DECEMBER 2015 Synergy Success e-Zine
"How different our lives are when we really know
what is deeply important to us, and keeping that picture in mind,
we manage ourselves each day
to be and to do what really matters most."
'Tis the Season, Greetings!!
In the midst of your everyday rush and responsibilities, now with Holiday preparations and parties in full swing, there's NO WAY you can squeeze ONE MORE THING in your calendar, right?
I used to feel the same way until I learned the real truth: That slowing down for a dose of fresh perspective helps transform "busy but unfocused" into inspired productivity when time is tight.
An Intentional pause reminds us that in any given moment, no matter what the circumstance, we have the power to choose where to focus our thoughts and invest our energy during the Holidays.
Will we focus on Presents or Presence?
Tinsel by Default ~The Toxic Lifestyle of our society makes Christmastime about the quest for perfect Presents. We could easily be blinded by the newest, fastest, brightest and shiniest versions of anything money can buy. But striving to reach unrealistic expectations of what the ideal Holiday should look and feel like just empties our wallet, depletes our energy, and steals our joy.
Touchpoints by Design ~ I invite you to Invest in the most meaningful kind of Presence this season, which only the Restorative Lifestyle can offer. Everyone wins when we pause to glimpse at where our best energy is going, and checking to make sure our actions stay aligned with what matters most to us.
Don't get me wrong--our home has an "Elf-on-the-shelf" and will have some beautiful presents around the tree. But deeper than that lies a strong intention to create meaningful memories, spread love, and give others the gift of my undivided attention.
How might taking a moment's pause affect the relationships with those you love and lead?
I always love hearing from you- so send me an email here and share how this has inspired you, OK?
Wishing you Powerful Pauses, Meaningful Touchpoints, & the rewards of Full Engagement.
| Thank you for my new monthly gift of mindfulness Sallye Trobaugh! |
Oh! Willl I see you at an upcoming event?
Let's Chat! Reach out here and I'll be in touch.
Please Post Your Upcoming Events and Flyers on our Synergy Success Circle Facebook page!
Dec 5th, Saturday
Regional Celebrating Teaching Conference @ BRCC Keynote
"How to Burn Brightly without Burning Out"
Dec 8th, Tuesday
9th, Wednesday
Lunch 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. McAlister's Deli
10th, Thursday
Dinner Meeting
p.m. McAlister's Deli,
Harrisonburg, VA
10th, Thursday
Dec 11th or 12th
Friday or Saturday
17th, Thursday
"Beyond SOAR I"
6:00-8:00 p.m.
18th, Friday
Beyond SOAR III"
11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m.
Harrisonburg, Va
25th, Friday
Merry Christmas!!!
Christina's Story

Click here to read about my life-changing transformation
My Passion & Purpose
I'm dedicated to helping Professional Women lead boldly and burn brightly without burning out. Curious about upcoming workshops or need a speaker? I'd love to share with you what I believe to be the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...
Passing this on is the greatest compliment I can receive!
Your kind referrals help me honor, serve, & inspire more women.
Julie Jones
Ameriprise Financial
Julie, Hailey, Faith, & Darren
"I decided to reach out to Christina at a time in my life when I needed to make some changes but was unsure how to move forward. I was stuck in several areas of my life, and needed someone to partner with me to inspire and challenge me.
Christina immediately gave me tools that helped me learn, allowed me see things differently and move through some stuck areas. She helped me build courage to say no to things I had been afraid and yes to some new things that would help me be a better version of myself.
I am still moving through my professional growth journey, and still know I have lots of growth areas. But I'm so very very grateful for our time together.
Darren says working with her has made a positive difference in our home life by helping me to establish clear priorities and develop a better balance.
As I have grown I am now modeling much of what Christina has taught me with my daughters as well, which is awesome.
Christina will forever be such a special person to me and I have been deeply blessed to have come to work with her!"
Julie Jones, Ameriprise Financial
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Is it Your Year to SOAR?
Next Class begins February 12th!
SOAR is designed to provide Exceptional Self-Leadership Training and Professional Group Coaching, with tools to stay Focused, Positive, and Excited about Work and Life while promoting Highly Productive, Heart-Centered Collaboration and Balanced Success.
SOAR provides massive support, structure, encouragement, accountability, clarity, training, laughter, mindset shifts - and of course will teach you how to create balanced success. Here's Your invitation to SOAR with Synergy in 2016!
There's an amazing group of women now forming. If you're curious, just reach out to Contact me for a complimentary 1:1 call to learn more!
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Uplevel Academy
I wholeheartedly believe in the power of coaching and continuous learning. These are investments I make in my future and myself, so I can joyfully serve my clients in the highest way and create balanced success without burning out. If you're ready to make an investment in your work and life to improve yourself for the future, contact me
I'd love to partner with you!
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