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Temple of the Goddess
Spring Equinox Ritual & Celebration
March 22, 2014
celebrating spring


"The seasons and all their changes are in me."

                        --Henry David Thoreau.


The Wheel of the Year spins and we come together to honor the turning of the seasons and the Earth's never-ending cycles of life. We open our arms to Spring and the transformative magic of renewal and resurrection of the Earth.  



March 22, 2014

Temple of the Goddess Spring Equinox Celebration & Ritual



Spring Equinox is the time of bursting forth, of realizing the potentials of Winter Solstice and Candlemas. On the equinoxes light and dark are equal in a moment's balance. The Spring Equinox is the time of conception, when the rising light is ascending and overcomes darkness.


Newcomer's Meeting
Before the Ritual  


If this is your first Temple of the Goddess Ritual or you just have questions, meet with Rev. Xia in the lobby before the ritual. Bring your questions, fears, hopes, and desires. Newcomer's Meeting in Lobby at 6:45pm, before the ritual.


Spring Equinox Ritual & Celebration

March 22, 2014
7:30 PM
Doors Open 7:00
Church of Truth - Center for Awakening Consciousness,  Pasadena, CA

NOTE: Families with children, please come early for a seat down front so your children don't miss anything!



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The theme for our 2014 ritual productions is Magic. Following our 2013 Year of New Directions, we begin an exploration into Magic and the lessons of transformation found in the Earth and Her seasons. With each Turn of the Wheel, most especially in Spring, we embrace the inherent potential of magic and possibility.

Go Forth and Claim Your Destiny 


As Pagans, our teachings are found in nature, the seasons, cycles, and the cosmos . . . all of which are in a constant state of flux. We have no Bible, Torah, or Bhagavad Gita . . . but in nature we find the reflection/lessons for how to grow, live consciously, and create the life we deserve. For Pagans, Earth magic is a given. We understand the clarion call of life for annual resurrection and transformation. What we are bringing to our ritual theatre celebrations in 2014 are mythic lessons of the magic that powers the changing seasons.


Join Temple of the Goddess' Mythic Players in 2014 as we journey into the realm of magic . . . the magic of the Earth, the alchemy of seasons, and the magic of our own focused intentions as we grow the garden of our lives.  


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With Crow as a mythic guide, our ritual theatre celebrations in 2014 are mythic lessons about our own inherent magic when we connect to the cyclical growth of the seasons and the spiritual tools of intention, passion, gratitude, and gestation.

As a Shamanic totem, Crow dwells outside the realm of time and space with the power of shape-shifting and transformation. Crow, guardian of ceremonial magic and healing, knows the unknowable mysteries of creation and is the guide to change in consciousness that will bring about a new reality. Crow offers the courage to enter the darkness of the void, to create form and matter from the magic of our conscious intentions.


The dark Crone of Winter awakens the Spring Maiden telling her, "It is time for you to leave the safety of the dark. My time has come to an end. I have watched over you and all the Earth while you slept and dreamed. The Cycle of Life no longer needs these old eyes to watch, these hands to protect, this heart to hold the stillness of the dark. And I am tired. The rhythm of the dance changes, for now you must journey from the comfort of winter's cave and seek that which you need to bring life to the Earth and give form to the seeds you have been dreaming.  Behold. The rhythm of the dance changes. Spring is coming."


This year's Spring Equinox Celebration is on March 22, 2014. Journey with us as Crow guides the Spring Maiden onto a new path. With your personal integrity as your compass, be prepared to let go of your old thinking and embrace a new way of viewing yourself and the world.



Images from top: Ostara by Helena Nelson-Reed, Crow detail on Morrigan by Sharon Aur



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Our evening of ritual theatre opens with a song and dance as we explore the power of Spring and the magic and renewal of resurrection that we must each go through annually as new life is regenerated with the cycle of Spring. In song, dance, and spoken word, we explore the power of myth and remembering. At this time we celebrate the magic and power of the Earth to resurrect herself each spring as we too resurrect the seeds of our goals and dreams which have been stored for safe-keeping during the dark of winter.

When the Spring Maiden doubts her ability to move forward and is fearful about the future, the Crone assures her, "Of course you are afraid. The unknown is always scary. That's why you must find your inner courage, so you can go forth and claim your destiny with hope, passion, clarity, and will. These are the things you must find to make of your life, and the Earth, the garden you dreamed it to be. Now go forth and claim your destiny."


Go Forth and Claim Your Destiny

Journey with us as we follow the Spring Maiden guided by the wise, trickster Crow as she meets the Elemental Guardians and seeks the hope, passion, clarity, and will to grow her dream seeds and fulfill her divine destiny.

Temple of the Goddess, and The Mythic Players, invite you to join us for an evening of art and ritual theatre in celebration of Spring.

Image: Goddess of the Forest Linda Peltola

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Celebrating the Seasons: Spring Equinox

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Arrival: 6:30-6:45 PM, Doors Open: 7:00 PM, Ritual: 7:30-9:00 PM 



Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness
690 E. Orange Grove Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104 
Temple of the Goddess: 626-765-7959

Temple of the Goddess offers seasonal celebrations for families and community at the Church of Truth in Pasadena. Multi-media ritual theatre combining, music, myth, visual art, dance, liturgy, spoken word, and participatory theatre which fuses drum and dance with personal enactment to re-connect us to the seasons and the Earth. Click here to download flyer.    

butterfly bar

Myth Magic

by Kan'Nal 

Myth and magic are one and the same thing
Mixed in life they dance and dream
Off in a hole behind the sunrise
Look into the sun set ruby red fire
Water dragon
Swims the horizon
Chasing his tail and drawing circles

Myth magic - you are the myth
Myth magic - follow your bliss
Myth magic - what is this
That you speak of
I don't think I know this one
Myth magic - you are the myth
Myth magic - follow your bliss
Myth magic - what is this
That you dream of
These are stories never been told

Buried like a treasure waiting for discoverers
Underneath the secrets of every lover
Only the heart can hear that voice
Ain't no "God" gonna burn your soul in damnation
Oh No, but maybe you will
The days of "The One" who's gonna come back
and save you are here
inside of you all
inside of us all

Myth magic - you are the myth
Myth magic - follow your bliss
Myth magic - what is this
That you dream of
I don't think I know that one
Myth magic - you are the myth
Myth magic - follow your bliss
Myth magic - what is this
That you speak of
These are stories never been told


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