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Temple of the Goddess
Hallows Eve Ritual & Celebration
October 27, 2012

"The seasons and all their changes are in me."

                                --Henry David Thoreau 


The Wheel of the Year spins and we come together to honor the turning of the seasons and the Earth's never-ending cycles of life. We remember, and honor, our beloved ancestors and the lives they lived.  


We remind ourselves it is time to Slow Down and synchronize our internal rhythms with the rhythm of the Earth. As we prepare ourselves for the coming dark of winter, we honor those who have gone before us and connect to the healing power of the Earth.  


In this year of change we seek guidance and wisdom . . . not just the inevitability of change but how we approach, embrace, and integrate change into our lives. As we, once again, begin our descent into the season of winter and prepare ourselves for the coming dark, we give thanks for the bounty of the Earth's harvest that will carry us through the dark times and into the rebirth of Spring.  


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October 27, 2012

Temple of the Goddess

Hallows Eve

Ritual & Celebration  



Samhain or Hallows Eve is the new year, the time when the veil between this world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. It marks the onset of a darker, more introspective time of year. The theme of Hallows Eve is honoring darkness, memory of the dead, communication with the spirit world, and purification for the future.






Newcomer's Meeting  

 Before the Ritual  



If this is your first Temple of the Goddess Ritual or you just have questions, meet with Priestess Kamala in the lobby before the ritual. Bring your questions, fears, hopes, and desires. Newcomer's Meeting in Lobby at 5:45pm, before the ritual.


Hallows Eve Ritual & Celebration

October 27, 2012
6:30 PM
Doors Open 6:00
Neighborhood Unitarian Church, Pasadena


NOTE: Families with children, please come early for a seat down front so your children don't miss anything!



Our evening of ritual theatre opens with music and dance honoring Samhain. Enveloped in candlelight, we cross over the mythic Hallows Veil offering song, spoken word, and dance with live temple serpents to cross over that magical, mystical place where there is no time or space, where all magic is possible, where  we stand . . .  


Neither day nor night,

neither one place nor another

Forward or backward, water or sky

Neither here nor there, self nor other

Line shifting mirror world, waking or sleeping

Being or not being, ebb or flow

Breathing and not breathing, above or below



What will it take to cross over?

Thought beyond mind

What will it take to cross over?

Will beyond fear.

What will it take to cross over?

Faith beyond will.

What will it take to cross over?

A mirror that dissolves me

(Wendy Rule)


Medusa by Aly Fell Upon entering the mythic realm, we courageously face our fear in the form and countenance of the horrifically mythic, and feared, MEDUSA.  


This Hallows Eve, as we stalk our fears, grasping our courage and the all encompassing power of change, we remember and call forth the myth of Medusa. You think you know her story . . . a scary, evil woman with snakes as hair who turns people to stone?  


Medusa, a mythic Goddess, one of the many stories of the feminine that got turned upside down. Medusa's name in Greek, means Guardian and Protectress.  How has She been protecting you? 


Snakes in Ancient Greece were a symbol of change, rebirth, and power. Beautiful Medusa, with serpents coming out of her head, turns us to stone . . . marble, and dares us to slow down and face our greatest fears because that is where our power lies.  



Meeting Medusa is an opportunity for you, for all of us, to go within, look into that most frightening place of all, the Mirror of Self, and face that which frightens us most. There are critical, archetypal times in our lives when the Spirit of Medusa calls to us, calls us to change, to grow, to be more than we ever dreamed we could be. 

Medusa artist unknown

Join with us as we follow our mythic heroine, Adrastea, an every day warrioress who dares enter Medusa's realm to seek a treasure, a wealth of self-knowledge that will unlock the future, the unknown, the possibilities of greatness that lies within each of us. 


Temple of the Goddess, and The Mythic Players, invite you to join us for an evening of art and ritual theatre in celebration of Hallows Eve. Come and dance with us, slow down in this beautiful winter season, look into the Mirror within, find and confront those fears which keep you from living your fullest destiny as a Child of the Divine.  


Let Medusa enfold you in Her wings, encompassing Heaven and Earth. Reach out . . . come share this evening, meet the mighty Medusa, and embrace the lessons your soul seeks now at this critical time of change.  


Dark Wings


I'm going down, down into soil

I'm going down, dark wings will guide me


And know the way, for I have been there

So many times, I cannot count them

And though I know I will return when

When the deed is done, when the seed is growing


My heart is scared, my limbs are shaking

Its seems too cruel to have to do this


Over and over, over and over

Why can't I find some secret passage?

To take me there, without the pain

My midnight wings beating in beauty


My conscious mind, my core of wisdom

Honors the dark, essential journey

But when I'm crying, when I'm crying

Its feels so hard, hard to remember


I'm going down, down into soil

I'm going down, dark wings will guide me.

(Wendy Rule) 


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No matter where you are in your personal evolution, if you love the Earth and want to celebrate with like-minded folks who are honoring the seasons and cycles of the Earth . . . in song, poetry, and dance, join us, come together in community and celebrate the Wheel of the Seasons and the Cycles of Life. 


 In the Name of the Dance  

 You don't have to speak

You can do it in the dance

You don't have to hide

You are safe within the dance


All of us are free

In the heart of the dance

So mote it be

In the name of the dance


You don't have to speak

You can do it in the dance

You don't have to hide

You are safe within the dance


All of us are free

In the heart of the dance

So mote it be

In the name of the dance


You don't have to speak

You can do it in the dance

You don't have to hide

You are safe within the dance


All of us are free

In the heart of the dance

So mote it be

In the name of the dance


The circle is here

It lives in each of us

In perfect love

And perfect trust


The circle is here

It lives in each of us

In perfect love

And perfect trust


The circle is here

It lives in each of us

In perfect love

And perfect trust

(SJ Tucker)

moon phases
Celebrating the Seasons: Hallows Eve 

Saturday, October 27, 2012, 6:30 PM


Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church
301 N. Orange Grove Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91103
Website: www.TempleoftheGoddess.org 


Temple of the Goddess offers seasonal celebrations for families and community at the Neighborhood Church in Pasadena. Multi-media ritual theater combining, music, myth, visual art, dance, liturgy, spoken word, and participatory theatre which fuses drum and dance with personal enactment to re-connect us to the seasons and the Earth.

Click here to download flyer for the evening. 

Witch's Rune  


Darksome night and shining moon

Balance of the dark and light
Hearken ye our witch's rune
As we perform our sacred rite

With earth and water, air and fire
By blade and bowl and circle round
We come to you with our desire
Let all that is hidden now be found

With censor, candle, book and sword
And ringing of the altar bell
We tie a knot within our cord
To bind our magic in a spell

Mother of the summer fields
Goddess of the silver moon
Join with us as power builds
Dance with us our witch's rune

Father of the Summer dew
Hunter of the winter snows
With open arms we welcome you
Dance with us as power grows

Dance with us a witches rune

By all the light of moon and sun
By all the might of land and sea
Chant the rune and it is done
As we will it, so mote it be

(SJ Tucker)