Dear Friends,

it is almost spring and we blossom again. Professor Margherita is back and she is going to shine in Tuckahoe in one week. Then we are busy with classes and Commedia dell'Arte presentation.

In April we are very excited to go back to Roma bringing for the first time ever outside the States a production by the Bedlam Company, a theater company we admire so much, one of the best in the NY theater scene (ask the NYTimes!).

Get ready also for In Scena and for a new version of Pirandello Six Characters... based on today's news. 

I think I have already said too much... Happy almost Spring everyone! See you at the theater... in Tuckahoe, NY and Roma!


Tuesday March 11 2016
Westchester Italian Cultural Center
A,B,C L'Italiano s'impara cosi'

An engaging, fun and entertaining play presented by
"Miss Margherita"

This hilarious journey through Italy starts with the three most common words in Italian: A as in Amore, B as in Buono, and C as in Citt�, cities with their different dialects. During the show, "Miss Margherita" captivates and involves the public as she explains and teaches Italian language starting from the art, literature, food, music and clich�s that are known to the American public.

Join us and meet the talented Professor Margherita
at the reception following the show.
Must register in advance and prepay.
Members $25, Non-Members $35
Westchester Italian Cultural Center
One Generoso Pope Place
Tuckahoe, NY
ITALIAN NEWS... in italian!
In occasione del Festival  Shakespeare Re-Loaded (19-28 Aprile Roma-Verona) organizzato da Teatro Argot Studio, Sycamore T Company, Casa Shakespeare, KIT Italia e Kairos Italy Theater per i 400 anni della morte di William Shakespeare, KIT presenta per la prima volta in Europa una produzione della compagnia Bedlam, una delle compagnie piu' importanti  di New York.

19 e 20 APRILE

Masterclass tenuta da STEPHAN WOLFERT (Bedlam)
presso TEATRO AZIONE a Roma
Solo per 20 attori!!!
Per informazioni dettagliate e prenotazioni, 
andare alla pagina DEDICATA

Coming Up

April 29 - Six Characters in search of a Country - based on Pirandello's work 
part of The Literary Mews 2016 PEN World Voices Festival at NYU

May 2-16 In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY FOURTH EDITION

May 18 Roberto Gatto Trio - presented in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in NY

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