Dear Friend,

The holiday season brings to mind the many reasons that Resource Center has to be thankful for this year, particularly supporters like you. Over the last year, the Center has been able to impact the lives of over 2,700 low-income people living with HIV and has made strides in the expansion of programming for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, especially youth. The Center could not have accomplished such feats without the volunteer hours, in-kind donations, event attendance, Facebook "likes" and financial support from the greater Resource Center community made up of generous, loyal people like you.

I'd like to introduce you to someone whose life have been forever changed by Resource Center.
Meet Dorothy

2014 has been a rough year for Dorothy. Although she has been a regular shopper at Resource Center's food pantry for several years, Dorothy had a major health crisis and became dangerously underweight. Despite recently starting a new HIV medication regimen, Dorothy was barely hanging on to life. While she often felt depressed and depended on a walker or wheelchair to get around, Dorothy tried her best to continue her weekly trips to the Center's food pantry. At the pantry, Dorothy was able to choose the food items she needed to help her gain weight and reduce the side effects of her intensive HIV drug therapy. Over the course of several months, Dorothy's health began to improve. Dorothy's medical case manager, who evaluates her health at her food pantry visits, said:

I wasn't sure if Dorothy was going to make it. She was so thin and looked hopeless. When I see her today, it's like seeing a person who came back to life. She is so happy about the weight she's gained and proud to have 'gotten her body back.' The Center's food pantry really helped Dorothy get the nutrition she needed to grow stronger and ultimately played a role in saving her life.
Please remember Dorothy, and all the other members of our community when considering your gift to Resource Center this year.

On behalf of the staff and Board of Directors of Resource Center, and most importantly, the men, women and children whose lives will be enriched because of your generosity, I thank you for your consideration.

Cece Cox, J.D.
Chief Executive Officer