Rome Exchange Club
Exchange, inspiring communities to become better places to live. 
 News Exchange
 From The Rome Exchange Clu 
Recipient of Exchange National Service Award 2014-2015    

Rome's #1 Service Club  For Over 79 Years

January 29, 2016 

Winner of the
Leonard Grace Best Club Bulletin 2013-2014

Greg Gaston - Editor
Exchange Club of Rome Newsletter

Next Meeting  
January 29, 2016

Mental Health Court
by Judge Jack Niedrach
Floyd Superior Court

A mental health court expected to start in January 2016 is aimed at reducing incarceration rates and helping to ensure mentally ill suspects get the help they need

  Exchangite Jack Niedrach
was elected as Judge of the Floyd County Superior Court and he began his term of office on January 1, 2009.  He is one of four Superior Court Judges serving in the Rome Judicial Circuit.  The Superior Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction for the State of Georgia.

    Judge Niedrach earned two degrees from the University of Georgia.  In 1978, he earned an undergraduate degree in accounting after which he worked for Georgia Power Company.  He returned to law school at UGA, and in 1982, he graduated and was admitted to the State Bar of Georgia. 

    Judge Niedrach was engaged in private law practice in the Rome and Floyd County for 26 years, first with the firm Hine & Niedrach and later with the firm Cox, Byington, Corwin, Niedrach & Twyman.  His practice included both civil and criminal cases.

    Judge Niedrach is dedicated to and has been very active in Rome and Floyd County.  He has served the community in a number of capacities, including:

President of the Coosa Valley Fair
President of the Exchange Club of Rome
President of the Rome Jaycees
President of the Rome Bar Association
Chair of the Hospitality House for Women
VIce-chair of the Rome/Floyd County Human Relations Committee
Senior Warden of St. Peter's Episcopal Church

    Judge Niedrach is a native of LaGrange, Georgia.  He is married to Mary Finley Niedrach, a kindergarten teacher at Berry College Elementary School.  They have two grown sons.  Their younger son, Lee, is now a lawyer practicing in Rome and also is an Exchangite.     

 Pork Loin, Sweet Tea Brined Chicken, Broccoli Casserole, Pinto's,  Candied Yams, Yeast Rolls, Caesar Salad, Cobbler and Cake.

Night at the Movies

Make your plans to attend.  Tickets are available from the Family Resource Center beginning this week.  This is not only a great, fun-filled evening, but a chance to see a first run major motion picture, sample the fare of several local eateries,  and is also a major fund raiser for the FRC.  

Special Sweetheart Exchange Meeting


In Celebration of Valentines Day, you are invited to our Exchange Club's Sweethearts Party to be held on Friday, February 12th, We have moved our regular noon buffet to a evening  buffet to allow you to bring your special Sweetie, or come along anyway if you are still playing the field.

What a night we have planned:
  • Wine and conversation beginning at 6, buffet at 6:30
  • Crooning by "The Bottom Feeders"
  • Earl Tillman as special guest speaker
  • A Very Special Version of "The Newlywed Game"
  • Door Prizes!
This party is covered by your dues, but to allow Marie to have an accurate figure for the buffet, we ask that you RSVP for yourself and your Sweetie.  See separate email to make a reservation.

Exchange Committees Hard At Work

Memorial Day Plans Begin

    It's been said that Americanism is at the heart of Exchange,  filled with the men and women that serve and have served to help secure the blessings of Liberty. The men pictured below know and appreciate the purpose of Memorial Day, and have a strong personal connection to it.

        Bill King, chairman of the Americanism Committee, is a man committed to patriotism and respect for those that given their lives for our nation. So, the work has begun through well laid plans and specific deadlines for completion of the mission. He has begun his work in earnest with Exchangites and members of the American Legion, Disabled Veterans, Marine Corps League the Purple Heart Association and other veterans from the community. Others with no military background or experience are equally involved and have been given their marching orders. It would make you think Major Bill King has put on the uniform and once again has a mission to accomplish. There are key elements that are unique to Bill and his committee --- they do it with excellence, precision, and quality. 

