2014 December
AAFP Launches Two Exciting New Intiatives

Read All About it! and see how you and your practice can get involved
MaineCare Seeks Provider Advisory Committee Members
MaineCare has restructured and empowered its Provider Advisory Committee.  This is a group of providers who meet quarterly with the MaineCare Medical Director, Kevin Flanigan, M.D., M.B.A. to review MaineCare changes/proposed changes and provide insight into the impact at the patient level. 

This group also brings forward suggestions for future changes & improvements for MaineCare to consider. 

The meetings are for two hours in Augusta and can be attended by phone when necessary.  The commitment is for a three year term with the potential for a two additional three year terms.

Members of this committee must be actively seeing MaineCare members and their practice must be open to accepting new members from MaineCare.

If you are interested in joining this Committee, please contact Gordon Smith, MMA EVP at gsmith@mainemed.com or 622-3374, ext. 212.


Getting Paid for Chronic Care Management under Medicare in 2015

Family Practice Management, the AAFP's peer-reviewed practice enhancement journal, has published an article titled "Chronic Care Management and Other New Codes" detailing the requirements for billing Medicare for the new chronic care management service, the article includes links to an FAQ document and the following tools that will facilitate payment:

  • Agreement to Receive Medicare Chronic Care Management Services Form
  • Patient-Centered Care Plan Template
  • Medicare Chronic Care Management Services Log

George W. Bostwick, M.D.  
~ Family Physician and Friend ~


Sadly, the MAFP has learned of the recent death of one of its most beloved former Presidents, George W. Bostwick, M.D.  Dr. Bostwick passed away on  September 28, 2014 at his home in Portland.  Our condolences go out to his wife Mary Ann and his sons Richard and William and daughter Elisabeth.


Dr. Bostwick was active in the Maine Academy of General Practice (as it was known from 1951 to 1994) and then the Maine Academy of Family Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians. He served the Maine AFP on the Board of Directors for many years and as President in 1963 & 1964. He was also a longstanding member of the Maine Medical Association from 1956 when he opened a practice in Newcastle until 2007 when he retired from a geriatric practice in Bangor.   


In 1981-1982 he served as President of the MMA.  He served the Lincoln-Sagadahoc County Medical Society as Secretary for more than twenty years and also served as Speaker of the MMA House of Delegates.  


His thorough knowledge of parliamentary procedure and bylaws in combination with his unruly hair, made him a formidable figure at both MAFP and MMA meetings.  Presiding somewhat like a slightly eccentric professor, Dr. Bostwick endeared himself to generations of physicians for more than fifty years.   


Watch for a full story of his remarkable medical career  in the Jan-Feb-March 2015 issue of MMA's Maine Medicine, complete with appropriate photos.



Writing in the November/December issue of Annals of Family Medicine, primary care researchers tackle the problem of escalating burnout in primary care practices around the country, saying improving the work life of clinicians and staff is essential to avoiding burnout and enhancing quality.
Getting Paid for Chronic Care Management under Medicare - WEBINAR

AAFP Member Webinar - Tue, Jan 27, 2015 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EST  


In 2015, Medicare will begin paying a chronic care management (CCM) fee for eligible beneficiaries. This webinar is intended to help family physicians and their staffs understand and take advantage of this new benefit on behalf of their Medicare patients. At the conclusion of the webinar, participants should be able to:

* Identify what types of Medicare patients are eligible for the new CCM service
* Summarize the scope of CCM services expected by Medicare
* Understand what is needed to get Medicare patient agreement before providing and billing CCM services
* Understand how to document, code, and bill Medicare for CCM services


Medicare payment for CCM represents a step in the direction of paying for the value of primary care that family physicians and their practices share with patients every day. This webinar is designed to enable you and your Medicare patients to make the most of this new opportunity.




Complete Schedule Brochure & Registration information available after January 15th - HERE

Quick Links
ICD-10 - Are YOU Ready?

As 2014 winds down, the Oct. 1, 2015 ICD-10 compliance date is drawing nearer.  CMS is making available to practices several resources to assist with compliance. 

The CMS Road to 10 resource is particularly geared to small practices and offers free tools, information and training.  Whether your transition is underway, or you are just starting out, Road to 10 will help you navigate your path to ICD-10 compliance. 


 - Understand the basics of ICD-10, the differences between ICD-9/ICD-10 and more;


- Explore common codes, primers for clinical documentation, clinical scenarios, and physician perspectives broken out by specialty. 


- Create a customized action plan, personalized by specialty and practice details.

Visit the CMS Road to 10  WEB PAGE for Medicare Learning Network educational materials, including a complete list of MN Connects videos on ICD 10

Visit the

CMS ICD-10 website

for the latest news and resources to help you prepare and sign up for CMS ICD-10 Industry E-mail Updates. 


Maine Academy of Family Physicians | | maineafp@tdstelme.net | http://www.maineafp.org
PO Box 424
Hartland, ME 04943

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