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Temple of the Goddess
Summer Solstice Ritual & Celebration
June 28, 2014
Sun Goddess Suncatcher


"The seasons and all their changes are in me."

                        --Henry David Thoreau.


The Wheel of the Year spins and we come together to honor the turning of the seasons and the Earth's never-ending cycles of life. We lift our arms to the Sun and welcome the power and passion of our magical intentions to grow the garden of our lives and the Earth.  


Special Thanks to 
Tom Armbruster 
& the Spiritual Artists at  
Center for Awakening Consciousness 
for your beautiful support 
in our ritual celebration 
of the Earth and Her Blessed Seasons.



June 28, 2014

Temple of the Goddess Summer Solstice Celebration & Ritual



Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. It is sometimes referred to as Midsummer's Night as it is the shortest night of the year. With the Sun's power full and long, this is the time of fertility realized. After Summer Solstice, the circle begins its turn once again toward shorter days and longer nights. We celebrate the growing power of the summer's sun and the inner fires of our own creativity and passions.


Newcomer's Meeting
Before the Ritual  


If this is your first Temple of the Goddess Ritual or you just have questions, meet with Rev. Xia in the lobby before the ritual. Bring your questions, fears, hopes, and desires. Newcomer's Meeting in Lobby at 6:45pm, before the ritual.


Summer Solstice

Ritual & Celebration

June 28, 2014
7:30 PM
Doors Open 7:00
Church of Truth - Center for Awakening Consciousness,  Pasadena, CA

NOTE: Families with children, please come early for a seat down front so your children don't miss anything!






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The theme for our 2014 ritual productions is Magic. This year is dedicated to an exploration into Magic and the lessons of transformation found in the Earth and Her seasons. With each Turn of the Wheel we embrace the inherent potential of magic and possibility.

Embrace the Magic 
 of your Passion and Power


As Pagans, our teachings are found in nature, the seasons, cycles, and the cosmos . . . all of which are in a constant state of flux. We have no Bible, Torah, or Bhagavad Gita . . . but in nature we find the reflection/lessons for how to grow, live consciously, and create the life we deserve. For Pagans, Earth magic is a given. We understand the clarion call of life for annual resurrection and transformation. What we are bringing to our ritual theatre celebrations in 2014 are mythic lessons of the magic that powers the changing seasons.


Temple of the Goddess' Mythic Players invite you to join us in 2014 as we journey into the realm of magic . . . the magic of the Earth, the alchemy of seasons, and the magic of our own focused intentions as we grow the garden of our lives.  


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With Crow as a mythic guide, our ritual theatre celebrations in 2014 are mythic lessons about our own inherent magic when we connect to the cyclical growth of the seasons and the spiritual tools of intention, passion, gratitude, and gestation.

As a Shamanic totem, Crow dwells outside the realm of time and space with the power of shape-shifting and transformation. Crow, guardian of ceremonial magic and healing, knows the unknowable mysteries of creation and is the guide to change in consciousness that will bring about a new reality. Crow offers the courage to enter the darkness of the void, to create form and matter from the magic of our conscious intentions.


Crow with Spring Maiden at Spring Equinox


Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, is the time for nurturing the seeds we planted in the spring, the time for weeding and pruning that which would limit our harvests. The sun is hot in the bright, azure sky, ready to pour its energy into our projects, but we must have open arms and an open heart, ready to accept its abundance.


Our evening of ritual theatre opens with a song welcoming the Sun, and the power of growth and life that She offers us. As the Sun Goddess enters the sanctuary, we offer prayers of gratitude for the love, light, and joy the Sun Goddess spreads across the land. We honor Her for sending the power of the Sun to help us magically, and passionately, grow the garden of our dreams.


  Summer Soltice Sun Goddess 2010

The Summer myth and enactment unfolds with a modern retelling of the myth of Amaterasu, the Japanese Sun Goddess, and her brother, Susono'o, the great storm God who learns a lesson in power.

Temple of the Goddess, and The Mythic Players, invite you to join us for an evening of art and ritual theatre in celebration of Summer.

Photos Courtesy of Charles "BeautySeer" Elliott

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Celebrating the Seasons: Summer Solstice 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Arrival: 6:30-6:45 PM, Doors Open: 7:00 PM, Ritual: 7:30-9:00 PM 



A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Church of Truth
690 E. Orange Grove Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104 
Temple of the Goddess: 626-765-7959

Temple of the Goddess offers seasonal celebrations for families and community at the Church of Truth in Pasadena. Multi-media ritual theatre combining, music, myth, visual art, dance, liturgy, spoken word, and participatory theatre which fuses drum and dance with personal enactment to re-connect us to the seasons and the Earth. Click here to download flyer.    

In Celebration of the Fire of the Solstice Sun
Special Guest Fire Dancer: Jennifer Otenti

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by Wendy Rule


You were bound you were lost you were captured
With your infinite soul counting hours
In a web where each thread held a future
And the future holds infinite powers

You are braver than mythical heroes
You have rescued the child of the dreamland
You have conquered the beast of the shadow
The universe is centered on where you stand

Feel the world at your feet
Freedom calls you from time
And all because you shine
You are drinking the nectar divine

You have broken the rings that hold Saturn
you are shedding the clothes of your sorrow
and the summer is singing its passion
And the universe calls you to follow

Feel the world at your feet
Freedom calls you from time
And all because you shine
You are drinking the nectar divine.