Wreath at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

    The plans to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier began in the weeks following Memorial Day 2015, as well as the possibility of building a replica of the tomb. The Americanism Committee discussed and shared the idea as information became available from the staff at Arlington Cemetery and other government sources. The idea grew and new members to the committee also added their expertise, leadership, and knowledge. Telephone calls to Tomb of the Unknown Soldier office personnel, led to names and key contact people. The process took on more serious 
Inquiries, and the Americanism Committee members began to put names and faces together. It always helps when you have a retired Air Force Major and a U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major with 34 years of experience on your team. One knows about the bureaucracy, and the other knows how to work with it, through it, and around it when necessary. So, Bill King and John Fortune accepted the task and got the ball rolling.
    There is only so much you can do on the telephone, internet and with the submission of forms. If you have the enthusiastic passion, commitment, patriotic desire, and time to get the job done, you make it happen by going to Washington, D C and talking to people in their offices. John Fortune, a new member of the Exchange Club of Rome and a member of the Americanism Committee, did exactly that; he went to Washington, talked to people and within days, the Exchange Club of Rome received a positive, official response. On May 16, 2016, 4 lucky members will have the honor and privilege of placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
   Behind every good man and veteran there is a woman that has sacrificed, shared, given to her country, and the cause of freedom. So, it is proper to recognize John and his wife Janet Fortune for their support of this patriotic activity.

  Pictured left to right Colonel Mark Viney, Janet Fortune, Exchangite John Fortune

Coosa Valley Fair

Just to show that being President of the Coosa Valley Fair is an ongoing and year round job, here is CVF President John Garner, along with 
Olivia West, Miss Coosa Valley Fair at the Georgia State Agriculture Fair Pageant last week. 
At last weeks meeting....

At our meeting last week, Tina Bartleson, Exec Director of the Family Resource Center, updated the club on the Center.  Assisting Tina were Exchangite Jim Talley, serving as President of the Board of Directors for the Center in 2016,  Exchangite Greg Gaston, serving as Treasurer for the Center, and Robin Hice, Immediate Past President of the Center. 

Robin Hice,  Immediate Past President of the Rome Exchange Family Resource Center was presented a plaque for her Exceptional Leadership, Vision and Devoted Service to the Center.
Exchangite Jim Talley shared his vision for the Family Resource Center, outlining a plan to matching funds for new money donated to the Center. 

Gather Up Your Stuff
Call For Yard Sale "Goodies"
Our own Mr. yard sale, Scottie Edwards, is gathering up the goods for a spring sale to aide the Americanism projects of our Exchange Club. If you have anything
to sell, call Scottie, 706-346-5998, and he will pick them up and hold them for the sale.  One person's junk is another person's treasure, so look around and give him a call.   
Colorized Pictures Of WW II
Colorized Pictures
See Former Black & White Photos Of WWII That Are Now Colorized

An email is circulating on the Internet with some fantastic photographs of World War II that now look like they were taken today.  Click below and see these historical gems. 

Photos Of History
Are You Saving Those Bottle Tops and Carton Ends?  

At a previous meeting, Exchangites Barbara Carter and Meredith Brown outlined plans for this years scrapbook.  The duo explained they are also asking Exchangites to save bottle tops from Coke products and the end package panels from Coke can products.  There will be a basket in the lobby of the Palladium to deposit them and they will be exchanged for on-line services in producing the scrapbook.  

Exchangites Barbara Carter and Meredith Brown  who preparing our annual Scrapbook shown here collecting  the Coke labels and caps from  Exchangite Dan Caesar and others who brought their labels and caps to our last meeting. 
Exchange Fellowship
This week please remember these Exchangites in your thoughts and prayers:

Exchangite Julia Dent remains in Floyd Hospital.  Julia was originally admitted with pneumonia, and she feels this is pretty well cleared up, but she is having problems stemming from degenerative disc disease and she is having problems standing up.  She is working with physical therapists and may have to be transferred to an intensive rehab program.    Julia would appreciate prayers, but no visitors at this point.

Exchangite Bill Irmscher had additional out patient surgery on the hand he injured while using a power saw last fall.  He reports that he has gone to physical therapy several times this week and there is some improvement, although very painful.  Please remember Bill in your thoughts and prayers for a fast and full recovery.

Exchangite Stephen Patton recent underwent Gall Bladder surgery.  Please keep Stephen and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Exchangite Phil Burkhalter's Mother-in-law Frances Ann Wright Gowen, 81, passed away this past Sunday .  Please remember Phil's family.  See for details.

Exchangite Louise Schroeder Branham is in the hospital for tests.  Please remember Louise and her family.  

