February 14, 2014

Pine Cone masthead


The Education Planning Committee Needs Your Help -


Hello Everyone,  


We're excited this year that at our Annual Update on April 10-11th we will be holding a poster competition for Family Medicine Residents. The poster competition first begins with judging of abstracts that are currently being sent in to us. From this we hope to select three finalists, who will then give 10 minute oral presentations on Friday, April 11th.


We need assistance from our Family Physician colleagues to volunteer to participate as reviewers or judges. We will need two or three abstract reviewers. If you would be able to volunteer as an abstract Our Executive Director, Deborah Halbach will send out the abstracts March 1st to those who are interested with an evaluation form link (via Survey Monkey tool) that will need to be filled out.


Please email Deborah at the MAFP if you are willing to be a reviewer - thank you! 


In addition, on April 11th, we will need three judges on-site, who will sit in on all three oral presentations and select a winner. I will provide evaluation forms for the abstracts and judging forms for the oral presentations.


The education committee would appreciate any help that can be provided for this part of the conference. We hope it will provide more resident attendance and encouragement as well as increase our prowess for academic medicine in the Family Medicine community in Maine.


Swapna Gummadi MD 
Education Planning Committee





Primary Care Practice Reports Being Sent to all Primary Care Practices in Maine


On Jan. 30, the Maine Health Management Coalition Foundation began distributing Primary Care Practice Reports to all Primary Care practices in Maine. This work is supported by the State of Maine's State Innovation Model (SIM) award.


The goal of the Primary Care Practice Report is to demonstrate practice pattern variation in cost and quality compared to state benchmarks.  The Primary Care Practice Report displays information based on medical and pharmacy claims data for all patients attributed to a given primary care practice. The report is based on ALL of the attributed patient's claims data, regardless of where care was received. Example: Jane Doe is attributed to Fictional Family Practice. Fictional Family Practice's Primary Care Practice Report is based on all of healthcare services Jane received, regardless of the servicing provider or location of service. For instance, all of the specialty care Jane received for a knee replacement, outside of her primary care practice, will be included in the Fictional Family Practice's report.


Please note that the Primary Care Practice Report is the property of the practice and will not be released directly to the public or distributed to others without written consent.


The Maine Health Management Coalition Foundation will be offering introductory regional trainings throughout March 2014 they will be presenting detailed descriptions of the report content, responding to questions, and providing support to help attendees understand and identify ways to use these reports to drive improvement.  


In the event you cannot make a regional training, a pre-recorded webinar and regional training are available HERE 


Please feel free to follow up with the MHMC data team ([email protected]) to discuss any questions you may have concerning your report. 



Do You Do Driver Exams?  (bus driver or commercial?)  The NEW Federal Rule Affects You!

The MAFP  has scheduled an additional opportunity for you to fulfill your NRCME Training requirements -  April 12, 2014 


Complete meeting information available HERE

Repeat article: 
Final Rule Calls for National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners


The new federal regulations call for the creation of a training, testing and registration program for health professionals who provide physicals for drivers of commercial vehicles.


Physicians Providing Driver Exams Face New Federal Regulations -

The new rule is intended to improve highway safety and driver health.

The regulation calls for medical examiners to re-certify every 10 years and comply with additional reporting requirements.


Read More                                                            

In This Issue
Primary Care Practice Reports
CDL Training- 1 More Date Before Deadline!
Veterans Resources
MAFP Update Registration Open
Advocacy Resource Center
Quote for the Day
2010 general session
Will you be in the picture this year?
Registration open for the 22nd Annual MAFP Family Medicine Update - April 9-12, 2014

Brochure & Registration Information
Program Highlights: 
April 9th -  
SAM Study Group 
April 10 & 11 - Annual Family Medicine Update 
April 11th - Annual Meeting 
April 12th -
CDL Training 


Be a "Doc-of-the-Day" at the Maine Legislature - Info and Registration HERE

The MMA staff has been hard at work scheduling Doctor of the Day volunteers for the second session of the 126th Legislature.   Dates open:

March - 5th, 12th, 13th & 21st 


If you have any questions regarding the "Doctor of the Day" program, please feel free to contact the MMA at [email protected] 


We hope to see you at the State House for what is expected to be a very interesting session for the medical community.


Participate in MMA's Weekly Legislative Calls (during session) - contact MMA to sign up on the email notification list - 622-3374, ext 214, Andy MacLean, Email
Sign up for
AAFP's SmartBrief 
(AAFPs daily email newsletter designed specifically for family physicians. This free resource offers a quick, two-minute read to help you stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends in family medicine)
Use AAFPs SPEAK OUT to communicate with both State & Federal Legislators

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."

Helen Keller  

Thinking about transforming YOUR practice site?  Check out the FREE resources like Delta Exchange offered by
Maine AFP - PO Box 424 - Hartland, ME 04043