Community Media - "Sights and Sounds"

A weekly newsletter from your friends at
Access Sacramento


                  Edgar Calderon & his Wife                           Field Shot from Section 111                              Ron Cooper and Gary Martin             


Fun times Last Sunday at River Cats Game!  


July 16, 2013
In This Issue
Cooper Retirement Celebration
Great PCS Projects
Ron Cooper Awarded!
NorCal Filmmakers Website
Cooper Sacramento River Cats
Sacramento Filmworks
Join Media Alliance
New Media Production Job
Grant Funding Available
Youth Story of the Week
Sacramento VIPS
Livewire - "The Normal Heart"
Listen Up! - "Sherman Baker"

Last Chance to Attend
Ron Cooper Retirement Celebration, Dinner & Roast

Special Extension: If you would still like to attend, please call (916) 456-8600 EXT: 0 to RSVP with a credit card only by Noon, today, Tuesday, July 16. 

Those who have purchased tickets can just show up at Frasinetti's Winery & Restaurant and names will be on the will call list.


Friday, July 19, 2013 

Frasinetti's Winery & Restaurant 

7395 Frasinetti Road

Sacramento, Ca. 95828

$50 / per person

6:00 pm  No Host Reception with Complimentary Wine Tasting 

7:00 pm  Buffet Dinner 

7:45 pm Cake 

8:00 pm Ron Cooper Retirement Open Mic Microphone & Program      

(By Ron's request, proceeds will benefit Access Sacramento)  

*Access Sacramento is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization - Meal Value $27.50 



Great PCS Projects are Now Underway!


Do you want to help on a PCS film? You can send your information to  and/or

Any questions please call Michelle Barbaria or Ron Cooper @ 916.456-8600 ext 0. 

2013 "A Place Called Sacramento"

Ten Selected Film Projects

"To Pith or Not to Pith: That is the Question (an entomologist fantasy)" by Colin Swift

A Young Entomologist must find and pith a rare moth before sunset in order to secure a needed Scholarship.

"The Players" by Karen Orcutt and William Orcutt

It's a whole new ball game for a group of pool hall players. Will they win in this game of life and death?

"American River" by Romeo

Discover the beauty and dangers of the American River in this family adventure. Will they be able to keep their heads above water?

"Resolution" by Jessica Benz

Never before has a cupcake seemed so sweet! There is temptation at every turn for pretty and hopeful Jennifer.

"The Lottery Ticket" by Brian Jagger

Could the lottery be the answer to Joseph's financial problems? He wants to be a good father to his children, but will this really be the lucky win he's been hoping for?

"The Tailypo" by Dwight Taylor

Don't go messing around off the beaten path. Things could get a little grizzly for a group of bored young friends when they find a mysterious object by the river.

"Scratch" by Ian Wynton

Men are such dogs! Chasing women gets Jim in a gravy train full of troubles he couldn't ever have imagined.

"The Within" by Marc Gardner

A strange sound fills the sky. The Matthews family scrambles to survive and it's all caught on tape. What the video reveals may lead to ending the invasion but are they in for more than they bargained for?

"Running into Traffic" by Joyce Glover

Young and beautiful, Cynthia's life is about to change dramatically as she learns about her family secrets and is tempted by a sly and alluring man. Will she be able to dodge the traffic?

"Off the Mark" by Hank

An accomplished journalist risks his credibility to help a friend in need with a film project. The topic is 'hot' and the ratings will be hotter if they succeed, but will it be worth it in the end?


Congratulations to Ron Cooper From The Alliance for Community Media


The Awards Says...

"Given In Appreciation to Ron Cooper for a Legacy of Exemplary Service to Community Media"

Great Job Ron!


 Northern CA Filmmakers Coalition  Launches Web Site & TV Series


There is much excitement at Access Sacramento these past few weeks. The NCFC has been meeting regularly for more than four months and has made great progress. Their meetings are open to the public, all are invited, and the arts and crafts of film and television production are discussed by experts in the field.


Here the web site for further information - - and watch for their monthly television program "Sacramento Film Works" on Access Sacramento channel 17 every 1st Saturday at 6:00 PM. 


NeighborhoodNews Correspondent 
Neighborhood News
Correspondent Winners

Our group of Youth Correspondents finished their "peer-to-peer" stories. Each is expected to identify at least three teen friends, invite them to contribute a 300-500 word story for, and everyone is awarded a stipend for their sincere efforts.


1st Place

What Is Marriage And Who Can Enjoy It?

