Nutrition Energy
In the News!
Satisfying the Late-Night Sweet Tooth
Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
Simple Swaps: Holiday Edition
Skinnygirl Daily
Vanessa Stasio, MS, RDN, CDN
**Upcoming Events**
Time: 6:30pm
Where: UWS location: 140 West 72nd St
Presenting: Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN
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Eat This Not That: Holiday Edition
It's holiday season, and we are all gearing up to attend, and possibly host, many holiday parties (New Year's Eve is right around the corner!). Don't throw in the proverbial towel before you head out the door or plan the menu. Instead, be strategic with your choices and you can enjoy festive, tasty, holiday fare AND maintain your health and nutrition goals.
Eat Shrimp Cocktail NOT Crab Cakes
When appetizers are circulating the party, it might seem tempting to snag a few crab cakes. Problem is, most crab cake are chock-full of mayo and breadcrumbs and are also often deep fried. For 400 calories and 19 gm of fat, you'd be better off waiting for the shrimp cocktail to come around and saving 235 calories and 18 gms of fat.
Drink Spiced Apple Cider NOT Eggnog
If you're at an event and they offer either eggnog or spiced cider, it's a no-brainer. Per cup, eggnog has 343 calories and 19 gm fat, whereas the cider has only 120 calories and 0 gm fat. Savor one cup and then sip water the rest of the evening.
Eat Hummus NOT Spinach artichoke dip
Ah, the dip selection. There are often bowls upon bowls of dip and a seemingly endless supply of foods to dip in- cut up veggies, tortilla chips, chunks of bread, crackers. Choose hummus with veggies over spinach artichoke dip with chips every time. 2 Tbsp hummus has 50 calories and 3 gm fat, whereas the spinach artichoke dip has 100 calories and 9 gm of fat for the same serving, and that's not counting the chips (veggies are free!)
Eat Beef Tenderloin NOT Prime Rib
Are you hosting and debating which main dish to prepare? You'll save yourself and your guests hundreds of calories and cut the fat by two-thirds if you serve beef tenderloin over prime rib. The prime rib packs 440 calories and 36 gm fat per four ounce serving and the beef tenderloin has only 244 calories and 12 gm fat for the same portion.
Starbucks Chestnut Praline Latte NOT an Eggnog Latte
Looking for a pick-me-up on the way to your holiday party and tempted by fun holiday beverages? Choose the Chestnut Praline over the Eggnog flavor and SAVE yourself 170 cals, 12 grams of fat for a tall.
Overall Tips: Do This Not That:
- Grab a smaller plate not a larger plate if it's buffet style/cocktail hour - you'll be less likely to over eat is plate space is limited. Do use a plate. Seeing the toothpicks will remind you what you've eaten.
- Eat healthy, balanced meals during the day beforehand; do not starve yourself in anticipation of a big meal later.
- Settle in an area of the party far away from the buffet and bar and avoid mindless food grape and pours.
- Bring a dish; do not show up empty handed. If you bring something on the lighter side you know there will be at least one healthy food you can have.
Enjoy the Holiday season and Eat Smart!
Making A Resolution Worth Keeping
With January 1st right around the corner, New Year's resolutions are on everyone's mind. Nutrition and health goals top many peoples resolution list...but sadly end up unrealized. Read on, and Make sure your resolutions stick this year!
First, be specific.
"I will eat healthier in 2015!" sounds like a great goal, but what exactly does it mean? Vague goals like this one leave a lot of wiggle room. "Eating healthier" could mean filling your plate with veggies, whole grains and lean proteins, but it could also mean eating just the one slice of cake a day instead of two. Get specific and commit. Give yourself a detailed goal and it will be easier to follow and hold yourself accountable to.
Goals should be measurable.
While we're getting specific, let's make sure our resolutions are measurable, too. "I will eat more vegetables" is certainly a more specific goal, but can be made even better by making it measurable. "I will eat one cup of vegetables with every meal and snack" is a measurable goal, it includes a specific measure that you can track and strive to reach.
