Attitudinal Healing International
  March 2011  


Attitudinal Healing retreat at Santa Sabina, San Rafael, California

Attitudinal Healing Workshop at Santa Sabina Center in San Rafael

April 1 - 3

Opening Night Session with Jerry Jampolsky, M.D.
Diane Cirincione, Ph.D.

2 Days Intensive Workshop Hosted By Trish Ellis and Carolyn Smith

For more info, visit

Download our flyer with application form,
call 415-457-1000
or email [email protected]

  Calendar of Events


Mar 5 Working with Physical Challenges and Chronic Conditions
Spirit Rock, Woodacre, CA

Mar 6 AHC-Oakland: The Gathering
Mill Valley, CA

Mar 25-27 The Resilient
Heart Seminar

Easton, PA

April 1-3 AH Workshop
Santa Sabina Center, San Rafael, CA

April 17& 24 PBS Television Special on Forgiveness

April 22-24 AH Facilitator

Douala, Cameroon, Africa

Aug 19 and 21 AH Talk and

London, England


Click here to view all events


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  Founders' Blog

Join us at the Founders' Blog with Drs. Jerry Jampolsky & Diane Cirincione.


Featured Podcasts


Perspectives on Forgiveness

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Attitudinal Healing - North Bay

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Attitudinal Healing - Russia

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 Featured Video


Jerry the Cat's Cattitudes

“Jerry the Cat has an alias...
Gerald Jampolsky, M.D.”

  Love is Letting Go of Fear


Love is Letting Go of Fear by Dr. Gerald Jampolsky

Dr. Gerald Jampolsky’s classic book on personal transformation has been newly revised to reflect the challenges of the 21st century and yet still holds onto its basic core principles of forgiveness, living in the now, and finding inner peace.

“Its principles have helped me find a sense of inner peace, joy, and happiness beyond what I had ever experienced before or thought possible.”

— Carlos Santana



AH International is a non-profit organization funded and supported entirely through tax-deductible donations.


The support of a diverse, loving community is both our strength and inspiration.

Every donation is deeply appreciated, and there are numerous ways to donate.

Come visit our Donation page and look at the many possibilities that can truly make a difference!




AH International represents and supports independent Centers, groups, and resource persons who use the universally accepted Principles of Attitudinal Healing for healing their inner and outer worlds and for making a positive difference. We are an ever-expanding global network supported by a multicultural community located in numerous countries on five continents.

We appreciate your feedback on our new and evolving newsletter. Your comments are important to us!

Come join us on Facebook and Twitter!



Releasing AH Videos

Attitudinal Healing on Sixty MinutesWe have just begun the exciting process of releasing AH videos from our archives. They are being posted on our new YouTube channel as well as the AHI website.

The featured video is "The Heart of Attitudinal Healing," a collage of poignant experiences that bring to life the transformative effect of the Principles of Attitudinal Healing and the Support Group model.

Also on our YouTube channel are AH Videos, including interviews with Jerry Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione, videos on AH Centers and Groups, AH Testimonials and our latest category, Jerry the Cat's Cattitudes. If your Center or Group has a video to share, or if you have a personal story about Attitudinal Healing click here to let us know and we'll be happy to add it to our channel.

We'll be adding new videos regularly, so come subscribe to our AHI channel on YouTube and you'll be notified soon as they're posted!



Center for Attitudinal Healing - North Bay

The universal acceptance and organic nature of Attitudinal Healing around the world allows it to be adapted to needs and visions locally. Just as in nature, everything at some level is in metamorphosis — changing in shape and form. The original Center for Attitudinal Healing, founded by Jerry Jampolsky and Friends in 1975 in Tiburon, California also continues to evolve.

CAH - North BayThe first Center inspired the growth of independent Centers and Support Groups on five continents as a demonstration model for using Attitudinal Healing in the Peer Support Group Model it pioneered. This was done in a number of different, replicable programs for adults, adolescents and children. Over time the Center developed school programs both locally and elsewhere.

Today, all of the Facilitators and Support Groups from the original Center have evolved to Center for Attitudinal Healing — North Bay in keeping with the original intent of the work. The local and international school and community programs have evolved to CorStone (see article below about their wonderful work in India). The global development of Attitudinal Healing is now supported and mentored by Attitudinal Healing International.

CAH-North Bay offers Support Groups and Facilitator Training as well as other trainings in Attitudinal Healing. Like many other Centers today, they are based in the community with their groups in local hospitals and other locations in Marin, Napa, and San Francisco Counties.

Attitudinal Healing Workshop at Santa SabinaCAH - North Bay continues the decades old tradition of trainings available at Santa Sabina Retreat Center in San Rafael, California, offered at low cost with scholarships available for those unable to pay. They continue to flourish and carry on the original tradition of free support services staffed by volunteers who are there to help others as well as heal themselves.



Attitudinal Healing - India

In October 2009 CorStone (formerly The Center for Attitudinal Healing - Sausalito) launched its Children’s Resiliency Program (CRP) in India. The program commenced with a 5-day intensive training in New Delhi, for approximately 50 teachers and school administrators attending from 10 schools, all serving severely low income children ages 10–18 years. Attendees travelled from schools from as far north as Kashmir to attend the training which was conducted by Steve Leventhal (Executive Director - CorStone) and Richard Cuadra (former Adult Programs Director - CorStone, therapist , and experienced AH trainer from Cuadra Seminars).

Attitudinal Healing in India - Children's Resiliency ProgramThe teachers/administrators all received training in (a) Positive Psychology theory and practice, (b) Attitudinal Healing peer support facilitation, and (c) Restorative Practices (conflict resolution / community building). With the initial training completed, the teachers established weekly peer support groups at their respective schools, using a 6 month curriculum for the children developed by CorStone based on the above models.

Phase II of CorStone’s project occurred recently in Surat, India January 27 – 31, 2011 A 5-day training for 70 teachers and community leaders was held to implement the next stage of the program in India. The teachers will be facilitating a 26-week program for 1,000 high poverty adolescent girls, all from the 'Dalit' caste. The program has been generously funded in part by Abbott Labs and Nike Foundation.

Attitudinal Healing in IndiaThe Attitudinal Healing days of the training program were facilitated by Carolyn Smith, a core committee member of the Center for Attitudinal Healing – North Bay and co-founder of the CAH – Moscow. Co-facilitating with Carolyn was Dr. Joe Kerry, former President of the Board of the first Center for Attitudinal Healing. Both are very experienced trainers with AH International. The following is Carolyn Smith's brief account of her experiences.




What's New

Available in 50 languages, AH International is a fully interactive website featuring a built in social network for connecting individuals, groups and Centers along with space for blogs, videos, photos, etc. There is also a calendar for trainings, workshops, seminars, lectures, and online training worldwide.

AHI Radio is all set up and ready for expanded use. Current programming includes the second Saturday of each month at 11am PDT. Our next show will be an interview with Tom Pinkson on Recognizing Elders. All programming is podcast on the site.

We appreciate your feedback on our new and evolving newsletter. Your comments are important to us!


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