Society of Aviation and Flight Educators eNewsletter  
AOPA Summit Wrap Up
2013 WAI Convention
Flying the Cessna 210
SAFE @ Redbird Migration
Monthly Insurance Tip
Members Serve on ARAC
Recent Master Instructors

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Liability Insurance Program

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November 2012 

SAFE represents nearly 700 of the industry's top aviation educators in 49 states and nine foreign countries, including the majority of Master Instructors and numerous General Aviation Awards winners in all four awards categories. SAFE is also leading the Pilot Training Reform Initiative.

Wrap Up: SAFE at AOPA Summit

SAFE was very much in evidence at the AOPA Summit. For example, many members took advantage of the invitation to attend an afternoon of presentations and breakout sessions as part of the Flight Training Summit on October 10th. During this pre-Summit summit, attendees were introduced to Adam Smith, AOPA's new Senior Vice President heading up the Center to Advance the Pilot Community. Adam brings a vibrant energy and sincere interest in working with the aviation education community to advance ways in which we can improve student pilot retention and re-engage pilots who have stopped flying.


The AOPA Flight Training Excellence Awards were also presented at the conclusion of the Flight Training Summit. We are proud to announce that SAFE member and Master Instructor David St. George, President and Chief Instructor at the East Hill Flying Club in Ithaca, NY, was one of the deserving recipients.


David St George at Summit 2012
Rod Machado (l.) Presents Award to David St. George (r.)
during Summit. Both are SAFE Members.


SAFE members were also hard to miss at the many events offered during Summit. Twenty of the 26 experts at the daily "Meet the CFI Roundtable" were SAFE members. Members also presented more than 14 other scheduled seminars, some to standing-room-only crowds.


Pilot Proficiency Project Earns High Marks - Again! 
Last, but certainly not least, SAFE's Pilot Proficiency Project during Summit was another grand slam success. SAFE, in partnership with Redbird Flight Simulations, conducted 32 training sessions in one Redbird FMX. The project, co-chaired by Bill Ervin and Michael Phillips, and assisted by Gil Aguilar, Meg Godlewski, Peter King, John Mahany and Chuck McGill, saw non-stop action from the opening hour of the exhibit hall until closing each day. The allotment of one-hour training slots, each consisting of a 15-minute pre- and post briefing with a half hour in the FMX, were filled within the first half hour of each day.

More than half of the participants completed surveys consisting of nine questions. Respondents rated the overall Project experience 4.9 out of a possible 5.0. Participants had a choice of the same eleven scenarios that are now available to anyone with a Redbird simulator in the
public area of the SAFE Resource Center.
SAFE at the 2013 WAI Convention

We are happy to announce that the next stop for SAFE's Pilot Proficiency Project will be the Women In Aviation, International (WAI) convention scheduled in Nashville, TN March 14-16, 2013. If you have experience providing instruction in simulators and would like to volunteer your time, we could use your help! All instructors for the Pilot Proficiency Project will receive gratis admission to most convention functions (except the awards banquet).


For the third year in a row, SAFE will be awarding a $1,000.00 scholarship during the WAI convention. We will award one scholarship to an aviation educator to further his/her instructional credentials, knowledge, or skills. This scholarship is open to anyone possessing current aviation instructor credentials (such as sport pilot, flight, ground, or maintenance instructor, or anyone with an ongoing history of teaching an aviation technical subject at any level). Applications are available at the WAI 2013 Scholarships webpage.


Scholarship applications must be signed and postmarked by Monday, November 12, 2012, so time is of the essence! 


New Book: "Flying the Cessna 210"

SAFE member and Master Instructor Chuck McGill of San Diego, CA recently published the book, Flying the Cessna 210 - The Secrets Unlocked. The 212-page tome is available from numerous outlets in print and eBook formats. FMI, visit Chuck's website.


SAFE Participates in Redbird Migration

Numerous SAFE members attended the Redbird Migration hosted by Redbird Flight Simulations at Skyport, the Redbird flight training laboratory in San Marcos, TX, in October. The event consisted of a day of presentations, a short field landing and crosswind landing simulated flight contest, and a series of breakout sessions.


SAFE member Roger Sharp, Chief Flight Instructor at Skyport, gave a review of the first year of operation. His engaging and informative presentation offered many new, and perhaps challenging (to old mentalities) ways of conducting flight instruction. Not only in the way simulation can be used to advantage, but also in the way we design the space in which we provide instruction and engage with our clients, and in the way we create and provide the materials learners will need in order to gain the requisite knowledge needed for the various ratings. Roger told the group that in some 10 months of operation, the lab has tested a number of assumptions designed to improve the student's training experience, including the design of the building itself, how people learn-or don't learn-and the sometimes daunting technical details of flying and how sim time can best be integrated with actual aircraft time. Redbird has found that much of what pilots are forced to learn is useless rote-and-repeat knowledge designed to meet now-outdated FAA standards.


In typical Redbird fashion, the two days in Texas were not all filled with hard work. The first day concluded with a short-field landing contest conducted in the FMX, as well as a cross-wind landing contest in the cross-wind simulator. The top ten finalists in the short field landing contest moved up to the cross-wind competition. SAFE members Bill Ervin, who had a perfect score landing in an amazing 170 feet, and Doug Stewart were in the top ten. But when all was said and done, it was Bill Ervin who emerged as the overall winner after landing in cross winds that were in the teens gusting into the twenties. And if that wasn't enough, Bill was also pummeled by ping pong ball hail as he "flew" down final. Our congratulations to Bill, not only for being one heck of a pilot, but also for all he has done for SAFE's Pilot Proficiency Project!


Bill Ervin at Migration 2012
Bill Ervin (l.) Accepts the Trophy from Redbird's Josh Harnagel (r.)
Both are SAFE Members.


Partnering with Redbird Media  

Jeff VanWest, former editor of IFR magazine, is now heading Redbird Media, a new  company that will produce curricula for flight training and proficiency in simulators, but not just for Redbird's complete Private Pilot and Instrument Rating courses. Redbird Media has plans for one-session trainings to accompany magazine articles or for free programs such as the ones conducted by SAFE during EAA AirVenture and AOPA Summit. There will also be monthly proficiency programs tailored to individual pilot needs.


SAFE plans on working with Redbird Media in two ways: First, SAFE will partner with Redbird Media on future pilot proficiency sessions, leveraging our experience in sim-based instruction and support materials. Second, SAFE will consult on the instructor materials for the programs to help create the best instructor guidance possible. 


Insurance Tip: Are You Really Covered?

by John Sweeney, Aviation Insurance Resources, phone 301-682-6200  


I often hear the statement, "As a CFI, I always require that I'm shown as a named pilot on my student's insurance policy. That way I know I'm covered." Unfortunately, this is a very wrong assumption.


Naming a pilot on the policy only activates the policy for the named insured, usually the aircraft owner. Naming a pilot on the policy does not make that pilot an insured person. While all aviation policies are not the same, the definition of "insured person" excludes anyone in a commercial use, such as providing dual instruction for hire. A named pilot does nothing to protect you as the CFI.  


Many CFIs want to be named as an Addition Insured with a waiver of subrogation on the owner's insurance policy. This is a good idea and recommended, but even this sometimes can create a problem. Some individual policies also have an exclusion in the liability section for bodily injury to a Named Insured. This means you may not have liability for bodily injury to the aircraft owner -- the person you are most likely instructing!


Do not rely on the owner's insurance policy to protect you; the standard Pleasure and Business (P&B) insurance policy simply is not designed to protect you, the CFI. The fact is, there is no substitution for having your own CFI insurance policy.


Learn more about SAFE's industry-best CFI liability insurance coverage available exclusively to SAFE member-instructors.


SAFE Members to Serve on Training and Testing ARAC

Six SAFE members will serve on the upcoming Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee's (ARAC's) Airman Testing Standards and Training Working Group: Eric Crump, John King, Janeen Kochan, Kurt Reesman, Roger Sharp, and Doug Stewart will serve on this important committee, which is tasked with developing a system that contains structure, process, repeatability and sustainability for airman testing and training.


The FAA has tasked the ARAC Working Group with providing the following by September 30, 2013:

  1. An integrated Airman Certification Standards document that aligns the aeronautical knowledge testing standards required by 14 CFR part 61 with the flight proficiency standards (Areas of Operation) set out in Part 61 and the existing Practical Test Standards (PTS) for-
    1. The Private Pilot certificate,
    2. Flight Instructor certificate, and
    3. The Instrument rating
  2. A detailed proposal to realign and, as appropriate, streamline and consolidate existing FAA guidance material with integrated Airman Certification Standards documents developed in accordance with item (1).
  3. Proposed knowledge test item bank questions that are consistent with both the newly developed Airman Certification Standards documents and the test question development principles set forth in the ARC's recommendations.
Recent Master Instructor Designations
Congratulations to these SAFE members! 

Ken Wittekiend, Burnet, TX, Four-Time Master
Donna Stevens, Chesterton, IN, Six-Time Master, Now Master Emeritus

Darrel Dilley, LaSalle, CO, Five-Time Master
Ivan Manoogian, Sofia, Bulgaria, Two-Time Msster

Have a SAFE day!

Doug Stewart, Executive Director
Society of Aviation and Flight Educators
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