You should be able to reach your goal.
Goals that are not achievable are not worth setting- if you are setting yourself up for failure, you'll just feel disappointed and discouraged. If you get winded walking around the block "I will run a marathon this spring", is probably not the most achievable goal for you. You want to challenge yourself, but don't set expectations so high that they are near-impossible. Figure out what you think is doable, but difficult. Maybe for the person in our example a resolution would be "I will use the treadmill at the gym for 30 minutes, five times per week", might be tough, but it can be done.
Keep time in mind
When we set resolutions, we tend to set them for the whole year, and they can fall by the wayside over the months. Quick - can you think of your 2014 resolution? Probably not...and if you can...did you stick to it/them? For 2015, make a bold resolution and then set short-term goals to fulfill the bigger-picture resolution. Set goals for the month of January, and at the end of the month, revisit these goals. For the month of February, you might want to keep the same goals, add new goals or even tweak your current goals to make them a bit more difficult.
Part of our job as Dietitians at Nutrition Energy is working with our clients to set achievable goals throughout all seasons in order to help you reach your health and nutrition goals. To those who are currently part of our first Nutrition Energy Challenge, you are doing great, working to achieve your daily goals. Keep your motivation through the rest of the holiday season and you will surely be smiling broadly on January 1st, 2015. To those who will begin/resume on New Years Day, set realistic goals, and if we can help....just give us a call!
Nutritional Guidelines for Off-Season Athletes
Now that the biggest fall race events are behind us, it's time for athletes to congratulate ourselves on a great effort throughout this 2014 season...and then take a moment to loosely "plan" our off-season. For athletes who really push their bodies to the limits during peak season, now is the time to rest and recover. Follow our top three athlete off-season steps to ensure you start off your 2015 season on the right foot (pun intended)!
1. R&R. Rest and Recover. Pounding the pavement for 26.2 miles -plus the countless miles you logged leading up to race day- or whatever your chosen sport(s) and distance(s) you chose this year, is a great accomplishment, but is also tougher on the body than you realize. Plan at least 2-3 weeks of easy, fun, low-impact cross training starting now! You know that yoga class you've meaning to make it to all year-go this week! And the local swimming pool you have wanted to check out for months-check their hours today. As for that gym membership you pay monthly for, look for low-key classes you never fit in during the training and racing season.
2. Focus on nutrition and weight goals. For some athletes, NOW is the time to finally get off the few lbs that eluded you all season when training was high and hunger increased to match. With a lower training volume and your hunger in check you can finally focus on achieving your weight loss goals before the holiday season kicks in. For others, it may be wise to relax a bit, and allow yourself to gain 3-5 pounds during off-season. You likely know which side you fall on, but if you are not sure, reach out to us and well be happy to help!
3. You ran over that finish line...right into cold and flu season! Your immune function can be suppressed leaving you more susceptible to catching a cold or flu following your big race. TRY to spend at least 1/2 the time you would normally spend training towards preparing healthy and hearty fruit and vegetable rich meals that will boost immunity and ward off germs (butternut squash coup, anyone?)! .Plan grocery shopping and cooking (with a fellow off season training partner perhaps?), and while you are at it, really try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
By allowing your body and mind time now to recovery from the hard training "work" you did all year, you are almost guaranteed to come back stronger and happier next year!
A Note from Lauren...
As the holidays finish, we, at Nutrition Energy, want to help ensure you continue to move forward with your nutrition and health goals. We are here to help you make better decisions, adjust your off-season workouts, and maintain all that you have worked hard to achieve in 2014! We hope to see many of you participate in our first wellness contest. Together we will help you set realistic goals you can stick with well beyond January 1st 2015.
Have a question for one of our Dietitians? Shoot us an email or give us a call at 646.361.6803.
Lauren Antonucci, Director
Nutrition Energy