March 29, 2016
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 TLW Tree Sale: All Must Go!

Truly Living Well is moving from Wheat St. Farm to Collegetown. Some of our trees will not make the move, but you can give them new roots!

-Fig Clippings: Bundle of 7 medium clippings $5, Large tree clippings $10
-Organic Fruit Wood - Excellent for smoking (uncured) and woodwork 5 lbs for $10
-Canna Lily Bulbs: 3 for $10
-A limited stock of mature 3-5 yr. old fruit trees that have produced delicious fruit $75

Purchases can be made at any of our farmer's markets or RESERVE NOW by calling (678) - 973 - 0997.
Summer Camp: REGISTER NOW! 

This summer we are introducing Camp TLW at our new Collegetown site in Ashview Heights! Starting in July, Camp TLW will provide children ages 6-12 with a unique summer camp experience at our new farm location.

Campers will learn to grow and maintain an organic farm while engaging in critical thinking, physical exercise, and team building activities. Camp highlights include planting seeds, harvesting and cooking plant-based meals from the garden, playing garden games, swimming at the local community pool. and designing an eco-hood, a miniature sustainable community. Combined with healthy food consumption and plenty of exercise, TLW's camp experience has far reaching benefits that help children eat and live well.

For more information and to download registration forms click here.
Meet Our Board 

Every newsletter, we'll introduce you to our staff. In this issue, meet Charles Whatley, one of our new board members.

Charles is the Managing Director of UrbanIS USA. UrbanIS provides economic development, finance, and real estate advisory services for Public -Private Partnerships (P3).

Charles has over 20 years of professional experience in economic development and is on the boards of Southface Energy Institute and Georgia Organics. He is also on the advisory board for Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs. He holds a B.A. in economics from Yale University and has completed coursework for a M.S. in economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Welcome to the TLW team Charles!  

We Grow Food. We Grow People.   
We Grow Community.

Truly Living Well Center  
for Natural Urban Agriculture
We want you to experience the joy and convenience of a TLW CSA. Every week you have your choice of our locally grown, GMO free produce. Fill your basket and share your bounty with your family and friends. Bring this coupon to any TLW weekly market and save $5.00 on a full CSA. 
Offer Expires: December 31, 2016
Upcoming Events     
-ArkFab Aquaponics is moving and we need your help! Volunteer opportunities to help break down the aquaponics system: April 1, 2, and 3. Contact Brent at to volunteer.

Friday April 8th 2pm-dusk: Last day of Wheat St. Market. Our other two offsite markets, East Point and Freedom Farmer's Markets will continue as usual.

Saturday April 16th 12-5pm: Sweet Auburn Curb Market - Hot Sauce in the City Taste Off - Come support the Yo!Boulevard Food Co-op and taste their spicy hot sauces made from peppers fresh from our farms!

Saturday April 16th 2-6pm: Atlanta BeltLine Jamboree at Washington Park - kick-off for the Atlanta BeltLine Free Fitness Series, with live fitness demonstrations and professional instructors. TLW will have an educational booth with games and more!

Sunday April 17th 9am-1pm: Support our friends at Love is Love Farm and learn from Nicaraguan coffee farmers 2 different farming techniques at the Farmer to Farmer Workshop at the Paideia SchoolFor details click here.

Sunday April 17th 2-6pm: Atlanta Streets Alive: West End  Organized by the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition, the streets connecting seven Atlanta neighborhoods via Ralph David Abernathy will be closed to cars and open for people to walk/bike. Come stop by our table along the route!  
What's at Market  
This Week?

  Dinosaur and curly kale, mustard greens, stir fry greens mix, mixed lettuce, collards, spinach, chard, spring onions, vegan cookies, and TLW branded apparel.

Canna Lily Bulbs - 3 for $10  
Market Times

Every Wednesday
4pm - 7pm
2757 East Point St
Downtown East Point at
Fire Station #1

Every Friday
2pm - Dusk
Wheat Street Garden
75 Hilliard Road
Old Fourth Ward

Every Saturday
Freedom Market

Carter Center
Freedom Parkway
Office Hours

Friday 9AM-2PM
TLW at East Point
3353 Washington Road
East Point, GA 30344
(678) 973-0997