If you have fellowship information, please let us know.  The email addresses are:
Gail Johnson: 
If you have emailed one of the above and your fellowship need has not been announced within a few hours, please email one of the other contacts.
Rome Exchange Club
 Meetings Held Friday At Noon
The Palladium
Coosa Valley Fairgrounds
1400 Martin Luther King Blvd 
Rome, GA
In this issue....
Night at the Movies.
Exchange Committees
Coosa Valley Fair
At last weeks meeting
Call For Yard Sale "Goodies"
Colorized Pictures Of WW II
Save Those Bottle Tops
Mark Your Calendars ...  

January 29
Mental Health Court coming to Rome 
Judge Jack Niedrach

February 5
Business Meeting

February 12
Valentine Program
See article for more Details

February 19
ACE Award Program
Wanda Whitten & John Upton

February 26
Youth of the Year
Book of Golden Deeds
Wanda Whitten & John Upton

Who will wear the special Exchange Strong lapel pin for recruiting a new member?  Let's fill this space with sponsor names as Rome becomes
Exchange Strong!

Amanda Abbasi
Giles Chapman
Sue Jones
Frank Redwine
Diane Warner
Len Woodward


Add Your Name To This

Prestigious List  

Club Anniversaries  
42 years !!
 Lynn Dempsey

31 years !!
Bob Steinbruegge

30  years !!
Richard Grant 

28 years !!
Steve Cox

14 years
Bill Fricks

13 years
Terry Clift

11 years
Tim Burkhalter
Nan Winkelman

10 years
Joe Wade III

9 years
Barbara Carter

1 year
Bill Lyles, Jr.

January  Birthdays

January 1
Wanda Whitten
January 3
Tim Pape, Sr

January 6
Red Abrams
Rhonda Wallace

January 7
Terry Simmons

January 9
Terry Clift

January 10
Phil Burkhalter

January 12

Charles Norris

Not too early to save these dates!!!!!

Night at the Movies Benefit
February 23rd, 2016


"Get A Jump On Child Abuse" Party
Saturday, April 16, 2016
The Brewhouse Music & Grill


Jim Bishop Annual Golf Tournament to benefit the Family Resource Center
Stonebridge Golf Club
April 22, 2016

It's Not Too Early To Plan
Georgia District of Exchange
2016 Convention
 June 9 - 10 - 11, 2016
Quick Links
Rome Exchange Club 
2015-2016 Officers


President - J P Cooper 

Past President -  Bryan Shealy
President Elect - Mike Elliott
Secretary - Charles Long
Treasurer - Meredith Brown
Ex-Officio - Bill Irmscher 


Term Ending 6/30/2016
Louise Branham
Giles Chapman  
Greg Fricks  
Greg Gaston 
John Upton
Nan Winkelman  

Term Ending 6/30/2017
Bill King
Robin Burk
Tom Caldwell
Barbara Carter
Charles Stevens
Wanda Whitten

District President  -
Barney Knighton
Program of Service
Committee Chairperson

Americanism- Bill King 
Youth - John Upton
Community Service - Nan Winkelman  
Child Abuse Prev - Louise Branham  
P/R -Greg Gaston
Social - Bryan Shealy
Awards -Giles Chapman
Programs - Mike Elliott
Fellowship -Rhonda Wallace & Steve White 
New Member Support 
-Bryan Shealy

Contact one of these Chairpersons and volunteer for a committee.  Just click
on their name to send an email.
Coosa Valley Fair Association Officers
Pres - Bill Irmscher
1st VP - John Garner 
2nd VP - Gene Richardson
Treas - Joe Wade
Sect - Paul Smith
Ex Officio - Bryan Shealy
Past Pres - Kirk Milam
Term Expires 12/2015

Holly Kelly

Gigi Binion

Steve White

Frank Shropshire

Phil Burkhalter

Term Expires 12/2016

Don Chambers

Charles Long

Sam Reeder

Cathy Kerce

Milton Slack

Term Expires 12/2017

Sherri Beideck

Jordan Knight

Bobby Padgett

Jason Sanker

Joe Wade III






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Meal Policy Of The Exchange Club Of Rome
Members are encouraged to bring prospective member guests to all regular meetings.  The club is most happy to pay for the meals of prospects the first three times they visit, more then that you are required to pay for your guest's meal unless they have submitted an application for membership, in which case the meals will remain at no charge  If you bring a non-prospect guest, someone to just join you for lunch, or if you take out a lunch for anyone that is not a member, you are required to pay for your guest's or takeout meal.  The cost of the meal is $10 per meal and must be paid to the Treasurer or other officer at the time of the meeting.  Money can also be placed in the Dues Box in the lobby.