By Rajena Laffey


2nd Place

Mr. Bruggeman Is Not Just A History Teacher- By Victoria Rosenberg


Holding A Job And Maintaining A High School Education - By Che Vang


Talented Student Offered Internship

By Katie Velichko


3rd Place

Video Games: Harmful or Helpful?

By Justin Chambers


Child Care At College Helps Students

By Alisia Barrera


Homelessness Rising

By Genie Gil


Students Say They Started Smoking Pot before High School

By Yvonna Williams


Special Academy At Hiram Johnson Offers Medical Field Experiences To Students - By Felicia Vasquez





Community reports from our

Neighborhood News Bureaus.  

Click here.


Next time you are in the office, ask to to join the Access Sacramento - SaveMart SHARES program. We will give you a plastic SHARES card. Hand the SHARES card to the checker each time you check-out at SaveMart and they will donate 3% of your total grocery bill to Access Sacramento.


This costs you nothing - the 3% comes from SaveMart as a supporter of our nonprofit organization. Once you get into the habit of remembering your SHARES card, the rest is simple. Thanks to you and SaveMart for supporting Access Sacramento.


New 2013 Workshop Schedule

Click on the image above to view the Access Sacramento workshop schedule


New 2013 Program Schedule

(Click on the image above to view Access Sacramento programming schedules

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Twitter Family:


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Latest Press
 Watch Access programming on Comcast OnDemand today!
Click to listen to Access Sacramento's own locally produced radio station.



DW-TV (Watch Deutsche-Welle TV in English) Daily News from the heart of Europe. Plus Arts, Travel, and Entertainment features. Weeknights 5:30 pm & 11:30 pm on Channel 17 and on Channel 18 every other hour.



Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman - Progressive news stories from around the world!!


Weeknights @ 6pm & 12am 


media edge

"Media Edge" is a video magazine series offering two hours of in-depth, thought-provoking, progressive viewpoints every week. The series features segments created by "Media Edge" producers, along with nationally distributed videos and documentaries.
Humor Times

Other Ways You Can Help...

Cars, boats, trucks, vans are all welcome working or not. Let us deal with the paperwork and vehicle removal while you deal with the tax benefit!

Please call us at 1-800-320-0476 or visit the online donation center if you are considering a vehicle donation.


New T-shirts Available in Office 

WWe are all about storytelling.  Your stories- my stories-everyone.  Check out our new t-shirt design now available in the office for only $12 each.

Remember the Story is You 

check them out!

  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, contact the editor, at

Call (916) 456-8600 or send an email to 
  Thank you for your support.


  Ron Cooper, Executive Director 

  Access Sacramento
  4623 T Street
  Sacramento, CA. 95819
  (916) 456-8600 #112
Ron Cooper Retirement Event at Sacramento River Cats


More than 100 Access Sacramento volunteers and well-wishers attended Sunday's Sacramento River Cats game as part of send-off event for retiring Executive Director Ron Cooper.


After 22 years running non-profit Access Sacramento, Cooper steps down on Aug. 1.


Cooper was greeted by volunteers and staff throughout the game while stationed behind Section 109, enjoying the shade and breeze on a nearly perfect day for baseball. The River Cats won 2-1 defeating the Fresno Grizzlies on a 10th inning single with the bases loaded in the come-from-behind victory.


Tickets to the game were donated to Access Sacramento by the Sacramento River Cats and many of those in attendance from Access Sacramento received their tickets by attending the annual members meeting last month.


Access Sacramento's Board of Director's Chair JoAnn Fuller and director's Edgar Calderon and Brian Plumb also attended the game.


Incoming Executive Director Gary Martin also greeted many of the members, volunteers and staff.  Martin began work July 1 and is working alongside Cooper this month in the process of making a smooth transition.


"Ron is being invaluable in helping me get up to speed on the day-to-day operations," said Martin. "Each day another piece of the puzzle drops into place."


Cooper's retirement event at the River Cats is the first of two events this week.  On Friday those who paid $50 per person as an Access Sacramento fundraiser will attend a send-off buffet dinner honoring Cooper at Frasinetti's Restaurant and winery in south Sacramento.  


Several resolutions will be presented honoring Cooper's years of service, including resolutions from the Sacramento County Cable Television Commission and the City of Sacramento.


Be a Part of Sacramento Filmworks  

Live Audience! 

Sacramento Filmworks is interactive and has a live studio audience that has opportunity to ask questions of the Industry Expert. In addition, our "Spotlight" segment features up and coming local artist, actors filmmakers and their exciting projects.


