Cathedral E-News


Christ Church Cathedral  

Mobile, Alabama



February 27, 2014


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 Last Sunday
after Epiphany  
March 2, 2014


The Holy Eucharist: Rite Two

10:00 am   





Artist: Tiziano Vecellio 
Painter of Cadore c. 1487/90 - 1576 





O God, who before the passion of your only�begotten Son revealed his glory upon the holy mountain: Grant to us that we, beholding by faith the light of his countenance, may be strengthened to bear our cross, and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.







Ministers For Sunday


Celebrant and Preacher

First Reading


Second Reading


Chalice Bearers



Children's Chapel

Altar Guild

Flower Guild


Dean Gibson

Douglas Kearley

Douglas Kearley


John Ferguson


Carolyn Jeffers


Carolyn Stephenson, Carolyn Jeffers  


Charlie Weeks, Julianna Ramo


Elinor Gibson, William Russell, Tucker Burgin, Jordan Chow, Jana� Wilson  


Harwell Coale


Barbara Archer, Jennifer Grehan, Donna Moree, Martha Ann Stafford


Betsy McCafferty, Barbara Mitchell


Mike Gibson, Cart Blackwell, John Ferguson, Douglas Kearley  





February 20, 2014


Monday, March 3
at 11:00 a.m.
Be at the church by 11:00 a.m. because the streets close. Before the parade, we will enjoy hot dogs cooked by Al Chow. Then we will step right outside to watch it. We had a great time last year! Everyone is invited to enjoy the fun!

Ash Wednesday, March 5
In the Church
12:00 p.m.
The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II Celebrant
The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson Preacher
5:30 p.m.
The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson Celebrant and Preacher

God's Abiding Love, Daily Lenten Meditations and Prayers, written by Henri J. M. Nouwen, was included in the March issue of The Messenger. 


The children's activities include a mobile, All Around Jerusalem and The Journey through Lent calendar, to be used as a guide to a daily family reflection. Both are available on the sideboard in the Chapter House. 


Additionally, our Youth Confirmation Class members will create a weekly meditation booklet that will be distributed to our grammar school age students along with an ERD box. The meditations will request the children to place money in their ERD boxes. The boxes will be returned on Easter Sunday, April 20.



Go to:
Lucy Wright will be in the Cathedral office Monday, March 10 through Thursday, March 13 from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. to assist anyone who has difficulty accessing/completing the survey online.
We are asking every member of the Cathedral parish family to complete a survey. It will only take about 10 minutes. The survey will be available through 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 16.

Thursday, March 13
from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
A light supper will be provided. Please call or e-mail the Cathedral office to let us know you will be attending. Sign-up sheets will be on the Ministry table in the Chapter House vestibule.

Available for those who are gluten intolerant. Please let Dean Gibson know when you approach the rail for communion that you would prefer a gluten-free wafer.

Suitable for all ages, this new daily devotional app is the first of its kind for the season of Lent. Email the daily messages to friends and family, or post to your favorite social media feeds. A handy built-in journaling feature allows you to collect your thoughts throughout the season of Lent. Compatible with all iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices running iOS 7.0 or greater. $1.99
Download from the AppStore or   





O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



Brink Brinkley, Alice Carwie, Dunn Chandler, John Wade Thurber, Nick Nichols, Butch Trawick, George Gartman, Amy McElhaney Butler, Billie van der Giessen, Peter van der Giessen, Patti Biel, Betty Coale

