Cathedral E-News


Christ Church Cathedral  

Mobile, Alabama



                                                             March 9, 2012  

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Fourth Sunday of Lent


March 10, 2013

The Holy Eucharist: Rite Two

10:00 am   



Prodigal Son 
Building:Galway Cathedral 
Object/Function:Relief sculpture 
Source: Art in the Christian Tradition,
a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.




  Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be the true bread which gives life to the world: Evermore give us this bread, that he may live in us, and we in him; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.





Celebrant and Preacher                                           
Dean Cook

Canon Gibson   

First Reading
Lucy Moore                                                           

Judy Henson                                                                    

Second Reading                                                    
Tray Hamil

Susan Clinton

Chalice Bearers
Bob Israel, Burnley Davis    

Lawson Hamil, John Owen McElhaney   

Anna Frances, Barton Elliott, Rose Elliott,Tr� Mitchell, Charlie Weeks                                                                       
Children's Chapel  
Skip Archer, Barbara Mitchell  
Altar Guild
Kathy Thurber, Lucy Lyons, Robbie Lynn Irvine, Paula Watkins, Hetty Newell, Leslie Ladd

Flower Guild
Homer McClure, Kay Whiting                                                          
Leland Moore, Angus Cooper, Bart Elliott, Malcolm Warren, Ritchie Harris  

Hospitality Team Toni Brown, Deanie Skinner, Yvonne Holladay, Lynn Ross 






March 10, 2013  






Wednesdays through March 20 

HOLY EUCHARIST-11:30 a.m. in the Chapel followed by 

MUSIC-12:00 p.m. 



March 13

A Concert of Spirituals 

Danielle Darrington, Joyce Sylvester 

Peggy Lyden, pianist 


March 20

Prichard Preparatory School Chorus 

under the direction of Don Gardner 


LUNCH-12:30 p.m. in the Chapter House 

($8 donation requested) 


Monday, March 11 at 10:30 a.m.  

at the home of Ginny Behlen (205 Levert Ave.)


Envelopes for Easter memorial or thanksgiving donations are available on the ministry table and in the Cathedral office. Donations are $15 each and can be designated for Easter Lilies, music, or for seasonal planting in the garden. All designations received by Monday, March 25 will be noted in the Easter bulletin.  






Palm Sunday, March 24
10:00 a.m.
Liturgy of the Palms
begins in the garden 


Stripping of the Altar 


Annual Parish Photo
following service

Monday, March 25 through Maundy Thursday, March 28
Noon in the Chapel
Holy Eucharist


Maundy Thursday, March 28
5:30 p.m. in the Chapel
Holy Eucharist and Foot Washing 


Good Friday, March 29
Noon in the Church


Easter Day, March 31
10:00 a.m. Festival Eucharist
11:15 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt
in the garden   




If you are not receiving weekly bulletins, The Messenger or Cathedral email blasts, then we probably do not have a good/valid email address for you. Please email your current email address to the Cathedral Office at   






As the Cathedral family continues to grow-both numerically and spiritually-we find ourselves called to re-imagine and re-design some of our core ministries. We do this in order to meet changing needs and to adapt to changing ways of living, but most importantly we do this to continue to grow into our baptismal promises to "proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ" and to 'seek and serve Christ in all persons," as well as, to "respect the dignity of every human being." 
We began a process of re-imagining pastoral care with an adult forum in January in which ideas for ministries were shared. These ideas were organized and presented in the February adult forum. What follows is a listing of the specific ministries emerging from this process, all part of pastoral care at Christ Church Cathedral.

Pastoral care is intended to be shared by every member of the Cathedral family. Each of us should consider being involved in at least one of these ministries, as that is the way that we will truly love and care for each other. Each ministry will need a coordinator, who will be the contact person with the Cathedral Office as pastoral needs arise and who will be responsible for contacting members of each ministry to accomplish whatever needs to be done.

Communication concerning pastoral care needs should be directed to the Cathedral Office. From there, the appropriate coordinator(s) will be contacted. Coordinators will arrange with ministry volunteers for "hands on" care and will follow-up with the Cathedral Office about each situation.  



* support, love, care, information for parishioners having or adopting a baby
* contact and inquiry about immediate needs
* visit with gift, food, baptism information 


* knitters: prayer shawls, new baby gifts, scarves for outreach, throws for nursing care residents and homebound
* needlepoint: create and care for kneelers and cushions, etc. in worship spaces
* embroidery: create and care for linens used in worship 


* cards and/or handwritten notes to parishioners in pastoral need (life transitions, illness, hospitalization, nursing facility care, bereavement)
* personalized and signed on behalf of the Cathedral family, assuring them of our prayers for their well-being and our love 


* hospitality and support to grieving families gathered at the church for visitation and funeral
* support to family and friends through meals, assistance, etc. 


