Nutrition Energy
In the News!
What's In Your Sports Drink?
Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
The 7 Best Things to Eat and Drink After Your Workout
Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
Spring Clean: Fridge and Pantry
Skinnygirl Daily
Vanessa Stasio, MS, RDN, CDN
**Upcoming Events**
When: Wednesday, April 15th
Time: 6:30pm
Where: Columbus Circle Shops, 2nd Floor
Presenting: Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN & Be Fit Therapy
Federal Occupational Health Wellness Fair
Time: 11:00am-2:00pm
Where: 26 Federal Plaza, Lobby
Presenting: Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
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Garlic: It's Not Just for Scaring Away Vampires!!
We've all heard the myth that vampires can't stand garlic- wear a string of cloves around your neck and you will repel any supernatural beings that come your way. While that might not be entirely true, garlic does have some incredible healing powers and incorporating it into your cooking will help ward off a number of ailments. Join us in celebrating National Garlic Day on April 19th!
Garlic is considered highly anti-inflammatory and can help reduce your risk of hypertension. Garlic belongs to the allium family- relatives include leeks, shallots, and onions- and it's the special compound allicin that is believed to mediate or reduce the constriction of blood vessels and allows blood to circulate more easily. However, the effects of this compound may be lost upon cooking garlic, so better to dice or slice it raw to reap its heart protecting effects.
Have you ever told someone you're coming down with a cold and they say, "Eat some garlic"? Well there is definitely some truth to this, as garlic contains powerful antioxidants that protect our cells and can help strengthen the immune system. And while fresh, raw garlic will do the trick, a recent study has revealed that "sprouted" garlic- you know, that old bulb you forgot about that now has green shoots emerging from the cloves- may have even higher antioxidant activity. These new green plant parts actually contain new compounds that may help fight pathogens with more punch. Don't throw out those forgotten cloves!
Many cultures will start off any recipe with a trinity of ingredients that almost always includes garlic. Why? For starters, there is no better smell than fresh garlic hitting a sizzling pan with olive oil. Who wouldn't want to infuse that smell into all their cooking? Using garlic and other herbs, fresh or dried, not only adds a wonderful aroma to your kitchen and great flavor to your food, but also it encourages you to be less liberal with the saltshaker. Set your fear of stinky breath aside- your taste buds and body will thank you for choosing garlic!
If you don't already have enough reasons to love garlic here is one more. For a few weeks in the spring, you will start seeing some long, curly, green things at the farmers markets. No, they're not table decorations- they're garlic scapes! Scapes are one of our favorite annual springtime additions to our dinner tables. The "flower stalks" that grow from the tops of hard garlic plants and are wonderfully delicious to use in your cooking. Young, tender scapes can be chopped and added raw to salads, while the more mature scapes are best saut�ed to be added to pasta or omelets. Another popular way to use scapes is to make a pesto sauce with them- find our recipe below! There are no rules to pesto making, and we encourage you to experiment with different combinations of herbs, nuts, and cheeses to create your own signature sauce.
Garlic Scape Pesto
Makes about 1 cup
- 10 garlic scapes, finely chopped
- 1/3 cup dry roasted walnuts or cashews
- 1/3 cup finely grated Parmigiano- Reggiano
- 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
- Kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste
Pulse garlic scapes, nuts, and cheese in a food processor or blender until finely chopped. Slowly add oil and continue to blend until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Perfect to serve over fresh pasta, on whole grain toast, or with eggs.
Pesto will keep in the fridge for about two weeks, or frozen for one to two months.
Spring Lunch Makeover
Are you and your lunch deliveryman on a first name basis? Do you have Seamless saved on your speed dial? Was the last time you saw, or used, a "brown bag" for lunch back in grade school? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, let's chat! Spring is here and it's time to shake up your lunch routine. We're all guilty of entering food hibernation mode during cold winter days, choosing to order up a deli sandwich or popping into the fast food joint next to the office because it's too darn cold to walk a few blocks for a real meal. Well, with warm weather approaching it's time to ditch the lunchtime doldrums and venture outside for a well-balanced and satisfying lunch.
As well all know too well, New York is a city of hard-working professionals who need proper fuel to make it through our busy (and sometimes stressful!) days...and hopefully also outside for a run/ride or a walk. Not only will proper nutrition positively impact your workday, a short physical activity boost will too. If your lunch hour allows, make your meal about the destination and choose a spot you have to walk a few blocks to. Before you settle back into your desk you could even challenge yourself, and some officemates, to take the stairs back to your floor.
Not sure where you can find a high-quality lunch spot in your neighborhood? We've tracked down only a few of the many healthy eating options in different areas of the city.
- Fresh & Co.- This isn't your typical tossed salad kind of place. Fresh & Co. prides itself on sourcing seasonal goods from local farms in the Hudson Valley, Long Island, and New Jersey so that the fruits and veggies are at their freshest and most nutritious when they end up in your Greek yogurt parfait or quinoa salad bowl tomorrow. The diets they cater to- vegetarian, vegan, high protein, fat free, gluten free- are just as diverse as their dining options- you can enjoy your chef-designed salad or Panini at one of their dining tables, or select a grab and go sandwich and head out for a nearby picnic. Their 11 locations make healthy eating a walk in the park. You may even find the Nutrition Energy RD's at Fresh & Co if you visit the one on West 57th next to our office.
- The Little Beet- Right in the "artichoke heart" of Midtown, this adorable quick service spot is definitely worth a visit. TLB is actually SPE Certified, which means that every item on their menu has been given the health and sustainability seal of approval from an independent third-party agency whose mission is "Health Through Food" for restaurants. With the pick and choose approach, it's easy to fill your plate with a serving of quality protein (chicken, steak, salmon, tofu, or veggie patty) and one to three sides, which feature seasonal ingredients prepared simply. You can't "beet" this lunch spot!
- The Butcher's Daughter- A hip SoHo juice bar and caf� that is shining the spotlight on fruits and vegetables. While it is 100% vegetarian you will not be lacking protein- you'll find plenty of tempeh, quinoa, eggs, almonds, and even Adzuki bean bacon! On warmer days, sit out on their sunny terrace and enjoy an antioxidant packed juice or dairy-free smoothie made from locally foraged produce that highlights what's in season.
- Dig Inn Seasonal Market- From Columbia University uptown, to the Financial District, and all of Midtown in between, Dig Inn Seasonal Market is always a sure bet. For just 10 bucks, you can be certain you're grabbing lunch that is full of farm-fresh ingredients, prepared on the spot. The Market Plate is a great way to select a protein (charred chicken, five spice meatballs, wild salmon, or grilled ginger tofu), a grain (brown rice or bulgur), and hot or cold sides (roasted Brussels sprouts, spiced butternut squash and carrots, and spinach salad with apples). And the best part is all of these options vary from season to season and location to location, so get around town and hit them all!
A Note from Lauren...
Spring is here - which is all the reason you need to get outside and enjoy the nice weather this season! Take the kids to the park, go for a run along the river, explore a neighborhood you've never been to before, find a farmer's market - go enjoy the sunshine! Happy Spring!
For those moms interested - starting April 17, I will be coaching sessions for Moms in Training on Friday mornings beginning at 9:30am, meeting at the Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park (off 72nd Street). If you would like more information on this wonderful organization, please see their website HERE.
Have a question for one of our Dietitians? Shoot us an email or give us a call at 646.361.6803.
Lauren Antonucci, Director
Nutrition Energy