October Newsletter

In This Issue
Food For Your Bones
Countdown to the Marathon:
Healthy Halloween Indulgence Options
Good Luck!

Nutrition Energy

In the News!


 The Best Energy-Boosting Foods


Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN

 11 Foods That Cause, Prevent, and Ease Acid Reflux


Limor Baum, MS, RDN, CEDRD 



 Food For Thought: Simple Swaps: Fall Edition

Skinnygirl Daily

Vanessa Stasio, MS, RDN, CDN

**Upcoming Events**

JackRabbit Marathon Nutrition Talk
When: Tue, October 21
Time: 7:00 pm
Where: JackRabbit Sports - UES (1255 Lexington Ave)
Presenting: Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CDN

Moms-In-Training Nutrition Clinic
When: Sat, November 1
 Time: 10:00am
 Where: Central Park - Bethesda Terrace
Presenting: Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CDN
Click HERE for more info about Moms-In-Training!

Follow us on Twitter to receive nutrition & health tips as well as information about upcoming events! 


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Issue: #48October 2014


 Food For Your Bones...


October is Bone and Joint Health Awareness Month! Here are 5 surprising nutrition tips you need to know (and follow)-to keep your bones in top shape!!!


Eat enough protein- Protein is good for your bones in two ways. First, protein enhances Calcium absorption and retention. Second, the amino acids you eat become the building blocks of the proteins found in bone, such as collagen and osteocalcin. Include a good source of protein at every meal to get the maximum benefit. Good sources of protein include lean meats, fish, beans, lentils, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Don't overdo the protein though- a good starting point is to take your body weight and divide by two; aim for that number of grams of protein daily. 

Eat fruits and vegetables- Fruits and vegetables pack a serious bone-benefitting punch. They provide micronutrients that promote bone health, including Vitamin C, K potassium, magnesium, manganese and boron. They also keep our blood pH alkaline, which helps prevent bone loss.

Be sure to make half your plate vegetables at meal time, and incorporate either a fruit or vegetable at every snack. 

Eat omega-3's- Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and can suppress the production of cytokines, a protein that has been associated with bone loss.

Aim to eat an omega-3 rich fish like salmon, tuna or mackerel twice a week. Include other sources of omega-3s such as flax seed, flax seed oil, canola oil, walnuts and avocado daily. 

Calcium and Vitamin D- Calcium is the major component of your bones and Vitamin D has many bone-promoting functions, including increasing calcium absorption. Foods rich in calcium include milk, yogurts, spinach, kale, collards, okra, soybeans, some fish (sardines and rainbow trout) Foods high in Vitamin D include fatty fish (tuna and mackerel), egg yolks and fortified products like orange juice, cereals, and some soy and dairy products. Double dip and get calcium plus Vitamin D from certain fish (such as salmon and sardines), and fortified foods such as orange juice, cereals, dairy and soy products. You can also get Vitamin D from sun exposure, so taking your workout outside can increase your Vitamin D levels! However, we often can't get enough sun exposure to make adequate Vitamin D in the fall and winter months, so it's important to focus on dietary sources during this time.  

Weight-bearing exercise- Yet another reason to "pump some iron"!!! Weight-bearing exercise is a crucial part of bone health. By repeatedly exposing your bones to impact, you are stimulating bone growth and remodeling. Some examples of weight-bearing exercise include brisk walking, jogging, running and hiking; weight training with free weights or machines; sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball and tennis 


We all know how important our bones are, and by following the 5 above simple steps you can rest assured you are doing all you can to keep your bones healthy and strong through your lifetime!!


Countdown to the Marathon: Nutrition Game Plan


With the New York City (and other popular fall) marathons just a few short weeks away, now is the time to start finalizing your nutrition plan! Take 5 minutes now to review the list below, and ensure you'll have everything you need to fuel properly before and during the race.


Days Leading Up to Race Day 

In the 3-5 days leading up to the race, focus on getting more of your calories from carbohydrates. Decrease your portions of protein foods, choose foods that you know you can easily digest and steer clear of high-fiber options. Consider adding pretzels, bagels, rice, breads, pasta and sports drinks. Aim to drink water consistently throughout the day; you want to be well-hydrated when you get to the starting line. 

The Day Before Race Day 
Focus on continuously fueling with moderate portions of easily digestible, high-carbohydrate foods that are low in fat and fiber. Also continue to take in fluids regularly throughout the day. Your urine should be pale yellow, which indicates you are well hydrated. Your last meal the night before the race should be mostly carbs (pasta, pancakes etc.) and should be something you have tried before one of your long runs that you know you can tolerate well. Now is not the time for experimentation!