* loving care for those who due to age or illness cannot always be with us in the Body, to remind them of their importance to our community
* visits, cards, flowers, etc.
* special gestures during Advent and Lent, as reminders of our love and prayers
* "shepherds" assigned to individuals to check in with them regularly 


* arranges and delivers flowers each week to those with pastoral care needs--to those in hospitals or nursing care facilities, or who are ill, homebound, or bereaved
* card enclosed with flowers letting them know of the prayers and love of the Cathedral family 


* visits each week to those who are unable to attend our worship together, taking them the Eucharist, as well as the prayers and love of the Cathedral family
* this ministry requires licensing through the Diocese and works directly with the clergy  


This week's bulletin insert includes a form for you to check the ministries you are interested in becoming a part of and if you would like to be a coordinator.  Download it here.


 For future reference, go to the Pastoral Care Ministries page on the Cathedral website.  








Brink Brinkley, Alice Carwie, Bubber Carwie, Vic Stanton, Dunn Chandler, Steve Chandler, Sr., John Wade Thurber, Lucy Rouse, Nick Nichols, Sam Power, Chris Douglas


Friends & Family:
Van Davies, Janie Houser, Michael McMaken, Billy Ezell, Leland Moore, Sr., , Merle & Waltha Findley, Jim & Dianne McCall, Deborah Beverley, Hayden Jenkins, Emily Persons McElhaney, Bill Thompson, Paula Keith, Peggy Naughton, Gary Davis, David Leff, Harrison Leff, Michael Cameron, Nancy & Don Cameron, Rob & Amy Archer Ellis, Dottie McCord, Gordon Moulton, Joyce Lee, Davis Nelson, Michael Sumrall, Dot Smith Ditsworth, Sheri Neely, Gwen Cook, Alfred Showers, Jane Jeffers, George Hoffman, Lois Ann King, Michael Daves, Marge Rudolph, Donnie Chestang, Martha Mayson, Michael Sumrall, Mary Burke Liles, Corky Ollinger, Jim Elia, Ken Huffstutter, Eugene Holt, Anne Brown, Mark Brown, Angie McCool, Peter Sherman, Harriett Lillich


For Those Serving in the Military:
Brad Israel, Darrien Gibson, Kelley Hood, Evan Sizemore, Robert McNeil, The Rev. Bowen Woodruff, Daniel White-Spunner Reed, Jonathan Duralde, Ron Lansong, Brett Granger, Sam Garcia, Chris Marslender, Jerry Olin, Abby Hutchins, Tyler Gamble, Todd Mouthaan, Jean-Michael Lemieux, Albert Robinson IV, Michael Nassar, Josh Power, Austin Rexroad, Ryan Anthony Thomas, Randy Johnson, Susan Reniewicz, Brian Caselton, Brian Hudson, Keith Moss, Ryan Walker, Tyler Oubre, Todd Smith, Brian Pennell, Jack May, Staples Wood


Soul Departed:
James Caldwell Watkins, brother of Bubba Watkins


Christopher Arthur Hoitink, Jr, son of Julia McClelland Hoitink and Chris Hoitink of Atlanta; grandson of Julie and John McClelland


Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
The Church of Medak (South India)


Cathedral Cycle of Prayer:
Holy Cross, Pensacola, Florida; The Reverend Thack Dyson, St. Paul's; and Nancy Quitmeyer, Trinity; Pat Hicks, St. Mary's; Scott Sheppard; Phyllis Findley, St. Andrew's


Ecumenical Cycle of Prayer:
The Church in Myanmar and Thailand, and Greater Union Baptist Church, Mobile


Prison Ministry Cycle of Prayer:
Calhoun Correctional Institution, Blountstown, Florida


The flowers on the font are given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving of the baptism of Christopher Arthur Hoitink, Jr.






 THE MESSENGER  March 2013

  March-April 2013 Lay Ministers Calendar

Cathedral Calendar 

Cathedral Website 

Diocesan Website 

Email webmaster  






The Cathedral is the spiritual center of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast.  The Cathedral is a dynamic and evolving church that serves as a liturgical, educational, and pastoral center for Diocesan life. It serves as a visible symbol of unity and promotes growth, hope, and a deepening trust in the Lord. The Cathedral is a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be faithfully preached and responded to, and it will model new concepts and ideas for education, evangelism, and outreach to which the Gospel calls us.





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Christ Church Cathedral
Cathedral of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
The Right Reverend Philip Menzie Duncan, II, Bishop
The Very Reverend Johnny Walter Cook, Dean
The Reverend Canon Beverly Findley Gibson, Ph.D., Sub-Dean



Questions, suggestions, changes?

Please email

Cindy McCrory:


Carolyn Jeffers:   


Christ Church Cathedral          115 South Conception St.          Mobile, AL  36602
251.438.1822          251.433.3403 fax