Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training


 The Connection   


Your trusted source for the latest job search and employment information.

 July 2015
In This Issue

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CNBC Names Minnesota America's Top State for Business
  In the 2015 ranking of "America's Top State for Business," Minnesota claimed the top spot - moving the state up from sixth place in 2014!
Click on the image below for the complete story.
Youth and
Dislocated Worker
If you are a student in high school that is looking for some career guidance, please click here
If you have lost your job due to company downsizing, buyouts or layoffs, your top priority is finding a new job. But what kind of job do you look for if your skills are outdated and no longer needed? If you are interested in pursuing a different occupation or are unsure what the next step in your career path might be, trained career counselors at the Office of Job Training can work with you to develop a plan. For more information click here  
FastTRAC Celebration
By: Paul Pluskwik, NE MN Office of Job Training
Students that were enrolled in the FastTRAC Program at Mesabi Range Community College were invited to a celebration to honor their efforts in completing the 2 semester 16 credit AIDE Program (Assist, Inspire, Dream, Educate). After completion of the program, students are prepared to take the State Para Pro Test.  Passing the state test would allow them to seek employment opportunities in many areas, including child care, education, Head Start, etc. For those that choose to go on, these 16 credits could also be applied to a certificate or degree in the educational field.
The FastTRAC Adult Career Pathways Program for the AIDE Program was a partnership with the Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training, Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA) and Mesabi Range College. Each partner had a role. The Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training was the Fiscal Agent. Paul Pluskwik, from the Office of Job Training, was the Navigator. This role provided services for recruitment, performing interest inventories, assessments, employment counseling, job skills training, and job search assistance. Terri Ferris, from AEOA, was the Bridger. The Bridger provided services for recruitment, computer literacy, work readiness, math, reading and writing preparation and study skills training. Dawn Kemppainen Olson, from Mesabi Range College, was the Instructor. The first semester was 6 credits taken at the college and the second semester was 10 credits that were taken online.
The celebration, which included lunch and cake for the students, and any family or friends they invited, was held to present the student  with a certificate and acknowledge their hard work and effort. Photos were taken of the students and their families and also with staff from the three agencies. Since the AIDE FastTRAC program is not an official certificate or diploma program and did not have an official graduation ceremony, etc., this celebration was our effort to give the students the feel of completion.  Those that were unable to attend were invited in later for their certificate and a photo opportunity. For highlights of the program and more pictures click here.



Wednesday, July 15, 2015
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Earle Brown Heritage Center
6155 Earle Brown Drive
Brooklyn Center, MN
If you are a veteran and looking for a job or are interested in exploring new careers or educational opportunities, come to the largest veterans career fair in Minnesota with 125 of Minnesota's best employers with current job openings.
All former and current members of the U.S. military are welcome!
DEED Rolls Out Career Profile Tool 
DEED, Posted June 4, 2015

Say you're interested in becoming an application software developer, living in the Twin Cities and want to stay there.  What's the demand for this occupation? How much does it pay? Can the pay meet the basic cost of living in the Twin Cities?


Whether you're a young person deciding on a career path, experienced worker considering a career switch or employer wanting a broad range of information on specific occupations, Career Profile is the latest go-to resource from DEED.


Career Profile can help users answer many questions, including:

  • How much does a particular occupation pay?
  • Is the pay enough to meet the basic cost of living in my region?
  • What are the educational requirements for this occupation, and where can I find training?
  • Do the typical tasks and abilities for this occupation match my interests and abilities?
  • Is there a demand for this occupation? How many openings are expected in coming years?
  • What other similar occupations could I consider?




Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training