MAY 2013


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About us 

KIT's mission is to create a cultural exchange program between Italy, the US and the international community, to unveil artistic and creative sides of these two countries to the world.


In the States, Kairos Italy Theater is dedicated to spreading the Italian Culture and to creating an Italian Cultural Network in order to support and further increase the knowledge of Italy in the States.

Dear Friends,

we are one month away!!! In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY is coming and I am very excited to present to you the great line-up of events. We have full productions, staged readings and special events for a Two Weeks-5 Boroughs Theater Party!

In the meantime, some YoungKIT members are busy acting in The Balcony by Genet produced by Horizon Theatre Rep. I am personally very proud of Francesco Andolfi, Carlotta Brentan and Jacopo Rampini: they are very talented and I wish them the best (and everything else we say in showbusiness) for this new adventure. 
And now: Check the Festival website, Download the Calendar, Read about the shows coming to In Scena! And Enjoy... 


IN SCENA! Italian Theater festival NY  

  June 10-20 2013 


Check In Scena! Teaser made by James Eades and Carlotta Brentan.

In scena! Teaser
In scena! Teaser


Download the Calendar of the Festival


On the occasion of the Year of Italian culture in the United States, Kairos Italy Theater, the preeminent Italian theater company in New York City, is organizing In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY the first Italian Theater Festival to take place in all five boroughs of the city: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten Island.


FULL PERFORMANCES (in Italian and English):

Solo Annawritten by Franco D'Alessandro, performed by Lidia Vitale, directed by Eva Minemar, produced by Tony Lepore/La Lupa Fest.   

Anna Magnani was the first non-American to ever win an Academy Award for Best Actress.  On the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of her death, this new one-woman show explores the many dramatic, funny and touching aspects of her illustrious acting career and fascinating life.  The play is winner of the Anna Magnani Award 2012 and Best Actress at the Enriquez Award - Citta' di Sirolo 2012.  Performed in English and Italian.


Niui�rc Niui�rc, written, directed and performed by Francesco Foti

A journey across the Big Apple, based on a true travel diary. A 'young' 40-year-old 'boy' finds himself disoriented in the big city. He gets lost in the streets, avenues and parks of Manhattan while meeting a unique collection of characters. A funny, tender and original story about finding yourself in a foreign city. Performed in English and Italian.


Jennu Brigannu (Once Upon a Time there were Brigands) by Vincenza Costantino, artistic collaboration Nino Racco, directed by Ernesto Orrico. With Dante de Rose, Manolo Muoio, Ernesto Orrico. Produced by Teatro della Ginestra. 

The stories of brigands during the unification of Italy as told by three actors in a stage that is set with three chairs only.  An impressive adventure in storytelling by a theater company, the Teatro della Ginestra, which has worked since 1995 to find new form of theater communication. The group focuses on the use of the Calabrian dialect as a language for a new form of theater, linked to the past yet experimenting into the future.  Performed in Calabrian Dialect with Supertitles.  
A Tribute to Mario Fratti: Three one acts by the author of "Nine," directed by Kevin Albert. In collaboration with Mare Nostrum Elements. The festival ends with three one acts by the renowned Italian author Mario Fratti: "Actors," "Dina and Alba" and "Missionaries."  Directed by Kevin Albert, performed in English.


Dealers of Souls (Venditori Di Anime) by Alberto Bassetti

Two men are negotiating the sale of an old theater. The buyer, who seems to be a shady theater entrepreneur, promises to restore it. Actually, he intends to turn it into a supermarket. A strange actress appears, who may bev a ghost of the theater, and saves the day. Performed in English.


The Fridge (Il Frigo) by Tommaso Avati, perfomed by Dave Johnson (in English).

A man used to work for an important American company, but he has just been fired. He is now unemployed and spends his days at home as his relationship with his wife crumbles. His wife and their monstrous child wake him up early one Sunday morning in order to go to the shopping mall and buy a new refrigerator - the ultimate symbol of "what used to be and is not anymore." But the trip to the shopping mall will bring something unexpected. Performed in English.


Marathon (La Maratona Di New York) by Edoardo Erba, adapted by Israel Horovitz, directed by Laura Caparrotti, with HBO's Boardwalk Empire Vincent Piazza and Bedlam's Ted Lewis.

Winner of the Premio Candoni 1992; debuted at Teatro Due di Parma 1993 starring Italian stars Luca Zingaretti and Bruno Armando.

Two friends are training for the New York Marathon. But it is a strange night: one of them cannot recognize the path, nor does he remember how he got there.  Performed in English. 