Friends & Family:
Janie Houser, Michael McMaken, Leland Moore, Sr., Deborah Beverley, Peggy Naughton, Gary Davis, David Leff, Harrison Leff, Michael Cameron, Nancy & Don Cameron, Rob & Amy Archer Ellis, Dottie McCord, Joyce Lee, Davis Nelson, Michael Sumrall, Dot Smith Ditsworth, Sheri Neely, Gwen Cook, Alfred Showers, Michael Daves, Michael Sumrall, Jim Elia, Anne Brown, Mark Brown, Harriett Lillich, Florence Seymour, Bonnie Orillion, Dave Carlyn Block, Scott Craver, Jamie Martin, Rachel McClanahan, Beverly Schubert, Russ Ramsey, Tom Cunningham, Francis Grace Hirs, Anna Laura Plovanich, Norma Beazley, Carolyn Bullock, Curtis Bullock, Bill Browder, Valerie Boatman, Brian McArdle, Webb Windsor, Ann Jones, Hank Wozniek, Lisa Thompson, Stella Phillips, James Thomas, Ted Fraiche, Mark Miles, Susan Guilian, Rhett Travis, Noel Fell, Tot Swanson, Art Swanson, Chris, Anne & Philip Gill, Hayden Jenkins, Maggie Jenkins, Betty Ruth Patek, Carolyn Pryor, Merle Findley, Louise Douglas, Shirley & Dunlap Peeples, Steve Harris, Sandy Fortner, Carole Graf, Kit Geil, Roger Geil, Harvey Wright, Johnny McLeod, Marian Macpherson Currie, Mary Searles, Peggy Freeman, Margee Adams, Francis Robison, Jim & Dianne McCall, Dale Williams, Mary Lou Peake, Sasha's Home Orphanage and all the people of the Ukraine, Charles Weeks, Viva Weeks

For Those Serving in the Military:
Darrien Gibson, Kelley Hood, Evan Sizemore, Robert McNeil, The Rev. Bowen Woodruff, Daniel White-Spunner Reed, Jonathan Duralde, Ron Lansong, Sam Garcia, Chris Marslender, Jerry Olin, Abby Hutchins, Tyler Gamble, Todd Mouthaan, Jean-Michael Lemieux, Albert Robinson IV, Michael Nassar, Josh Power, Ryan Anthony Thomas, Randy Johnson, Susan Reniewicz, Brian Caselton, Brian Hudson, Keith Moss, Ryan Walker, Tyler Oubre, Brian Pennell, John Snyder, Louis Coggin, Jason Norris

Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
The Anglican Church of the Congo

Cathedral Cycle of Prayer:
St. Matthew's, Mobile; Sara Phillips, St. Mary's, Coden

Ecumenical Cycle of Prayer:
The Church in Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Monaco, and San Marino, and for the Franklin Street Baptist Church, Mobile

Prison Ministry Cycle of Prayer:
Blackwater River Correctional Facility, Panama City, Florida  




THE MESSENGER: March 2014  

 March-April 2014 Lay Minister Schedule    

Cathedral Calendar 

Cathedral Website 

Diocesan Website 

Email webmaster   





The Cathedral is the spiritual center of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast.  The Cathedral is a dynamic and evolving church that serves as a liturgical, educational, and pastoral center for Diocesan life. It serves as a visible symbol of unity and promotes growth, hope, and a deepening trust in the Lord. The Cathedral is a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be faithfully preached and responded to, and it will model new concepts and ideas for education, evangelism, and outreach to which the Gospel calls us.  





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Christ Church Cathedral


Cathedral of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast


The Right Reverend Philip Menzie Duncan, II, Bishop
The Very Reverend Beverly Findley Gibson, Ph.D., Dean
Carolyn S. Jeffers, Provost
Margaret Levensailor Lyden, Organist and Choir Master
Teri B. Williams, Assistant Choir Master
Brenda J. Stanton, Financial Secretary
Dunn H. Chandler, Director of Christian Education
M. Angela Burgin, Cathedral Secretary
Polly M. Garner, Assistant to the Provost
Deidre and Joe Williamson, Nursery
Judy Jones, Housekeeping



Questions, suggestions, changes?

Please email

Cindy McCrory:


Carolyn Jeffers:   


Christ Church Cathedral          115 South Conception St.          Mobile, AL  36602
251.438.1822          251.433.3403 fax