August Newsletter

In This Issue
End of August
Fueling Options for Endurance Athletes
Good Luck!

Nutrition Energy

In the News!


Fuel of the Week: Peaches

Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN

Drinking Cola When Training and Racing

Triathlete Magazine

Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDE, CDN 



Making Health Choices Away From Home

Skinnygirl Daily

Vanessa Stasio, MS, RDN, CDN

**Upcoming Events**

Marjorie's Fund Kick-Off Party
When: Sat, September 6
Time: 7-9 pm
Where: Cure Thrift Shop (111 East 12th St)
Presenting: Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CDN
Click HERE for more information!

Moms-In-Training Event/Family Day
When: Sun, September 14
 Time11:00 am-3:00 pm
 Where: The Mercedes Club (550 West 54th St)
Presenting: Lauren Antonucci, MS, RDN, CDN
Click HERE for more information!

Follow us on Twitter to receive nutrition & health tips as well as information about upcoming events! 


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Issue: #46August 2014
School Is Around the Corner!

The end of August means the start of a new school year is just around the Labor Day weekend corner.  This transition signals not only that it is time to buy our children their notebooks, pens, and pencils, but also that it is time to pick up more lunch bags, (reusable) utensils, food storage containers and healthy foods to pack for our kids!  We know that neither we nor our kids look forward  to the same old cheese sandwich day after day...but you may wonder what else you can pack that they will eat?


The easiest way to ensure a healthful, well-rounded and appealing looking lunch (one that actually gets eaten by our children because it looks so amazing!) is to make it as colorful as possible.  Fruits and veggies owe their beautiful exteriors to the thousands of natural phytochemicals they contain. These phytochemicals, in addition to the vitamins and fiber the produce contains, will help protect our kids, (and us when we eat them ourselves!), from damage caused by excess UV radiation, air pollution, oxidation, bacteria, etc.   


Here are some of our favorite powerhouse lunch combos with fruits and veggies taking center stage along with the usual lunch favorites.  We hope your kids (and you!) enjoy them! 

  • Sliced turkey + tomato + shredded carrots + guacamole (can be store bought guac)
  • Hummus + roasted or fresh red pepper slices + cucumber + olives
  • Soy nut or Sunflower nut butter + thinly sliced pear + honey
  • Grilled or marinated (can be store bought marinated) tofu + spinach + tomato + avocado
  • Tuna salad made with diced carrots + diced red onion + diced celery + tomato + lettuce

Of course fruits and veggies are great as sides too! I love to use stainless steel containers (such as the ones from They come in different sizes, are dishwasher safe, never leak and are virtually indestructible.  My kids always know they will get brightly colored fruits and/or veg in theirs, and look forward to guessing which colors they might see when they open up their lunches at school each day. Here's to a happy, healthier back to school!


Fueling Options For Endurance Athletes



For those of us training for a fall marathon, it's time to start perfecting your race day fueling strategy! Why's that? In a recent study, marathoners with a specific fueling plan ran 11 minutes faster than those of a similar ability level who fueled whenever/with whatever they wanted during the race.


It is best to start fueling early and often, to avoid hitting the dreaded wall, or "bonking", which happens when the carbohydrate stores in the body are depleted. Your body requires supplementation of 30-60grams of carbohydrate per hour for exercise lasting over 1 hour, which can add up quickly in long distance races. Many runners choose gels (~25g/carbohydrate each) as their fuel of choice due to the convenience of getting calories in quickly and easily. To meet your nutrition needs on gels alone, you would have to eat one every 30-45 minutes... which could mean up to 5, 8, or 10 gels (or more!) depending on your pace. For a happier stomach, instead aim to balance both gels and sports drinks on the run- alternating 6-8oz of Gatorade every other mile on the course supplemented with a gel with water every 45 minutes.


If the idea of gels turns your stomach upside down, there are plenty of other great alternatives. Some of the most popular options are:

  • Jelly Belly Sports Beans (25g carb/1 pouch),
  • Gatorade Endurance Energy Chews (31G/packet),
  • Clif Shot Blox (23g/serving),
  • Honey Stinger Chews (39g/pack),
  • Gu Chomps (23g/packet),
  • Powerbar Performance Energy Blend (21g/packet)

As most of these require actual chewing, take into consideration how to mix and match with sports drink or other fueling sources so you don't find yourself worried about chewing for all 26.2 miles.


In addition to sports products, there are some great real food alternatives that fit the bill for prime marathon fueling- simple carbohydrate, low fat, low protein, and not too much fiber. Good choices include:

  • small box of raisins (33g carb),
  • 1 banana (31g),
  • 1 oz of extra salted hard pretzels (23g),
  • ½ cup mashed potato (put in a ziplock for ease) (29g)

Remember, variety in fueling can not only help you hit the recommended target intake of energy, but prevent taste fatigue and keep fueling palatable during those later miles. If you need help balancing fueling sources or creating a marathon fueling nutrition plan, we at Nutrition Energy can help!


(This article was written by Nutrition Energy Dietitian: Lauren Thomas, MS, RDN, CSSD, CDN)


Congratulations to Our Newest CSSD!



A special congratulations to our newest board certified specialist in sports nutrition, Lauren Thomas!  Lauren has recently received the CSSD credential and we are proud to have her as part of the Nutrition Energy Team! 


Good Luck!



Keep up the great work as you continue to train for any events this upcoming fall!  Remember to listen to your body and fuel appropriately to prevent any injuries and maximize your performance!


Of course we are always here to help you determine and meet your specific nutritional needs and to ensure you know what to take in pre, during and post training and races. Shoot us an email or give us a call at 646.361.6803 to book an appointment and jump-start your path to health and wellness!   


Lauren Antonucci, Director
Nutrition Energy