No need to remind you that April is the month of new beginnings: fresh growth on the pussy willows and Easter and all of that stuff. This month I would like to launch my newsletter with some personal news about 'new beginnings'.
Check List:
- Dig up and divide most perennials (that need it) like hostas, day lilies etc.
- Cut down the growth from last year on mature perennials and add this to the compost. Speaking of pruning; be sure to check out the new Mark's Choice hand pruners at Home Hardware. They are incredible. The double hinge is the secret. As you close the blade it draws the wood into the blade, using less effort. Teflon-coated, high carbon steel blade and a sharpener to boot. Not to mention an oiler that works like a wonder.
- Cut down and compost ornamental grasses.
- Prune early flowering clematis by �.
- Fertilize/rake/over seed your lawn (see above).
- Put out your outdoor furniture: clean it.
- Get out your lawn mower at least 2 weeks before you plan to use it: clean it, change oil if needed and get it started. If it won't start you know what to do. Get it fixed or buy a new one. Check out the Mark's Choice walk behind manual mower at Home Hardware.
- Check out the Home Gardener Mule at Home Hardware. Everyone is talking about it and they are selling like hot sausages. Perhaps you have seen the garden Mule ad on TV. This is me pitching a wonderful garden 'wheel barrow' that is the ultimate multi tool. Yes, it really is a great product. Retail is $149.97 (seems to answer the most asked question) and no those are not my clothes. The agency gave them to me. My wife Mary is surprised by all of the fuss. She thought that she was the only person who knew that I am a mule.
You can view the full 'mule video' by following the link below. Click on Video under the image of the mule.
I am really excited about the special event that is planned in Markham, Ontario on Friday, April 15th at Angus Glen golf Course. This is the same golf course that hosted the Canadian Open a few years back.
Great facility!
I will be there as 'key note' to talk about gardening trends, colour in your garden and some exciting before and after shots of my own 10 acre, 5 year old garden.
See details below.
Also: International Home Show this weekend, Mississauga Home Show April 16 and a really neat event in Nipissing (about 20 minutes west of North Bay) April 30th.
See hot links below for details.
It is all good -especially spring.
Live it, breathe it, love it!!
And I will see you 'round.
Keep your knees dirty,
Merchant of Beauty.
View the Home Gardener Mule video
Where is Mark this Month?
* Saturday, April 2
International Home & Garden Show
International Centre, Toronto, Ontario
* Friday, April 15
Proven Winners Outdoor Living Extravaganza
Angus Glen Golf Course, Markham, Ontario
* Saturday, April 16
The Mississauga Lifestyle Home Show
Hershey Centre, Mississauga, Ontario
* Saturday, April 30
The West Nipissing Garden Show
West Nipissing, Ontario
National Tree Day
Canada finally has its own official day to celebrate trees. Starting this fall, each Wednesday of National Forest Week in September will be known as National Tree Day. The first National Tree Day will be September 21, 2011.
The motion to declare National Tree Day received consent from the House of Commons on March 2, 2011 with Tree Canada in attendance.
"By passing this motion, the House will ask Canadians to spend just one day reflecting on the link between their lives and that of the tree," said Royal Galipeau, M.P. Ottawa-Orl�ans who presented the motion. "Canadians will dedicate trees, plant trees, learn about trees and appreciate the historical impact the tree has had on Canada's economic success as a nation."
"I am proud to congratulate my former colleagues in the House of Commons for passing Motion 575 to set aside a day where Canadians can commemorate trees. It is wonderful the way that trees have of being able to bring people together in mutual celebration of a shared heritage," said Dorothy Dobbie, Tree Canada Chair and a former M.P. "With over 80% of Canadians living in cities and towns, our urban forests are vital to our quality of life and this recognition will go a long way toward ensuring that they continue to be planted and cared for in urban locations," she said.
Tree Canada and many of its partners have openly supported the motion and will work to engage Canadians in recognizing the importance of trees in our lives.
Celebrate Earth Day at Toronto Botanical Garden
Thursday, April 21, 2011
More than 500 million people in over 180 countries participate in Earth Day activities. It's an excellent time to stop and take stock of what we are all doing to help protect the environment. At the TBG, every day is Earth Day. Staff, volunteers, supporters and community networks work together year-round to help bring to life the TBG's green practices, environmental initiatives and educational efforts. Visit the Toronto Botanical Garden on Thursday, April 21 and celebrate Earth Day!
TBG Earth Day activities:
� The TBG Rain Barrel Design competition! In partnership with Toronto Master Gardeners, the TBG is selling rain barrels for just $55. They are challenging Toronto celebrities to decorate a Plain Jane rain barrel to help raise funds for the TBG's gardens. Every drop counts! Decorated rain barrels will be on display and auctioned off to the highest bidders on Earth Day!
� Spread the Love! The TBG is giving out free compost for your garden - only on Earth Day! Help spread compost onto the TBG's new Woodland Walk and Bird Habitat and take some home for your garden, too. Bring your own container.
� Have the first opportunity to purchase freshly dug divisions of choice perennials from the TBG garden! As selected by head gardener, Sandra Pella. Bring your own containers.
� The Great Potato Challenge! TBG is teaching school kids about growing and giving back to their community. Students will be given potatoes to bring home and shown how easily they multiply when grown in simple recycling bins. Can you beat the TBG's yearly average of 700 lbs of fresh produce donated to the food bank? All potatoes will be donated to the North York Harvest Food Bank.
For more information...
Art Takes Root
Milne House Garden Club Annual Flower Show
"Art Takes Root" 2011 flower show
Where: Toronto Botanical Garden. 777 Lawrence Avenue East
Preview Party: Tuesday, May 3rd, 7 pm - 9 pm. Admission $15
Show Times: Wednesday, May 4th, 10am - 5 pm.
Thursday, May 5th, 10am - 3pm.
Flower Show Admission: Adults $10. Children free
Featuring: floral designs, horticultural exhibits, demonstrations, speakers, silent auction, caf�.
For tickets call 416-292-4661 or 905-727-2722
Proceeds to the James Boyd Children's Centre, TBG