Rome Exchange Club
Exchange, inspiring communities to become better places to live. 
Exchange Strong Logo
 News Exchange
 From The Rome Exchange Clu 
Recipient of Exchange National Service Award 2016-2017  

Rome's #1 Service Club  For Over 80 Years

Dec 23, 2016 

Best Bulletin
Winner of the
National Exchange Club Best Bulletin Award 2015-2016

Greg Gaston - Editor
Exchange Club of Rome Newsletter


See Everyone in 2017
Merry Christmas! 
Happy Hannukkah! 
May The Joy Of This Season Bring Happiness To You
And All You Hold Dear  
Menu: The goodies of your household.
Toys For Tots Train
Super Saturday Signals
Joy For The Children 

Highlights In Pictures
From the Exchangite volunteers that registered families at Good Neighbor Ministries on multiple days...
to the unloading of newly purchased toys made possible by the donations of companies and individuals
in the community...
to the hours on end of sorting the thousands of new toys both purchased and donated by age and gender...
to the placement of the sorted toys in "stores" in the Community Building waiting for volunteers to shop for the children...

to the welcoming of the families on distribution day and checking them in to receive their toys...
to those wonderful cadets of the Rome High School Junior ROTC program aided by the members of the Marine Corps League who delivered the bags of toys
to waiting parents' cars...
to the empty shelves in the Community Building signifying the end of another campaign!

Job well done by Super Santa Marti Robles and the hundreds
of "elves" who made this possible. 
Yes...we are indeed
Check It Out...
Georgia District Exchange Has A Brand New Website...

And You Need To Check It Out.

It has a new address that is easy for you to remember, it's full of information that is helpful to Exchangites including local club news, and it has our own Buzz Wachsteter as designer and Web Master.

So, for everything Georgia Exchange, book mark this website and keep checking it out.

See And Hear What You Missed Last Week

Just Click Below To See And Hear "Grand Illusion"

Smiles For Seniors  

This is no time of the year for anyone to be alone, and especially seniors who have no close family to look after them and bring to them the joys of this season.

Thanks to the coordination of our own Wanda Whitten with the Floyd County Sheriff's Department, Exchangites adopted 20 seniors this year and made their Christmas a little happier with special bundles of gifts just for each one of them.  They were not forgotten!

The FRC has been a lucky recipient of many donations these last few weeks from Exchange members and friends of Exchange.  Tina Bartleson, Director of the Exchange Club Family Resource Center, was especially happy to receive this donation from Dr. Scott Edwards (son of the late Reed Edwards and new Exchange member, Susan Edwards) and his wonderful children, Chase and Reese.  Chase and Reese earn money during the year doing chores and contribute a portion of that money to the Center.  Thanks Scott, Chase, and Reese! We also thank all of you, Exchange members, for your generous contributions to the FRC throughout the year-we cannot do this work without you!

If you have not yet submitted your 2016 contribution to the Family Resource Center, now is the time to bring it in!  For your convenience, you may make your contribution:
  • Online at;
  • In person at 5 Professional Court;
  • By mail: Our address is P.O. Box 168, Rome, GA  30162 (please note that we must receive your gift by noon on Dec. 30th in order to apply your contribution to the 2016 year).
Remember that gifts of stock are always appreciated---please call Kathy at 706-290-0764 if you would like to make a contribution in this manner. Your gifts are most important to the Center as they enable us to keep our in-home services consistent with families and children.  Your gift literally transforms lives!

Merry Christmas from the FRC Staff!

L-R:  Tina Bartleson, Shemika Roberts, Kathy Phillips, Rita Jones, Varina Bray, Maxine Clark- not pictured  is Mariah Hickman

Remember---we are YOUR Center and are proud to have the honor of serving Rome and Floyd County!

Tina Bartleson
Executive Director
Rome Exchange Club Family Resource Center
Don't forget the FRC in your yearend giving.  If you are subject to an annual RMD from your IRA, you can designate a portion of your RMD to go directly to the FRC, lowering the tax you owe and lowering your AGI which affects other taxes and limits as well.


Please remember the following in your thoughts and prayers:

Exchangite Barbara Carter continues to improve after her kidney stone surgery and says "slowly but surely" she is improving every date.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery.

Exchangite Bill Fricks has come home from the hospital and says he is weak, but he is going to get stronger.  Please keep Bill  in your prayers. 