If you are interested in film, television, video or media, Sacramento Filmworks is the place where we demystify the art and craft of filmmaking.


Each episode, features an expert in the filmmaking industry providing insight, information and exposing the secrets of movie making.


Our next taping date is:  


"Teaching Acting Techniques for the Camera"

Saturday July 20, 2013 at 7:30pm

Columa Center 4623 T Street

Sacramento, CA 95819


Seating is limited you MUST RSVP by phone at (916) 502-7068 or (916) 384-5796 or email or by Thursday, July 18, 2013

For more information visit



Join Media Alliance Help Protect Your Digital Protection


Media Alliance is a member of a national coalition working for a better communications system and a more just world. Please join and support their efforts, protecting and facilitating digital media creation in all forms including video. In addition to their contact information, here are but two resources you may find useful.


Protect Your Stuff - A Free Guide to Digital Copyrighting


A free guide from Public Knowledge to digital copyright and how to own your digital stuff in a constantly changing landscape. Here or More... 


2012-2013 Northern California Press List and "How-to Media Guide" Available


Pick up a press list and a how-to guide today for everything you need to get your message out with minimal time and money. The Media How-To Guide tells you how and the Northern California press list gives you contact info for print, radio, and television throughout the region - for a pittance.


The 2012-2013 Northern California press list has 1,110 media contacts at print, broadcast, ethnic, hyperlocal news and alternative outlets. Add a Media How-To Guide for everything you need to do guerilla publicity with limited time and money and get coverage for hard-to-cover stories.


Need the How-to guide? Click Here.   


Media Alliance's "Media How-To Guide" is designed to provide community organizations and activists with the nuts-and-bolts information they need to get their message out to the media. It includes step-by-step instructions on how to pitch stories to reporters, write press releases, and develop a press list; and it covers more advanced media strategies such as creating media events, organizing press conferences, planning media campaigns, and documenting unfair media coverage.    


To subscribe to the weekly update, Click Here.   




Media Production Specialist Position Open in San Jose 

Greetings, All - CreaTV San Jose is hiring a part-time Media Production Specialist. Please spread the word... thanks!

Media Production Specialist
-Part-time, up to 30 hours/week  



San Jose Community Media Access Corporation (aka "CreaTV San Jose) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that manages the public and education access operations in the City of San Jose.  Public and Education access channels are cablecast on Comcast in San Jose.



Under the supervision of the Operations Manager, produces, shoots and edits a variety of video material for CreaTV San Jose, as assigned.

Typical Duties may include, but are not limited to:

  • Produce material of varying content, length, and styles, and for various purposes and  outlets, including broadcast on our channels.
  • Represent CreaTV San Jose in client meetings to ascertain a project's content, scope, designs, timeline, budget and deliverables.
  • Consult with Operations Manager in planning, executing and completing projects.
  • Direct, light, and shoot field productions - and supervise additional crew as needed.
  • Edit independently on the basis of written and oral direction, or in session with clients, producers or supervisors.
  • Color correction and audio sweetening.
  • Video compression, transfer and delivery.
  • DVD authoring and duplication.
  • May need to use a personal vehicle for business-related travel in San Jose and        surrounding areas.

Education and Experience: Any combination of education and experience that provides the skill, knowledge and abilities required to qualify. A typical way to obtain these requirements would be:


*A bachelor's degree in television production or a  related field, or

*Three years of full-time television production experience, or

*Three years of freelance producing, shooting and editing, or

*Three years of experience teaching production.






SAN JOSE, CA 95110,  







Grant Funding Available for Community Programming - Sound Interesting? Ideas? 
Here are several agencies offering grants for community media related purposes. If you have ideas, submit an outline of the proposal and send asap to: and we will consider..... note some of the deadlines are upon us so act fast with as much detail as you can provide.... thanks! 

Union Pacific Foundation: Community-Based Grant Program - The Union Pacific Foundation's mission is to improve the quality of life in the communities served by Union Pacific Railroad, primarily in the midwestern and western United States. Through the Community-Based Grant Program, the Foundation gives priority to requests that address the following categories: Community and Civic, and Health and Human Services. The majority of these grants are intended to help nonprofit organizations build their capacity, increase their impact, and operate more effectively. Nonprofit organizations in the railroad's service area are invited to submit a preliminary application form online by 4 pm CDT on August 14, 2013. (Early submissions are encouraged.) Selected organizations will receive instructions on accessing the online final application form, which must be submitted by midnight CDT on August 15, 2013. Click here to visit the Foundation's website for more information on the Community-Based Grant Program.  


