Feast of St. Francis of Assisi Celebrated with Annual Blessing of the Pets
Young Adults Kick Off New Year
Stories of Stewards
Opportunities to Pray.Serve.Give.
Did You Know?




Feast of St. Francis of Assisi Celebrated with Annual Blessing of the Pets


PetBlessingIn honor of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4), Deacon Tim Sullivan led a blessing of pets on the plaza the afternoon of Sunday, October 7.


The plaza was filled with parishioners and their dogs, cats, and other pets. We were reminded of the sacredness of all creation, as well as the place that pets hold in our families. All the four-footed friends were welcomed into the parish family. There was even active participation from all; pet owners responded to the prayers with "Amen," and the dogs often chimed in with barks.

Pet Blessing  

When Deacon Tim was asked if pets would go to heaven, he replied, "God didn't create anything to be thrown away." This gave us "paws" for reflection. We thank Deacon Tim for not only giving of his time ad prayerful service, but for wearing a stole artistically designed with images of our four-footed brothers and sisters!

Pet Blessing 2012  

It was a joyful, sun-lit afternoon, and one that created gratitude to the Spirit, who enlivens all with the breath of life. As St. Francis is respected and loved as a mentor to animals, so may he be one for us, as we care for all of creation as good stewards.

Young Adults Kick Off New Year

YACOur thriving Young Adult Community celebrated the start of another year with its annual kick-off event held Friday, October 5. Despite being forced inside due to cool weather, more than 100 young adults in their 20s and 30s, both veteran and new members to the community, came together to enjoy a traditional cookout and evening of fun.


YACYoung Adults in attendance had the chance to learn about many of our regular Young Adult events, such as Tuesday night volleyball, service at the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels, and our monthly wine and cheese social after the 7:00 p.m. Mass. They were also introduced to some of our new programming for  the year, including praying the rosary before 7:00 p.m. Mass, attending Adoration together at the Parish every third Thursday of the month, and our new and improved versions of the YAC Happy Hour and Clement Companion Program.


YAC kick-off 2012 The kick-off also provided Young Adults a chance to meet their leadership board for the year -- a group of 14 Young Adults who meet monthly to plan a variety of social, service, and spiritual events and initiatives for their peers. The Board also serves as ambassadors linking the Young Adult Community to the wider Parish community, and was on hand to promote the upcoming Strengths for the Journey program, in addition to getting a record number of young adults to register as members of the parish.


Parishioner Camille Vicino said, "The young adult cookout was so much fun and a great way to meet people. I feel much more connected to the Parish after attending." Anna Bax also commented, "I was so glad this event took place! It was really nice to connect with other young adults, and Saint Clement Parish, too. I am already looking forward to next year's kick-off!"    

Stories of Stewards

As part of our ongoing engagement process, we have come to realize the importance of parishioners sharing their personal stories of how they have connected with Saint Clement as an important factor in their lives. As a feature twice a month, we share the stories and reflections of our engaged parishioners who are living a stewardship life of prayer, service, and giving. This week we hear from Megan Carroll.


Carroll"Before graduate school, I worked as nanny for a family that had just moved from Lincoln Park. They always raved about Saint Clement and attended Anchor Ball annually. They were thrilled when Father Hickey was transferred to my home town parish, Our Lady of Perpetual Help. I eventually moved to the city myself. Not yet knowing the lay of the land, I had a hard time finding a church in my neighborhood. Eventually, I moved to a new apartment in Lincoln Park. In a surprising turn of events, I discovered that Saint Clement was in my backyard.


Shortly after moving into the neighborhood, I met a couple of special people and Saint Clement felt like home. Whenever someone would ask for volunteers I would just say yes. I felt drawn to Saint Clement and could not stay away. People always ask me how I am motivated to be involved in so much. For me the reason was easy. I find the things people ask me to do as a calling to serve God. I have the time to give and I have the ability to serve, so why not?  ParishPay has been a great option for me to allocate my monetary offering to the church. As a social worker, I am not always able to give the amount of money I would like. But, I strive to make up for that in service.


I am involved with several groups at Saint Clement. I am in my third year teaching second grade Religious Education. As I mentioned, I am a social worker with Hospice. I witness the strong faith that seniors have at the end of their lives. The second graders in Religious Education are always in awe when I tell them 95 year olds are still saying the Lord's Prayer. I am also an usher at 7:00 p.m. Mass and a volunteer at Our Lady of the Angels Mission. I am new to the Young Adult Board and Pastoral Council this year. It is an honor to be so involved at Saint Clement and look forward to more opportunities in the future."  

Opportunities to Pray.Serve.Give. 


For more information on upcoming events, including our regular, weekly opportunities, please view the parish's master calendar.            


Sunday, October 21 @ 12:15 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.: Training for new Eucharistic Ministers (Altar); contact Flo Merkl-Deutsch  


Sunday, October 21: Deadline to register for the Strengths for the Journey program. Questions? Contact Erin Neal.   


Tuesday, October 23 @ 7:00 p.m.: First Reconciliation Meeting for parents interested in their child(ren) receiving the sacrament of first reconciliation this February (Fireside Hall). Contact Mary DuQuaine.  


Wednesday, October 24 @ 6:30 p.m.: Virtus Training (Centennial Hall); required by the Archdiocese for any employee or volunteer who works with children. Click here for further info and to register.   


Friday, October 26 @ 6:00 p.m.: All-School Halloween Party (School). Proceeds benefit the 8th grade D.C. trip; all parish families are welcome. 


Saturday, October 27 @ 9:30 a.m.: Memorial Mass for former pastor, John Fahey (Church) 


Saturday-Sunday, October 27-28: H.U.G.S. for the Homeless Drive, a collection of new hats, underwear, gloves, and scarves; contact Maggie Hanley with questions.  


Saturday-Sunday, October 27-28: Monthly (non-perishable) Food Collection; contact Maggie Hanley with questions.  


Sunday, October 28 @ 10:45 a.m.: Prayer Yoga (Fireside Hall)  


Thursday, November 1 @ 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., and 7:00 p.m.: Solemnity of All Saints (a holy day of obligation) Mass times (Church)


Friday, November 2 @ 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.:

Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) Mass times (Church).


Sunday, November 4: Fair Trade/Green Market (Centennial Hall)


Sunday, November 4 @ 10:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.: Training for new Eucharistic Ministers (Altar); contact Flo Merkl-Deutsch 


Did You Know?
Discover and Enhance Your Strengths 
Registration Ends Sunday, October 21


"We are God's work of art, created in Christ Jesus for the good works which God has already designated to make up our way of life"  

(Eph 2:10).


Strengths for the Journey This fall, Saint Clement will again offer the opportunity for parishioners to participate in the Strengths for the Journey program. More than 250 parishioners participated in this common journey during Lent, and have overwhelmingly expressed their gratitude and enthusiasm. Strengths for the Journey was designed to enrich each parishioner's awareness and understanding of their unique God-given gifts and the unique gifts of others, enhancing our homes, work, community, parish, and spiritual lives.


Participants meet in small groups once a week for four weeks beginning either the week of November 4 or November 11. Click here for more information, or here to register. Questions? Please contact Erin Neal, Coordinator of Parish Engagement.  


Submit Your Ideas


We hope you have enjoyed this week's issue of The Plaza. If you know of a parishioner living their life as a steward or a topic that would interest other parishioners, please submit your idea here.
And finally... 


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Photo credits: Top bar (left) John Zich,