Exchangite Joel Thornton has good news.  He has begun cardiac rehab after his triple bypass and he says it it going very well.   Please remember Joel and his family.

Exchangite Richard Dixon's wife Mary Louise underwent surgery to remove a mass.The  surgery itself went rather quickly and very smoothly but Mary Louise will still probably have to go through another round of chemo. Please keep Mary Louise and the Dixon family in your thoughts and prayer.

If you have fellowship information, please let us know. The email addresses are:
Gail Johnson:
Greg Gaston:
Mike Elliott:
If you have emailed one of the above and your fellowship need has not been announced within a few hours, please email one of the other contacts.

Rome Exchange Club
 Meetings Held Friday At Noon
The Palladium
Coosa Valley Fairgrounds
1400 Martin Luther King Blvd 
Rome, GA
In this issue....
T4T Spells Success
Check Out District's New Web Site
See & Hear What You Missed
Senior Santas Help 20
Children Learn The True Meaning of Giving
Fellowship Update
Mark Your Calendars ...   
December 23
No meeting
Merry Christmas
December 30
No meeting
Happy New Year
January 6
Business Meeting
Who will wear the special Exchange Strong lapel pin for recruiting a new member?  Let's fill this space with sponsor names as Rome becomes
Exchange Strong!
Mike Elliott
Bill King
Marti Robles
Bryan Shealy
Terry Simmons(2)
Buzz Wachsteter 
Bob Steinbruegge


Add Your Name To This

Prestigious List  

Club Anniversaries 

331 Years Of Combined Service
In Exchange
43 years !!
Bob Berry
40 years !!
Lydell Hunt

39 years!!
Richard Dixon

36 years!!
Frank Redwine

34  years!!
Tom Richardson

32 years!!
Lynn Whatley

29 years
Rhett Butler

26  years 
John Garner

21 Years
Bill Irmscher

15 Years 
Red Abrams

7 years 
Stan Rogers

4 years 
Lee Niedrach
Cyndi Westmoreland

1 year
Leonard Ryan

December  Birthdays

December 1  
Joyce Gaston
December 3
Lucy Coyle 

December 4
Ken Cormany

December 9
Bud Owens
Frank Redwine

December 10
Holly Kelly

December 12
John Fortune

December 13
Mike Pender

December 14
Dean Lewis

December 19
LuGIna Brown

December 27
Charles Schroeder
December 29
Kirk Milam

December 31
Spencer Brewer
Lynn Dempsey

Quick Links
Rome Exchange Club 
2016-2017 Officers

President - Mike Elliott
Past President -  J P Cooper
President Elect - Charles Long
Secretary - Charles Norris
Treasurer - Bob Steinbruegge


Term Ending 6/30/2017
District President  -
Barney Knighton
Program of Service
Committee Chairperson

Americanism- Bill King 
Youth - Wanda Whitten
Community Service -Tom Caldwell  
Child Abuse Prev - Louise Branham  
P/R -Phil Burkhalter
Social -  J.P. Cooper
Awards -Steve White
Programs -  Charles Long
Fellowship -Rhonda Wallace & New Member Support  J.P. Cooper

Contact one of these Chairpersons and volunteer for a committee.  Just click
on their name to send an email.
Coosa Valley Fair Association Officers
Pres - John Garner
1st VP - Gene Richardson 
2nd VP - Jason Sanker
Treas - Joe Wade
Sect - Paul Smith
Ex Officio - J P Coooper
Past Pres - Bill Irmscher
Term Expires 12/2016
Phil Burkhalter
Cathy Kerce
Charles Long
Bryan Shealy
Milton Slack
Term Expires 12/2017
Sherri Beidek
Jordan Knight
Bobby Padgett
Robert Smyth
Joe Wade, III
Term Expires 12/2018
Barbara Carter
Jim Kelley
Bob Babcock
Dave Shelton
Len Woodward

Like us on Facebook 
Meal Policy Of The Exchange Club Of Rome
Members are encouraged to bring prospective member guests to all regular meetings.  The club is most happy to pay for the meals of prospects the first three times they visit, more then that you are required to pay for your guest's meal unless they have submitted an application for membership, in which case the meals will remain at no charge  If you bring a non-prospect guest, someone to just join you for lunch, or if you take out a lunch for anyone that is not a member, you are required to pay for your guest's or takeout meal.  The cost of the meal is $10 per meal and must be paid to the Treasurer or other officer at the time of the meeting.  Money can also be placed in the Dues Box in the lobby.