks and appetizers on the parish courtyard, participants sat at art tables, ready to focus on the theme of the first session, "Living in God's Grace."


Mary DuQuaine, our parish Director of Catechesis, and Alma Blazquez, Ed. D., a parishoner and Founder of Kindness Matters, led the evening's Theology on the Rocks reflections on "grace" with an art therapy exercise. This helped place participants in the present moment to enter a state of "emptying ourselves," or "kenosis," by self-reflecting and feeling God's grace as His children in quiet creativity. The secular and theological definitions of "grace" were presented. Mary and Alma further presented how Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, and all saints, practiced kenosis, the emptying of ourselves, in order to be filled and fully present to receive God's grace. Alma shared her faith journey during a near death experience that placed her in God's grace and was witness to a boundless love from God that is ever present for every one of us. Mary brought the evening together and helped us to see that as beloved daughters and sons of God, and through the salvation given to us through Jesus, we all share a journey of faith as disciples of Christ, "There is a place in our soul where we are known and loved by God... Once we know this we begin to recognize God's grace active in our lives every day!"


Theology on the Rocks

According to participant Mary Padjen, "Both Mary and Alma expressed how much God really loves us just where we are, unconditionally....It touched my soul." Deirdre Sandquist commented, "I felt true joy during this event and joyful and inspired following. The session was thought-provoking and reinforces my desire to continue to learn more about my Catholicism."


Session two, held on July 31, took a different approach to sharing our faith. Lisa Wagner-Carollo, founder of StillPoint Theatre Collective and actor, brought to the Saint Clement Chapel her one-woman play about the co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, Dorothy Day. The TheologyOnTheRocks crowd of 35 in the audience enjoyed a personal, mesmerizing experience into the life of Dorothy Day, from her early years of her developing Christian faith, to the profound life she devoted to doing the will of God and Christ, attending to matters of the poor and helping the poor herself at every turn for the rest of her life. Ms. Wagner-Carollo changed outfits as she led the audience into the years that passed in Dorothy Day's life, showing us the reality of her life's intense challenges and emerging still, with grace from God. Lisa Wagner-Carollo challenged those in attendance to realize that a life lived for Christ is doable and to realize that the "real ambassadors of the world are the poor." Ms. Wagner-Carollo brought everyone into the Life of Dorothy Day as if she herself were present, and this was truly felt by everyone.


Attending sessions like Theology on the Rocks gives us an opportunity to spend time exploring our faith and challenging ourselves and each other as brothers and sisters in Christ to live in the moment where God's never-ending pure and divine love, and grace is ever present. After both sessions, many stayed to further the experiences of the spiritual energy that we allowed ourselves to feel and share.

Stories of Stewards

As part of our ongoing engagement process, we have come to realize the importance of parishioners sharing their personal stories of how they have connected with Saint Clement as an important factor in their lives. We share the stories and reflections of our engaged parishioners who are living a stewardship life of prayer, service, and giving.

This week, we hear from Tim Weiske.


Tim Weiske "When I moved to Chicago at the end of July 2012, I was prepared to parish shop. But then I attended Theology on Tap and Mass at Saint Clement. I knew immediately that I had found my spiritual home in Chicago and had no need to parish shop at all.


For my first few months at Saint Clement, I had a 'consumer' mentality. I enjoyed the events, but I did not get involved in volunteering and leadership. After seeing how much energy goes into planning and running each event, I knew I needed to step up to the plate by investing my time, talent, and treasure in the parish. I have since become involved in the Parish Transformation team, serving on the Spring Young Adult retreat planning team, serving as a co-captain for Theology on Tap, helping lead Saturday beach volleyball, and joining the Young Adult Board for the upcoming year. My hope is that my contribution of time and talent supports Saint Clement to continue to offer opportunities that help newcomers like me feel as welcome socially and as enriched spiritually as I have felt since I joined the parish last summer.


