2015 MAY

If you have news or know of a MAFP Member who is making news - Please contact the MAFP office using the email link below. 

Contact MAFP 

Dr. Ron Blum honored as a 2015 Rural Hero by the World Organization of Family Doctors!
Patten Maine Family Physician - Ron Blum, honored as a 2015 Rural Hero by the World Organization of Family Doctors! (WONCA)

Dr. Blum was honored as 1 of 3 U.S. Family Physicians selected to be a Rural Hero by WONCA's Working Party on Rural Practice which created it's "Rural Heroes"initiative to spotlight rural family physicians working around the world whose career path and work could inspire others. 


(Read the story here)


I love family medicine. And so should you.
Here's why -
"Vitamin D and Type 2 Diabetes" (D2d) Study in Maine Seeking Participants

Medical student Benjamin Romney created this video for a senior project.  It highlights the diverse aspects of a career in family medicine.  An inspiration to anyone considering the field.
Member Interest Groups
"Share your voice. Join a member interest group"   You know the power of collaboration. Exclusive and free to AAFP members, member interest groups (MIGs) are member-driven-you set the agenda and fuel the dialogue in these private, secure online forums. Share experiences and questions, inform with creative solutions and ideas, and gather with like-minded AAFP members. Current member interest groups include: 
  • Direct Primary Care
  • Emergency Medicine/Urgent Care
  • Global Health
  • Hospital Medicine
  • Independent Solo/Small Group Practice
  • Oral Health
  • Reproductive Health
  • Rural Health
  • Single Payer Health Care
  • Telehealth
More Information HERE 

The "Vitamin D and type 2 diabetes" (D2d Study) is a research trial, designed to see whether larger than typical supplements of vitamin D can prevent or postpone the onset of type 2 diabetes in people who are at high risk for type 2 diabetes.  


The study was conceived, because vitamin D levels are often low in people who develop type 2 diabetes, and vitamin D has been shown in animal studies to increase insulin production and decrease the kind of inflammation in the body that produces resistance to the effects of insulin.  


Though these findings point to potential benefit of vitamin D, proof of the benefit can only come from a well-done clinical trial.


The D2d Study enrolls volunteers with "pre-diabetes", those with higher than normal blood sugar that has not reached the levels required to diagnose diabetes. Volunteers are randomly assigned to receive vitamin D or inactive placebo.  


Neither the volunteer nor the researchers are told which treatment the volunteer is receiving, so the result of the Study will not be biased. They will be followed for four years to assess the effectiveness of the treatment in preventing progression of pre-diabetes to diabetes.  


The study is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and conducted locally by Maine Medical Center. Those interested in being screened for entry in the study are asked to call 207-661-7624 or write the researchers at  [email protected].



Resources to help your patients
Please join in Congratulating Sarah Irving MD, FAAFP
NEW resources available from AAFP's Commission on Health of the Public & Science:

From the Presidents Pen
Bill Sturrock MD, MAFP

"No Man Is An Island"

Are your patients asking you about the recent Measles outbreak and immunization of their children?  Dr. Sturrock has written an editorial piece that  you may want to refer your patients to.

Read and download "No Man Is An Island" HERE

Resources for the conversation with your patients:  "Disease and Population-specific Immunization-Measles"  HERE 
Dr. Sarah Irving of Lincoln recently attained the Degree of Fellow of the
AAFP.  The Degree of Fellow was established in 1971 by the Congress of Delegates as an avenue for special recognition of those members of the AAFP who have distinguished themselves among their colleagues, as well as in their communities, by their service to Family Medicine, the advancement of health care to the American people and by their professional development through medical education and research. As a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, these distinguished individuals are entitled to all the privileges, ceremony and honor bestowed by this degree.   


NEW resources from AAFP's Commission on Health of the Public & Science:


- This paper has a call to action for the physician, practice, leadership and educational levels.



2. Revised Clinical Practice Guideline Assessment Process


3. New AAFP applet for clinical recommendations and updated immunization applet. These can be downloaded from the iTunes Store.