Nutrition Energy
In the News!
Adapting Your Nutrition to Climate
Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
4 Nutrition Rules to Combat Running-Induced Hunger
Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
Skinnygirl Daily
Vanessa Stasio, MS, RDN, CDN
**Upcoming Events**
Basics Clinic
Time: 6:00pm
Where: NYRR Midtown: 156 W 56th
Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
Sports Nutrition for Ironman Triathletes
When: Tues, June 16th
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Where: Jackrabbit Sports, UWS
Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
Sponsored by Gatorade Endurance
Brooklyn Tri Club: Sports Nutrition for Triathletes
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Where: TBD
Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
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siggi's Instagram Breakfast Bowl Challenge
Love siggi's yogurt? Here is your chance to win!
Post a photo of your siggi's breakfast bowl and use #dailysiggis and #NutritionEnergy.
If siggi's regrams your picture, they'll restock your fridge with siggi's! One or more Nutrition Energy clients are guaranteed to win!!
You can also include the points below, if you would like to:
-siggi's is made with simple ingredients, not a lot of sugar
-Each cup contains more protein than sugar- that's something most other flavored yogurt varieties can't say!
-siggi's does not contain any artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, preservatives, thickeners, or colorings.
National Running Day
Whether you are a five-time marathon runner or someone that always wanted to simply enjoys hitting the trails on a sunny day, we are encouraging everyone to celebrate National Running Day TODAY-June 3rd. Use this day to sign up for a race, inspire a friend to become your running buddy, or run for your favorite cause. Regardless of where you stand with running, put the following tips into practice and enjoy being outside and doing something good for yourself.
If you've just caught the running bug, congratulations! Running is a great addition to your exercise routine because it is low-cost and can be done just about anywhere. Jumping in to running can be exciting, but make sure you're not going too hard too fast. Start with slow, short runs that incorporate some bouts of walking. By starting out slowly you'll greatly reduce risk of injury-including shin splints, IT band syndrome, or worse- and will steadily increase the length and speed of your runs more quickly. If you need motivation to get going, put some good tunes on your iPod or encourage a friend to join you for a run/walk and talk! Offer yourself a reward-say that you'll treat yourself to a colorful new pair of shorts or tank after you run 3 times- remember, running should be fun!
If you are already in the running groove- maybe you've completed a 5 or 10K- consider challenging yourself to a half or full marathon! Consider National Running Day the perfect opportunity to kick off your training plan for a run/race in September or October. Most plans are between 12 and 16 weeks, so find one that suits your schedule and moves at a comfortable pace.
You'll also want to fuel and hydrate properly before, during, and after your run- so here are our top tips to get your started on the right foot (pun intended!).
- Include carbohydrates in your meals in order to store up more muscle glycogen and give you energy to run. Avoid "carbo-loading" the night before a race as it may cause digestive distress. including fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and oats daily- will provide carbs, as well as essential vitamins and minerals.
- Not only are carbohydrates important to consume prior to a race day, but they are essential fuel during long runs, as they will prevent the dreaded"hitting the wall"or running on empty. Simple carbohydrates, whether you choose a banana or raisins, sports drinks, gels or energy chews, will be digested easily and absorbed quickly. Be sure to train with the same fuel product you plan to use on race day so there are no digestive surprises.
- Water and sports drinks are critical to replacing fluids lost, so carry a water bottle or make sure to hit the aid stations along the course, even if only for a few sips every 1-2 miles.
- After a long training run or the big race, don't miss out on the recovery window- it is wise to consume about half your body weight in grams of cabs along with 15-20 grams of protein shortly after your race, in order to replenish what you expended while running. Make a fruit and Greek yogurt smoothie, bagel with peanut butter, or a turkey sandwich...or use the Sports Recovery Drinks or bars with 20 grams of protein if on the road.
No-Cook Summer Recipes
Salads are an obvious answer to the question of what to make that doesn't require "cooking" or heat. But salads do not have to, and should not, be boring or dull by any means! When temperatures are climbing and your apartment is stifling hot, turn to these trusted recipes for a refreshing, flavorful, and healthy meal or side dish.
- ABC Salad- simply grate apples, beets, and carrots for a crunchy side salad. Toss this colorful mix with a simple dressing of oil (vegetable or olive), lime juice, and minced ginger. You can always add low-sodium, canned garbanzo beans to kick up the protein for a more complete meal that's still no-cook.
- Raw Corn Salad- a great alternative to boiling, grilling, or baking ears of corn. Farmers markets are a great place to grab all these ingredients at once!
- 4 ears of corn, cut raw kernels off cob
- 1 red onion, chopped
- 2 tomatoes, chopped
- 2 carrots, grated
- 2 Tablespoons oil (vegetable or olive)
- � cup vinegar (apple cider or red wine)
- 1 cup cilantro, chopped
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Directions: Chop and mix all ingredients, and enjoy!
- Vegetable Ceviche- this is a creative alternative to a traditional seafood ceviche, and with squash being in season all summer long you should definitely prepare this no-cook salad. From Kate Gardner, MS RD
- 4 summer squash (zucchini, yellow squash, patty pan squash)
- �cup lemon juice
- �cup olive oil
- 1 clove garlic, grated
- 1 handful parsley, roughly chopped
- �cup feta or goat cheese
- �-�teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
- Salt and pepper
- Direction: Using a mandolin or vegetable peeler, thinly sliced the squash lengthwise. In a large bowl (or airtight storage container), mix the squash and parsley. In a small bowl, combine the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and crushed red pepper and mix. Pour the dressing over the squash and season with salt and pepper. Put in refrigerator and let marinate for at least 3 hours, ideally overnight. Toss with crumbled cheese just prior to serving.
- Strawberry, Fennel, and Orange Salad- fruit salad with a twist! This salad is especially refreshing for hot summer days. From
- 2 navel oranges
- 8 ounces strawberries (about 16), hulled and quartered or halved
- 1 fennel bulb, thinly sliced lengthwise, fronds reserved for garnish
- 1 1/2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
- 1/4 teaspoon coarse salt
- Coarsely ground black pepper
- 8 Boston or Bibb lettuce leaves
- Dressing: Zest one orange, and reserve zest (2 teaspoons). Cut peel and pith away from both oranges. Use a paring knife to cut out the segments, letting them fall into a bowl, along with the juice.
- Directions: Add strawberries, sliced fennel, orange zest, and fennel fronds to the bowl of orange segments and toss together gently. Stir in the lemon juice and olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Add lettuce, toss, and serve.
A Note from Lauren...
Calling all Triathletes!
You know that nutrition is the fourth leg of triathlon...but are you ready to race?
Join us for:
Sports Nutrition for Ironman Triathletes;
Train With What's On The Course
by Sports Dietitian, Lauren Antonucci, MS, RD, CSSD, CDE, CDE.
Sponsored by Gatorade Endurance
Tuesday, June 16th, 6:30-7:30pm
Location; Jackrabbit Sports UWS
Gatorade Endurance Formula is the official on course hydration for all Ironman and Ironman 70.3, in the U.S. Come learn how to ensure you are optimally hydrated and fueled for long course tris.
For those of you training for an upcoming event, take this opportunity to check your nutrition plans: are you adjusting your hydration and sodium for the heat? Are you spacing your gels, bars, and drinks appropriately throughout your race? If you need any help with creating or altering a nutrition plan, please contact us via email or call the office at 646.364.6803 to schedule a consultation and we will get you on the right track!
Lauren Antonucci, Director
Nutrition Energy