2016 July28 PineCones    

In This Issue
MAFP comments on MaineCare proposed MAT Rule
MAFP, along with the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM),Northern New England Society of Addiction Medicine (NNESAM) and AAFP
weigh in with comments on MaineCare proposed  MAT rule.

Rule Summary 
Opioids in Maine
Confused about MACRA?  MAFP & AAFP have your back!

Visit MAFP's MACRA Resource page for helpful information for your practice, practice managers, employers!

MAFP PineCones Newsletter

 There's a lot happening in Maine this summer and fall - particularly around the Opioid Epidemic and the implementation of MACRA - check out these articles and links for helpful resources for your practices. 
Opioid Prescribing Limits Begin Friday, July 29th
MAFP members are reminded that one element of Maine's new law limiting opioid medication prescribed for pain becomes effective this coming Friday, July 29th.
      Subject to the exceptions set forth in the law, a patient may not be prescribed any combination of opioid medication in an aggregate amount in excess of 100 morphine milligram equivalents (MMEs) of opioid medication per day.

     The exclusions in the law include prescribing opioid medication to a patient for:
  1. Pain associated with active and aftercare cancer treatment;
  2. Palliative care, as defined in Title 22, section 1726, subsection 1, paragraph A, in conjunction with a serious illness, as defined in Title 22, section 1726, subsection 1, paragraph B;
  3. End-of-life and hospice care;
  4. Medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorder; or
  5. Other circumstances determined in rule by the Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to Title 22, section 7254, subsection 2; and
  6. When directly ordering or administering a benzodiazepine or opioid medication to a person in an emergency room setting, an inpatient hospital setting, a long-term care facility or a residential care facility.
     Although the requirement to check the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) for a new script does not take effect until January 1, 2017, it would not be possible to know what opioid medication the patient may be receiving from other prescribers without checking the PMP.  
     So, in effect, the PMP mandate should be observed beginning July 29th if a prescriber is not already routinely checking the PMP for new scripts for an opiate based medication.  On January 1, 2017, the PMP mandate will include a first script written for a benzodiazepine in addition to an opioid. from MMA Weekly Update 25 July 2016

Caring for ME - Be Part of the Solution!
Supporting Maine Clinicians to Improve Chronic Pain Management and Safe Opioid Prescribing
Recognizing the need for creative and bold solutions, Maine Quality Counts (QC) is launching "Caring for ME", a collaborative effort that aims to bring together a wide set of partners to promote shared messages, educational resources, and practical tools for health care providers
Complete information and resources for "Caring for ME" 
Meaningful Use - Three Useful Changes 
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has proposed changes to the Meaningful Use program that are intended to relieve physician reporting burdens.  Those changes include reducing the 2016 reporting period to 90 days.        [ Read more ]  
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services announced last week several new actions the Department is taking to combat the nation's opioid epidemic.
[ Read more ]
CME & On-line Education Opportunities
FREE WEBINAR - "Maine's Prescription Monitoring Program  - An Orientation & Diversion Alert: An Orientation     REGISTER HERE
Tuesday, August 2, 2016 - Noon to 1:00 PM
Presented by Quality Counts as part of their Tuesday Lunch & Learn Caring for ME series

9th Annual Glickman Family Center Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Symposium
When: September 30, 2016
Where:  MaineHealth Conference Center, 110 Free Street, Portland, Maine  (more information HERE)

5th Annual Let's Go! 5210 National Childhood Obesity Conference
"Food in Health Care:  It's More Than An Apple A Day - Promoting Health and Managing Diseases through Nutrition"
WHEN:  September 15 & 16, 2016 
WHERE:  MaineHealth Conference Center, 110 Free Street, Portland, Maine  (more information HERE)

EVERY TUESDAY AT NOON: QC Learning Community - MORE INFORMATION & WEEKLY TOPICS - Learn more about the health issues that matter to you. The QC Learning Community offers FREE online webinars for health care providers/administrators, patients and consumers.  (more information & topics HERE)