I also recognize the reality that Saint. Clement needs our stewardship of treasure to have the tangible resources that are required to offer enriching liturgies and events that support us to grow closer to Christ and to each other as a parish community. Signing up for ParishPay has made it easy to follow through with my financial commitment. I think of using ParishPay as similar to the products Ron Popeil sells in his infomercials...I can 'set it and forget it' until it is time to pray about my level of financial giving during the next Sunday Giving Commitment period.


Through my stewardship of time, talent, and treasure, I truly hope that I am joyfully responding to the sending forth at the end of Mass that calls us to 'Go in Peace, glorifying the Lord by your life,' and encouraging others to do the same."

Religious Education Program Deadline Approaching: September 1

Register your Pre-K to 8th-grader for Saint Clement's Religious Education program today!

The Religious Ed program begins in mid-September (and ends in the beginning of May) and is held on Sundays following the 9:30am Masses, from 10:40am to 11:45am in Saint Clement School. While the children attend class, parents are invited to gather in the school cafeteria for hospitality and conversation. Additional community building experiences, prayer and Mass opportunities are held throughout the year.

What participants have said about our program:


"It was a wonderful experience meeting new people and sharing the same love for God while being a part of Saint Clement's Religious Education program. I truly recommend it for kids who want to learn and get closer to God."

-Patrick Breslin, 8th grade student


"The Religious Education program went beyond our expectations. The high points were when our son was a lector at the Feast of the Immaculate Conception evening Mass last fall, and then when we attended Family Reconciliation in January. Sharing these events made us more aware of our faith as a family."   

-Miller and Stephanie Bransfield, 6th grade parents 


Program details and registration forms can be found online. Contact Mary DuQuaine, Director of Catechesis with questions or to volunteer as a catechist.    


First Communion image courtesy of 

The Plaza Switches to Summer Schedule


The Plaza has switched to its summer schedule and will be published on a bi-weekly basis. There are many great stories of the wonderful people of Saint Clement. If you have a story idea you'd like to share, please send an email to

Have a safe and wonderful summer!
Opportunities to Pray.Serve.Give. 


For more information on upcoming events, including our regular, weekly opportunities, please view the parish's master calendar.


Weekend Masses in 2013: New Mass Journal initiative, to support our participation and reflection at Mass. Extra journals available in the church vestibule. 


Sundays in August: No 9:30 a.m. Chapel Mass. 

Sundays, August 18, & 25 @ 8:30 a.m.: Summer Choir Rehearsal (Chapel); all are invited to join in making a joyful noise! Contact Paul Nicholson or Patrick Sinozich with questions.   

Saturday/Sunday, August 24/25: Annual Parish Camping Trip (Blackwell Forest Preserve)

Weekend of August 24/25 @ all Masses: Monthly Food Drive; collection of non-perishable foods and hygiene products to support local parish-operated food pantries. Please place such donations in the boxes in the vestibule. 

Tuesday, August 27 @ 7:00 p.m.: Becoming Catholic Information Session (Chapel) 
Sunday, September 1: Deadline to register for the Religious Education program.

Tuesday, September 3 @ 7:00 p.m.: The Next Chapter: Support Group (FC I); for those who experienced a loss through divorce, separation, or death. Contact Deacon Tim Sullivan with questions. 
Did You Know?

Annual Parish Camping Trip 

August 24/25, Blackwell Forest Preserve

 Camping TripJoin Fr. Ken and other individuals and families for the 5th Annual Saint Clement camping trip on Saturday, August 24 at Blackwell Forest Preserve in Warrenville. If you would like to make it a two-night event, join our camping enthusiasts for Friday, August 23 as well. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other parishioners while enjoying nature, fishing, biking, storytelling, and s'mores. Fr. Ken will celebrate Mass on Saturday evening. 


Reserve a site for yourself or your family online. Questions? Please feel free to email Rob Svendsen or call 630-404-0409.

Submit Your Ideas


We hope you have enjoyed this week's issue of The Plaza. If you know of a parishioner living their life as a steward or a topic that would interest other parishioners, please submit your idea here.
And finally... 


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Photo credits: Top bar images 1 & 2 by John Zich,; image 3 by