October 2015 Synergy Success e-Zine
A Huge, Fall Welcome to YOU and our growing tribe of Heart-Centered Professionals who are busy creating a Restorative Lifestyle -- working smart, playing hard, and resting well on the path to Balanced (not Toxic!) Success.
Too many women I know, love, and coach are overwhelmed.
Instead of flourishing in a leadership role as the C.E.O. ("Chief Energy Operator") of their own life, they feel deeply depleted by what seem like never-ending expectations to perform as a "Chief Everything Officer" at work and home.
They come in saying "I have too many plates in the air and not enough hands to keep them spinning", or "there's too much to do and not enough time, or I'm overwhelmed, over-committed, over-tired, overweight, and OVER IT but I need help getting OUT of it!
So here's what I tell them:
"This is actually good news!"
Then we celebrate---because in that honest moment of self-awareness, in reaching out for help, they've already made progress.
Yes, overwhelm can lead to a breakdown (or wicked case of burn out like mine), but it doesn't have to. When awareness and willingness to receive help are present, overwhelm becomes the first step on the path to a breakthrough.
The Upside of Overwhelm is that it invites us to:
- Take ownership of our emotions and personal power
- Set clearer boundaries and expectations
- Make choices by default (breakdown) or with intention (breakthrough)
- Bend, not break, as we develop greater resilience
- Give up going it alone and Grow into our potential with the help of others
I believe everyone deserves to experience the freedom and joy on the other side of overwhelm.
Your Turn: What in your life is the most overwhelming right now? Hit reply to share what's going on with me-I love hearing from you!
If you're struggling on the brink of burn out, contact me to schedule a complimentary call and we'll take your next few steps forward together.
To breakthroughs and balanced success,
P.S. Successful women who sustain high energy levels, sharp mental focus, and high spirits are committed to calm focus, increased productivity and a positive, "No-Matter-What" attitude that transforms stress into strength... come meet them and join us at the Synergy Success Circle October 8th (dinner) or 14th (lunch).
Be Sure to Post Your Upcoming Events and Flyers on our Synergy Success Circle Facebook page!
8th, Thursday
Dinner Meeting
p.m. McAlister's Deli,
Harrisonburg, VA
8th, Thursday
9th, Friday
@ McAlister's Deli
Harrisonburg, Va
14th, Wednesday
Lunch 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. McAlister's Deli
Harrisonburg, Va
16th, Friday
Beyond SOAR III"
11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m.
Harrisonburg, Va
24th, Thursday
"Beyond SOAR II"
6:00-8:00 p.m.
23rd, Friday
SOAR Celebration
28th, Wednesday
Head Start Conference Speaker @ Boars Head Inn, Waynesboro, Va
Dec 8th, Tuesday
Christina's Story

Click here to read about my life-changing transformation
My Passion & Purpose
I'm dedicated to helping Professional Women lead boldly and burn brightly without burning out. Curious about upcoming workshops or need a speaker? I'd love to share with you what I believe to be the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...
Passing this on is the greatest compliment I can receive!
Your kind referrals help me honor, serve, & inspire more women.
Laurie DiSanto
New Market, Va

"I started coaching with Christina in July 2011, and together we went through her 6-month coaching program where I achieved major breakthroughs recovering from the death of my mother and the decline of my husband's health and my elevation to caretaker.
The lessons I learned from those sessions carried me well through the next few years. I continued to attend the Success Circle in the summer when in town, and met with Christina occasionally as a friend and fellow horse enthusiast. Staying close and in touch with her clients, and keeping that balance as friends, is a strong point in both her personal and professional life.
In September of 2014 I found myself struggling again with my famous "disorganized thinking," which for me is a response to a major lifestyle change as a caretaker, the increasing loss of freedoms, a change of goals, and the feeling of loss as goals I wanted were not possible anymore. In my case my husband's health declined significantly and that travel and flexibility in the things I enjoyed doing were even more restricted. I also committed to a very challenging volunteer position on a board of directors in my community, which required much more of my time and emotion than I had realized.
I invested in a year of coaching with Christina, and with that commitment came a marvelous discovery of new tools not only for myself, but also being able to observe her growth as a coach, an increase in the skills and tools she uses, and her dedication to herself in keeping her own "reservoir of resilience" filled to the brim. I've often pondered on how difficult it must be switching between each of her clients, their needs, their tender points, and how challenging it must be to be an "emotional leader" to other women of equal talent, purpose and accomplishment. She does it with grace and style and makes it look easy. She sets a high bar but shows you how to achieve within your own power.
Together we defined the new goals and assessed what I needed to deal with caretaking challenges, changes in my health (in particular, increasing pain levels I was experiencing), as well as best practices for dealing with fellow volunteers. The EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique - Tapping) and the MMP (Meaningful Morning Practice) are two "forever tools" that carry me through each day's challenges and help me keep an attitude of gratitude for each day's joys and gifts.
I cannot emphasize enough to anyone, whatever age, whatever work or profession you do, to get out of your spin, your stories, and "uplevel" to a greater purpose for yourself as well as those you love and influence.
Get into Christina's circle, even if for just a brief period of time. You have so many qualities you need to share and strengthen - she'll show you how to do it, with grace, compassion, skill and...success."
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Uplevel Academy
I wholeheartedly believe in the power of coaching and continuous learning. These are investments I make in my future and myself, so I can joyfully serve my clients in the highest way and create balanced success without burning out. If you're ready to make an investment in your work and life to improve yourself for the future, contact me
I'd love to partner with you!
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