Mornings At Ten To Four (Le Mattine Dieci Alle Quattro) by Luca De Bei, translated by Carlotta Brentan, directed by Laura Caparrotti, With Drew Bruck, Carlotta Brentan, Yosef Podolsky.

Winner of several awards, including the 2010 Golden Graal Award for Best Directing and Le Maschere del Teatro Award 2011 as Best Original Italian play. Finalist of the Enrico Maria Salerno Theatre Award 2007 and of the Riccione Theatre Award 2009. The play debuted in Rome in 2009 and was published in Italy in 2010.

Every morning, at ten to four, three youths - a construction worker, a Romanian immigrant, and a girl - meet at the same bus stop. The setting is the suburbs of Rome, the time is the present. In the background are a love story, a friendship, and the controversial theme of death due to unsafe working conditions on construction sites. The lives of the three characters are told through the vivid slang of the slums.  Performed in English.




Voices in the Desert (Voci Nel Deserto)

Winner of the Pier Paolo Pasolini Award 2013, Rome, Italy.

A concert of voices from the past, made in several languages, to recycle memory and understand that what is true now was true and important decades, even centuries ago.

Born from an idea by Italian author Marco Melloni, "Voices in the Desert" aims to collect fragments of thinking from the past in order to recycle memory. Fragments from literature, theater and public speeches of important international figures which hold deep resonance with current events are performed as a "concert of voices." All references to the authors and the time period of origin are given only after the reading of each fragment. The surprise is that what appears to have been written today might have been written decades if not centuries ago. The performance is multi-lingual. Fragments are read in their original languages and sometimes in the languages they have been translated to. 



A night celebrating Italian theater. The program includes live performances, readings and homages to Italian playwrights from all eras. International guests are also invited to perform works of Italian theater in translation as well as to share their experiences in Italian theater (guests TBA).

Appearing: The YoungKIT, KIT-Kairos Italy theater, Simona Rodano, Anabella Lenzu Dance Company, Mare Nostrum Elements... and more to be announced!


 Logo 2013


Support is provided by the Consulate General of Italy in New York and Ferrero USA Inc. as part of the 2013 Year of Italian Culture in the United States, an initiative held under the auspices of the President of the Italian Republic, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Italy in Washington with the support of the Corporate Ambassadors Eni and Intesa Sanpaolo in collaboration with the General Consulate of Italy In New York.

In Scena! is co-presented by Mare Nostrum Elements, KIT Italia, the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at NYU, the Italian Culture Institute in New York, The Italian Cultural Foundation at Casa Belvedere on Staten Island, JACK, AnabellaLenzu DanceDrama in Brooklyn, Inwood Shakespeare Festival, Moose Hall Company, Figment, Little Italy Bronx, Belmont New York Public Library in the Bronx, Brindiamo! On NYC Channel 25, 42mm, America Oggi,  Alto Jonio Dance Festival and the Italian International Dance Festival.




Brindiamo Promo In Scena
Brindiamo Promo In Scena


BRINDIAMO! is broadcast on NYC TV Life channel 25 Wednesday at 11PM, Saturday at 1PM and Sunday at 1:30PM.

For more info:



We are currently seeking passionate and competent filmmaking students with their own equipment to intern with us for the duration of the festival, and we were hoping you could help us by circulating the following notice amongst your students and/or posting it on appropriate bulletin boards in your institution. 


It's a great opportunity for students to gain professional experience in a fun environment - and to have a chance to have their work - appropriately credited, of course - be used in professional promotional materials during and following the festival. Credits available.



We are looking for New York City-based photography interns who are available between 8th and 20th June 2013. Our interns will be in charge of attending Festival events and capturing the essence of the Festival with their snapshots. We are searching for reliable, hard working and enthusiastic photographers with some relevant experience, who are able to provide their own equipment.


This position is unpaid, but provides a great opportunity to hone your skills and to showcase your work: select photographic material produced during the internship will be used to widely promote the Festival online and in publications during and after the event. All material will be appropriately credited. School credits.   


Photographers will be guided and coordinated by Stefano Corso, Italian photographer currently living and teaching between Rome and Berlin. His work was awarded with the Honorable Mention at IPA (International Photography Awards). In 2010 his photo Surprise! was designed as Picture of the year byFWA and his photo Red Rain sold thousands of copies all over the world last year. He has organized in Rome several personal and collective exhibition. He is among the founders of 42mm , Cultural Society of Photographic Arts.



If interested, send an email to [email protected]

Teatro Italiano Network
Need tech crew, PRs, Consultants, Translations, Adaptations? Are you dreaming of bringing your theater performance, your film, exhibition to NY and you don't know how to do it?
Now you can ask the experts! 

 is proud 
to celebrate with 
MaGa production the US debut of
 "Working Women War"