NOVEMBER 2015 Synergy Success e-Zine
"Go deeper than you've ever gone
to rise higher than you ever dreamed."
~Christine Kane, Uplevel Academy
Hey there!
With only 58 days left in 2015, I hope this finds your heart happy, mind clear, and body energized as you strive toward peaceful productivity! I believe we teach best what we need to learn ourselves, that's why every quarter I step away from working in my business to working on it; re-aligning with my purpose-driven mission to help busy women create balanced success without burning out.
Before heading to Asheville for a few days of soul and strategy training with my amazing mentor and Mastermind group, I invite you to consider:
You have ONE precious life to live. Are you living it, or just surviving it? If there's any part of you that is unhappy, sleep-walking through the motions, or assumes you have forever to get around to what you really want, please wake up. It's time to live, to love, to create, to make the difference you are here to make with the gifts you've been given. We can survive alone, but no one thrives alone -- at the heart of everything I do is a strong desire to help every woman who crosses my path to feel seen, heard, and fully supported as she steps into her potential. The next 58 days are yours. You have the opportunity to choose what they will look like. to empowered choices, staying positive and moving forward,
P.S. Successful women who sustain high energy levels, sharp mental focus, and high spirits are committed to calm focus, increased productivity and a positive, "No-Matter-What" attitude that transforms stress into strength... come meet them and join us at the Synergy Success Circle November 11th lunch and 12th dinner.
Be Sure to Post Your Upcoming Events and Flyers on our Synergy Success Circle Facebook page!
4th-7th, Wed-Sat
Asheville, NC
Uplevel Academy Mastermind
11th, Wednesday
Lunch 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. McAlister's Deli
12th, Thursday
Dinner Meeting
p.m. McAlister's Deli,
Harrisonburg, VA
12th, Thursday
19th, Thursday
"Beyond SOAR I"
6:00-8:00 p.m.
20th, Friday
Beyond SOAR III"
11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m.
Harrisonburg, Va
25th, Thursday
Dec 8th, Tuesday
Dec 11th or 12th
Friday or Saturday
Passing this on is the greatest compliment I can receive!
Your kind referrals help me honor, serve, & inspire more women.
Uplevel Academy
I wholeheartedly believe in the power of coaching and continuous learning. These are investments I make in my future and myself, so I can joyfully serve my clients in the highest way and create balanced success without burning out. If you're ready to make an investment in your work and life to improve yourself for the future, contact me
I'd love to partner with you!
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Christina's Story

Click here to read about my life-changing transformation
My Passion & Purpose
I'm dedicated to helping Professional Women lead boldly and burn brightly without burning out. Curious about upcoming workshops or need a speaker? I'd love to share with you what I believe to be the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...