DataFlex News   January 2016
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          Asckey ISO 9001


A belated Happy New Year to you!

January is a time of new starts and new opportunities. Reignite your development activities with Dataflex!

Enhanced functionality and simplified development tools can transform your applications in line with the latest technological developments and the changing needs of your customers.

DataFlex and the DF community are continually growing with ongoing system enhancements and lively interaction within the Data Access User Forum.  By working closely with DF developers and never standing still, Data Access are able to provide the most effective developer solutions designed to help improve your frontline client services.  

Asckey are the official Data Access UK Channel Partners - contact us on 0845 270 7747 for help and advice - we look forward to hearing from you.

New DataFlex WebApp resource: REST APIs and OAuth 2.0

In recent years, the use of RESTful APIs has become pervasive, replacing XML/SOAP web services as the integration mechanism of choice for most service providers.

The range of these APIs are vast: almost every major player in web-delivered services now exposes large areas of their functionality through them. Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, eBay, SalesForce, Yahoo, PayPal, Wikipedia, the list goes on.

Data Access has partnered with DataFlex developer Mike Peat to create the OAuth, RESTFul & Web API Integration component to make such capabilities available to DataFlex developers.

The software published at the above link will enable you to build these capabilities into your web applications. There are also sample applications and links to documentation to help guide you through the process of using OAuth and RESTful APIs.

The OAuth and RESTful API component only functions with DataFlex 18.1 and up; prior revisions did not have support for the necessary HTTP verbs. The UChar array functions, new in DataFlex 18.1, also play an important part in handling the large amounts of data which can be involved in some operations, as well as providing a reliable mechanism for dealing with those that work with binary data.

Read CEO Chip Casanave's recent forum post `More software for DataFlex web app developers' for background information about this important new resource.  
DataFlex Worldwide Events
DISD 2016, Feb 26-27 - Dallas, Texas
Access the conference website for session details and registration instructions.

EDUC 2016, May 12th and 13th  - Berlin, Germany 
THE Dataflex Developers Conference!  Access the conference website for agenda details including presentations and training sessions.   
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Benefit from peer-to-peer support in the DataFlex Web Forums - make connections, exchange ideas, learn from fellow developers or just say hello...!

We look forward to hearing from you.

DataFlex Reports 5.0 Alpha 1 posted

The Alpha 1 build of DataFlex Reports 5.0 has been released and is available for user testing. This latest revision features a new wizard for creating multi-column label reports, support for directly entering SQL statements in reports, and more!

Download DataFlex Reports 2015 - 5.0 Beta I

Application developers know that data has little value without a great tool to extract it and generate well designed, easy-to-analyze business reports. Reports can be delivered in your Windows and Web apps in either PDF or HTML format.

Designed to be used by end-users, power-users and professional software developers alike, DataFlex Reports works with a wide variety of data sources including Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, Pervasive SQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, the DataFlex embedded database and more.

New to DataFlex? FREE Licence Registration   
DataFlex Personal Edition offers you a free, high-performance, fast and easy development tool with a proven track record for robust application development for beginner level "Personal" databases. 

Your free DataFlex Personal Edition expires 60 days after date of download! 

Product registration removes this time limit - register for free and obtain a continual (non-expiring) licence.  Registering also provides you with a fully-functional DataFlex Studio licence with the same operating specifications as a commercial licence (however the personal edition has no run-time licence/distribution capability which makes it more suitable for smaller scale developments only).

Please note - the personal edition has no run-time licence/distribution capability  Upgrade to the full DataFlex Studio edition (for just �295 plus VAT) to extend use to all Commercial Applications with unlimited distribution/run-time rights. 
Download the most recent version of DataFlex
Register your DataFlex Personal edition  

Available for just �295 plus VAT, the full Studio edition can be used for all Commercial Applications and has unlimited distribution/run-time options.  Contact Asckey direct on 0845 270 7747 or email for purchasing information. 
DataFlex Developer Resources

Make use of the wealth of FREE resources available to help you connect with both the Dataflex product range and fellow users.  Come on in, feel free to browse...

Join the conversation -Development Team Blog
from Data Access Worldwide.  Join the conversation for tips and insights into new development techniques.

Peer-to-peer support - Discover the Web Forums - connect with fellow developers, ask a question, exchange ideas, learn from fellow developers. 

Resource library -Technical Knowledge Based articles, White Papers and Books - access the latest theory and thought leadership from the experts. Key information, techniques, fixes and strategies related to building and deploying DataFlex applications and related software solutions.

Need help starting out? There are a variety of training opportunities for novice and advanced developers alike. 

Join the DataFlex Community today - we look forward to hearing from you.

Asckey Data Services are the official UK based Data Access Channel Partners - contact us today on 0845 270 7747 for help and advice.

Asckey Data Services Ltd - Official Data Access UK Channel Partners  To discuss your DataFlex development and training requirements contact Asckey today on 0845 270 7747 or email