The Ruddie Memorial Youth Foundation is accepting applications from innovative programs designed to help underprivileged youth reach their full potential.  Grants of $25,000 will be awarded for "new, uncommon, unconventional, or untested" youth programs aimed at identifying effective practices that lead to breakthrough results in supporting underprivileged youth.



Youth Story of the Week 


Students Say They Started Smoking Pot Before High School

By Yvonna Williams


20 Hiram Johnson students were surveyed in a computer class about their history of smoking marijuana. Out of those who admitted to having smoked marijuana, 11 claimed to have started smoking in elementary school. 3 of those students said they were smoking by age 7 or 8 years old because members of their family smoked.


Many started smoking weed in junior high school. One student said, "I smoke because it makes me relax. " Another student said "It relieves stress." Some smoke because they feel like it and they've been through a lot in their past.


9 of the students surveyed believe marijuana is healthy for you while 8 of the students believe it is unhealthy.


Most students say smoking marijuana made them feel great. One student said it made him feel, "Bad, thats why I quit."


One student said"I get to look back in time when I did and realize how much of a dumb person I was. After I stopped, my grades went from C's to A's and I'm proud of that. I've been more involved in school and I'm helping other students at a community center to persuade them to stop smoking."


8 students have stopped smoking or planned to stop soon and 9 students don't plan to quit. 9 students claim to smoke everyday.


6 students say they are setting a bad example for younger siblings. One student said "My family smoked around me since I was born so I don't think its good or bad its normal.''


Attend the Sacramento Video Industry Professionals Meeting - July 31 


This month we'll learn about DVD authoring (DVDSP and Encore) with Todd Spencer.  

DVD Studio Pro Interface 

Todd will teach usabout DVD authoring using DVD Studio Pro and Adobe Encore.  He'll provide info on how author a DVD with custom menus and a look at encoding with both Compressor and Adobe Media Encoder. Todd works with BOE Media Production Services.  


A self-described media and tech geek, Todd has over 30 years of production and post-production experience.  His background includes: high-speed camera work for the USAF; 15 years in Hollywood spanning over 35 feature films; and countless commercials, industrials, and music videos.  His fortes are special effects, lighting & grip, and production management.  Over the last decade Todd has become an expert in digital cinema, post-production workflows, and internet streaming and presentation. 

Mark Herzig 

Special Lighting Situations, tips and tricks with Mark Herzig.  

Award-winning director of photography Mark Herzig offers us tips for creating special lighting situations. Mark is well known for his beautifully lit and shot commercials, corporate projects, and fictional narratives. He taught cinematography at the Academy of Art Institute in San Francisco, and at the PCFE Film School in Prague, Czech Republic, and is currently writing "Practical Cinematography", based on his lecture notes.


The VIP's meet the 4th Wednesday each month at Studio 50 at the old Mather Field in Rancho Cordova 3665 Bleckley St. Mather, CA 95655 starting promptly at 7:00 PM. A $5 entrance fee includes an education, networking, refreshments, and a 'raffle' entry!Questions? Email Karen Olson at:




 "The Normal Heart"   


We have a serious topic this week which includes guests from the play "The Normal Heart" by Larry Kramer. This multi-award winning play speaks about the AIDs crisis and utilizes the story of several friends living in New York as part of the gay community during the time of the new  'mysterious illness'. Directed by Michael Hedges & Andrew Gibout, this play is touching and captures an important and powerful time in many people's lives.


Tune in to LiveWire on Wednesday, July 17th at 5pm on  Access Sacramento channel 17 or watch the simulcast at and click 'watch 17'.


listen up logo  

"Sherman Baker"

By Listen Up! Co-Producer, Michelle A. Barbaria 



Listen Up! Sacramento showcases Sherman Baker on the next episode. Sherman performs a solo acoustic set with his original work. His unique voice is reminiscent of some of the sounds of the Beatles and Bob Dillon and you can hear it in his song "Carry Me Home".  


For more music from Sherman Baker watch Listen Up! Sacramento and visit his website at


Tune in to Listen Up! Sacramento on Tuesday, July 16th at 11pm on Access Sacramento  TV channel 17 or watch the simulcast at and click 'watch 17'.




Listen Up! Sacramento features local musicians of all genres and languages. Opinions or statements made on the program do not reflect the opinions of Listen Up! Sacramento and the staff of Access Sacramento. If you are a musician in the Sacramento region and you'd like to be a guest on the show you can submit your information and include a sample of your music or a link to your music to: