Nutrition Energy
In the News!
Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
Six Healthy Eating Tips for Teens
by Mount Sinai AHC
**Upcoming Events**
Team in Training Marathon Sports Nutrition Clinic
Time: 9:00am
Finish Line Physical Therapy (119 W. 23rd St, #304)
Presenting: Lauren Thomas, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDN
Team For Kids United Airlines Half Marathon Basics Clinic
When: Sat, Jan 23rd
Time: 11:00am
Where: NYRR's Offices (156 W. 56th St)
Presenting: Lauren Thomas, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDN
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Updates to Nutrition Energy
Hello and Happy new Year to all current and past Nutrition Energy clients!
We at Nutrition Energy want to wish you a happy and healthy New Year. We hope that you are starting the new year off right, by reaffirming past goals and/or creating new healthy habits for 2016.
As always, the Nutrition Energy team is here to help you decipher the nutritional science, define realistic goals, and stick to healthy nutrition and exercise habits in order to improve your overall health, achieve your athletic and weight goals and get into healthful eating routines.
Due to increasing rent and cost of doing business, there will be a modest increase in our rates as of February 1st, 2016:
- Appointments with Nutrition Energy Director, Lauren Antonucci will be $245 for an evaluation, $210 for 1 hour follow up appointments, and $125 for 30 minute follow up appointments.
- Appointments with all other Nutrition Energy Dietitian/Nutritionists, including Limor Baum, Vanessa Costa, Lauren Thomas, Liz Tripp, Vicki Haken, Claire Shorenstein, and Debi Zvi will be $230 for an evaluation, $200 for 1 hour follow up appointments and $115 for 30 minute follow up appointments.
Meet Our New Dietitians!
Nutrition Energy is very excited to announce the addition of 2 new Registered Dietitians, Debi Zvi and Claire Shorenstein to our team.
Debi Zvi is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and Certified
Diabetes Educator with a strong background in counseling as well as extensive experience with patients dealing with diabetes and other chronic diseases. She has served as the Nutrition Program Coordinator for the New York Health and Racquet Clubs where she gained experience working with a wide range of athletes as well as individuals seeking weight loss.
Claire Shorenstein is A Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and Road Runners Club of America certified coach with extensive experience working with runners and endurance athletes and has herself run numerous team and solo running events over the past 20 years from the 5km to 50-mile distance. Claire also works at Montefiore Medical Center where she counsels patients with multiple medical problems such as renal disease, heart disease, and liver disease.
Welcome Claire and Debi! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, or to schedule an appointment Here's to a great 2016!
New Year's Resolutions Done Right!
Make New Year's Resolutions and that you can ACTUALLY keep!
January, is again upon us, and for many, the start of another new year means a chance to make some new health related resolutions. However, "Lose weight and get fit" is the #1 resolution made...and broken according to Time. We all know that as February roles around, most of us have already given up on what we initially set out to accomplish. Keeping resolutions can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be! Here are a few tips on how to keep your resolutions, and some ideas for bringing exercise and healthy foods into your daily routine in 2016.
Be Realistic
It is easy to get carried away with your resolution. Maybe on January 1st you said to yourself, "I am cutting out all carbs and exercising daily in 2016!" Hold on!!! Setting goals is important, but making them realistic and sustainable is even critical to your success. Start slowly, and with something that you can stick to...or go big for a very short amount of time. Examples would be to substitute refined carbohydrates for whole grains in a few meals per day, or plan to exercise 3 days a week. Setting small goals does not mean that you cannot work your way up to big changes. In fact, it will help you get to your big goals much faster than trying to implement all your big goals at once. If you decide to "Go Big", keep the duration short and plan to change up your goals soon. Examples of this include deciding to skip all alcohol or all dessert for 2 weeks or one month.
Buddy Up
Another way to make sure that you stick to your health goals is to include someone else in your plan. Have a friend of family member complete your goals with you, or check in with each other regarding your individual goals. We are more likely to stick with our goals if we have someone to hold us accountable for our actions. Other ways to keep yourself accountable to your goals are to keep a food or exercise log, or blog about your experience. Of course the Dietitians at Nutrition Energy are also here to help you set/change and stick to your goals and resolutions. :)
Be Positive!
Sustaining lifestyle related changes can be challenging, so don't be too hard on yourself if you are not able to stick to ALL of your goals. Just because you had a bad meal or day or even week, doesn't mean that you should give up on the rest of the year! Continue to affirm your decision to incorporate your health goals into your daily life. If you are really struggling to maintain them, perhaps brainstorm some new goals that will be easier for you to keep. Remember, start small and your success will motivate you to try for even bigger goals in the future.