Race Day Morning! 

Continue to stick with foods that have worked for you in the past - oatmeal, bagel with peanut butter, baked potato, etc. - primarily high-carbohydrate foods that are moderate in protein and low in fat. Remember to drink;aim for at least 12-24 oz of water or sports drink 2-4 hours prior to your race start time, and another 8oz of fluid just prior to your race start.


During the Race 
Remember the three most important nutrient considerations: 1. Carbohydrates: Fuel with 30-60g/hour with sports drinks, energy gels, chews or other fuel you've consumed and tolerated in the past. 2. Fluids: Drink consistently throughout the race, aiming for 6-8oz every 15-20 min or as per results of your past sweat tests.3. Electrolytes: Sports drinks and gels provide varying amounts of electrolytes. You may also want to consider replenishing some of your sodium losses via sweat with salt packets or salt tabs (as practiced in training or per advice of your sports


Most importantly, trust in your training (and nutrition plan!) and enjoy the miles!

Written by Nutrition Energy Dietitian: Vanessa Stasio, MS, RDN, CDN

Healthy Halloween Indulgence Options

Halloween can be FUN for our KIDS and HEALTHY for ALL!

Halloween, is not only the famously spooky day at the end of October, which conjures up images of haunted houses, scary ghouls, and kids in costume...but also the most chilling of them all: the candy dish. EEK! All jokes aside, the ever-present bowl of confections at home or the office is going to be tempting you to feed your sweet tooth.  While it is certainly ok for each of us to treat ourselves sometimes...because well, we are all entitled to a treat...and because abstaining completely can lead to a breakdown and binge, but we still need to be smart about Halloween candy! So to help avoid the dreaded scenario where you suddenly find yourself halfway through your child's trick-or-treat bag, wrappers strewn around you in a chocolate-smudged daze because you just didn't' know which one to choose, let's walk you through some smart candy switches to help you make the best choice and find out which are the lesser of two evils.

Feeling like you need a caramel and chocolate-y indulgence? Choose a fun-size Twix, with 50 calories, 4 g fat and 8 g sugar over a fun-size Snickers, which clocks in at 80 calories, 4 g fat and 9 g sugar. Even if you succumbed to two, you'll still come in at only 100 calories.


Want longevity? Try a tootsie roll pop (60 calories, 0 g fat, 10 g sugar). Instead of the fun-sized Hershey bar (67 calories, 4 g fat, 8 g sugar) It takes longer to eat and will have you feeling satisfied for about the same amount of calories.

If you want handful of fruity, sweet treats, Smarties beats Skittles hands down. A roll of Smarties is only 25 calories, 0 g fat, 5 g sugar, compared to Skittles 61 calories, 1 g fat and 14 g sugar (assuming you have the fun size small bag), you'll satisfy your craving for less than half of the calories!

If sour treats are calling your name, go for a Warheads hard candy, you'll be sucking on that for a long time for 13 calories, 0 g fat and 2 g sugar, which saves you calories compared to grabbing a mini bag of Sour Patch Kids (45 calories, 0 g fat, 9 g sugar).

Chocolate monster haunting you? Pick the snack size Kit Kat (70 calories, 4 g fat, 7 g sugar) over a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup (105 calories, 6.5 g fat, 10.5 g sugar) to save on calories, fat and sugar - while still satisfying a chocolate craving.

Longing for a chewy, fruit flavored treat? Instead of three Starbursts at 60 calories, 1 g fat, 12 g sugar, you'd be better off choosing Twizzlers, (40 calories, 0 g fat, 5 g sugar for one twist).


And finally, AFTER October 31st--decide what you (and your children) will do with the candy.


DO NOT bring it to work!!! Do consider donating it to a dental office who ships it to troops overseas (Check out operationgratitude.com for more details) ...or just throw it away. The fun is in the acquisition...not in the overindulgence for the weeks and months thereafter.


Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and SAFE Halloween!   


Good Luck!



Keep up the great work as you continue to train for any events this upcoming fall!  Remember to listen to your body and fuel appropriately to prevent any injuries and maximize your performance!  


If you're looking for an exciting group that combines your love of racing with giving back to your community, check out Race2Rebuild.  Their next benefit event is coming up on October 29th!


Of course we are always here to help you determine and meet your specific nutritional needs. Shoot us an email or give us a call at 646.361.6803 to book an appointment and jump-start your path to health and wellness!   


Lauren Antonucci, Director
Nutrition Energy