Want to get your body moving in 2016 but don't know where to start? Here are a few free exercise classes that may get you motivated!
Lululemon Exercise Classes:
- 1146 Madison Avenue
- Sun(day) Salutations Yoga - Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM, hour long vinyasa style class in the Lulu store.
- Run Club - Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM, meet at the Lulu store and run approximately 3-5 miles with an expert coach
- Lincoln Square (1928 Broadway)
- Run Club - Monday evenings at 7:15 PM, meet at the Lulu store, all levels are welcome
- Meatpacking (408 West 14th st)
- Sweaty Saturday - Saturday mornings at 9 AM, enjoy a sweatier indoor workout lead by an exciting studio in our neighborhood.
- In-store Yoga - Sunday mornings at 10 AM, mats provided
Yoga to the People:
- This donation-based studio has several locations in the New York City area. Visit for more information on locations and class times
- Locations
- East Village/St. Marks (Power vinyasa flow)
- 27th Street (Traditional hot yoga)
- 38th Street (Hot vinyasa)
- Brooklyn (Traditional hot yoga and power vinyasa flow)
- YTTP 2-23rd/3rd (Various classes)
- Upper West Side (Power vinyasa flow)
And feel free to reach out to us on social media anytime! We are happy to see your posts on Twitter @nutritionenergy or on FaceBook and to respond with encouragement, suggestions and ideas.
Here's to a Healthy and Happy 2016!
Sea Vegetables: A Nutrient Powerhouse
written by NE Dietitian, Debi Zvi
Sea vegetables are popping up everywhere, in natural grocery stores, ethnic markets, and I just saw a sea vegetable snack pack at CVS. I think it is safe to say they have reached fever pitch. Why so popular? Sea vegetables have a salty umami flavor yet are packed with nutrition.
Nutrition Lowdown
Sea vegetables contain most B vitamins, calcium, copper, iodine, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and K. They are also one of the rare vegan sources of omega 3 fatty acids. Many varieties contain lignans, the component in flaxseeds that is linked to decreased cancer risk and lowering LDL cholesterol levels. So the next time you're looking for a salty snack, reach for seaweed chips over the potato variety!
Types of Sea Veggies
There are many options when it comes to sea vegetables. Some of the most popular are listed below:
Nori- used in sushi rolls and seaweed "chips", nori can also be sprinkled on salad and wrapped around vegetables or avocado for a snack.
Kombu- typically used to flavor soup stock, it can be added to any base for that rich umami savory flavor. Add to sauces, dips, and marinades for a bold taste.
Arame- with a mild flavor, arame can be added to many dishes. Sometimes you see it as a garnish on seaweed salad or paired with mushrooms and edamame in a stir-fry.
Wakame- most often recognized as the seaweed found in miso soup, wakame can be added to salad, stir-fries, dumplings, and soups. It is usually found dried and can be reconstituted when soaked in water for 10-15 minutes. It has a salty umami flavor and in flake form, can be mixed into rice, omelets, and even sprinkled over popcorn.
Dulse- this sea veggie is red in color and has a tangy flavor. It can be added to soups, salads, porridge, or baked goods.
Where to Try
If you are new to sea vegetables, I recommend trying them at a restaurant so you can see how they are prepared and which you like best. You can find sea vegetables at any Japanese or Korean restaurant. Seaweed salad, sushi, ramen, and other soups are a few popular dishes in which you will find sea vegetables. From restaurants like Momofoku Noodle Bar downtown to Beyond Sushi, the vegan sushi shop right around the corner from our office, you will find tons of dishes with sea vegetables to try.
Where To Buy
You can find sea vegetables at Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Fairway, Asian markets, specialty grocery stores, and on Amazon.
A Note of Caution
Because sea vegetables are such potent sources of vitamins and minerals, some people may actually have to limit consumption. The specific concern relates to sea vegetables' vitamin K, potassium, and iodine contents. If you have been instructed to limit any of these nutrients, please consult your physician before adding sea vegetables to your diet.
A Note from Lauren...
New year, new life! Make the changes you always talk about doing, but never follow through on - and we're here to help! Whether your goals are to lower your cholesterol, lose some weight, or train for a marathon, the Nutrition Energy Team is here to support and guide you! Our dietitians have experience in all areas of nutrition and will help you start the new year off right!
If you need any help with creating or altering a nutrition plan (and start 2016 off right!), please contact us via email or call the office at 646.364.6803 to schedule a consultation and we will get you on the right track!
Lauren Antonucci, Director
Nutrition Energy